View Full Version : Hydrocele surgery

11th Aug 2020, 20:05
Anyone had this done ?

Curious as to your experience, was the result of surgery as expected / hoped for or were there any unplanned complications

There is an alternative to surgery involving needle aspiration and I wonder if that was successful for anyone

11th Aug 2020, 21:04
Hydrocele surgery is well proven and not particularly serious. If it is causing trouble, surgery is definitive.

11th Aug 2020, 22:26
Aspiration will confirm the diagnosis (but an astute clinician will accomplish as much with a flashlight). Surgery is curative, and aspiration will essentially always result in a recurrence.

11th Aug 2020, 22:28
Had this done when I was about 15.

Still a little larger and a little misshapen, but nothing that has held me back in any way at all, in my early 20s most women never even realized, no partner has ever laughed or had to bring up a conversation about it, some even claimed that there were benefits to the extra weight.... I was offered an aesthetic surgery after the stitches were out and the swelling and bruising were gone, I turned it down.

Needle aspiration is essentially a waste of time (or at least it was 22 years ago) has the change of it recurring repetitively is high... but hey... if you like sticking needles into your balls on the regular... I ain't going to judge!

12th Aug 2020, 02:39
Yes I had this done a few years ago. Was expecting to be back flying after 48 hours due to anaesthetic but it didn't work out quite like that. Back home after surgery was fine, walking around without a care in the world. Next day.... oh dear.... heavily bruised to the extent that I looked like a different ethnicity.... walking around like I had been riding a horse for 24 hours... to be honest it ached like you wouldn't believe. I guess the surgeon had been a bit rough as my son had previously had the same surgery and his parts didn't change colour... I had also upset the surgeons secretary a few days before so maybe that was the cause? However a week later fine.. and was back flying then. Was it worth it..... well I was pretty fed up walking around with a swollen achy nut for years and it cured that so yes would be my answer.

13th Aug 2020, 15:41
My surgeon was speaking to me with a heavy lisp... telling me not to worry, and that soon I would wake up and be drinking chicken soup after the surgery" I laughed at him and said something along the lines of, I know you are joking and that you'll do a good job.... I later discovered that he had a cleft palate and that is in fact how he speaks... I often wonder how my life would have been different had I not have laughed in the face of the genetic disorder that the guy that operated on my nuts had.....

... In other news, thanks for this thread, actually pleasant to not feel I am alone on this one... At least we now have somewhere to point people who ask "who has the biggest balls in aviation"... right?