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12th Sep 2020, 15:32
Hi everyone,

As a senior Aircraft Maintenance Engineer/Technician, what would you suggest to someone,who is just starting off as a mechanic in large airline ?

What things would you tell yourself if you could go back right when you started your career ? e.g : Advices on how to quickly and efficiently gain experience etc

I hope this Thread serves as reference to many newcomers such as myself.
Everyone input is valuable so thank you in advance.

Tobikan Judan
13th Sep 2020, 11:23
Buy your own basic set of tools. (if not provided).
Ask plenty of questions.
Familiarise yourself with how the aircraft systems work (read description/operation in the AMM each time you perform a new task). A couple of apprentices I work with are regularly performing a removal/replacement without knowing what the component does.
Be able to take constructive criticism and learn from it.
Try and enjoy your job.

Just a few things on an endless list that I'm sure others will add to!

14th Sep 2020, 08:08
Accept tasks without complaining. Cleaning drip trays, flap and landing gear bays, removing and treating corrosion, de-panelling and replacing floor beam anchor-nuts is dreary work but showing willing and doing a good job will get you noticed and you'll move up a step or two. Complete servicing documents fully and correctly (work carried out in accordance with the relevant AMM section & paragraph etc, / recording part, serial, batch numbers and tool calibration dates) and you'll get on well with your certifying engineers.
Leave your mobile phone in your locker.

14th Sep 2020, 19:20
No matter how mundane the task they give you and how dirty it is.... you are learning and the reason they are giving you these tasks is to teach you the aircraft and all it’s idiosyncrasies, we have all done it and each and every section from wheels and brakes eventually build up to understanding the complete aircraft.

Krystal n chips
15th Sep 2020, 06:55
As has been said, ask questions.....there's no such thing as a "daft question " .....and again , as has been said, be prepared for all the mundane and dirty jobs initially because we've all been in your position . Hopefully, you'll be allocated a mentor who should guide you as you progress.

Always read the AMM........and also read as many Flight Safety publications as you can.

The big one as it where,

At some point, you are going to make mistakes......so please, always tell somebody. We all make mistakes and the key point is to learn from them. Human Factors are often dismissed by the dinosaurs as being irrelevant. But, there's always causal factors involved when mistakes occur and it's essential these can be openly discussed and analysed.

Also, try and think of your new occupation like this. Crews / pax are dependent on your skills and integrity....so would you be happy to fly in, along with your family. something you've maintained ?

Oh, and you're going to need a sense of humour......trust me, it more than helps.

15th Sep 2020, 15:34
Good point by K'n C about mistakes. The person that never made one never made anything. Another point worth mentioning is personal discipline in seeing tasks through even though they're uncomfortable and difficult. For example, you're going to come across landing gear lubrication points that won't accept grease. They're often awkward to get to and there's always the temptation to leave them for the next scheduled check. Maybe a mechanic has overlooked them on a previous check and your diligence could prevent a component hang-up. Little things can matter a great deal in aviation. You'll hear a few crew-room stories about that.