View Full Version : Putting a photo on Pprune

22nd Jul 2020, 02:52
Question: Many years ago I used Photobucket as an image hosting website for putting photos on Pprune. Had no problems. Photobucket is not free anymore although the cost is minimal. But Photo bucket seems awfully complicated and it lost me. Recently I have pored through Pprune advice and FAQ on the subject but confess I am thoroughly confused. Do Pprune readers recommend sticking with Photobucket or can recommend something less complicated?

Would greatly appreciate clear and concise advice on putting photos on Pprune allowing for the fact that my brain computing power is not as fast as I would like.

22nd Jul 2020, 04:15

So would I. I have tried copying photos onto Word documents and then pasting on PPRuNe, the words paste OK but not the image. I would welcome some clear and precise instructions

22nd Jul 2020, 04:23

So would I. I have tried copying photos onto Word documents and then pasting on PPRuNe, the words paste OK but not the image. I would welcome some clear and precise instructions

I think pprune allows you to upload photos directly to it's system. Just use the photo icon in the message editor. It'll ask you to upload a pic then it'll embed it in the post.

Global Aviator
22nd Jul 2020, 04:38
https://cimg1.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1504/87018ba9_54c1_48ef_b837_f2e27177f0ae_e5ed4a7a10adb0353643c74 8dc8c1566bf15fd0f.jpeg
Ya learn something Everyday!!!

22nd Jul 2020, 04:51
I'm still using Photobucket since i'm used to this already. But it'll be a great addition to PPRuNe for sure

22nd Jul 2020, 05:55
Centuraus, click on the box to the right of the smiley face in the header bar, a box with instructions will open and is all self explanatory. One yellow caption will show "Brouse your device" and you can upload direct from your computer.

22nd Jul 2020, 06:21
imgur.com also works a treat.

22nd Jul 2020, 07:42
Test flight image only -:) Always wondered how to post an image, seemed too long winded before -:)

22nd Jul 2020, 08:01

Thought I'd give it a try and WOW, it worked. Thanks

https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/512x352/boac_vc10s_and_707s_a45bb7bce67c64afab04463cf91004b52d9e1cf7 .jpg

MJA Chaser
22nd Jul 2020, 08:31
Yes, it does work much easier now

22nd Jul 2020, 10:30
https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1504/3889a4e5_e973_40b2_8fb5_32a6f79a8b55_25ef16a6766d7b5a5f9442c efe694863390a5b91.png

22nd Jul 2020, 11:41
Bax seat was great.

22nd Jul 2020, 14:51

Wonderful, it reminds me of when I used to fly a Tiger Moth.

22nd Jul 2020, 15:18
Centuraus, click on the box to the right of the smiley face in the header bar, a box with instructions will open and is all self explanatory. One yellow caption will show "Brouse your device" and you can upload direct from your computer.

Megan and others. Thank you for the quick responses. Very much appreciated.

Capn Bloggs
23rd Jul 2020, 00:29
So Centaurus, what will it be? We're all waiting! :)

23rd Jul 2020, 11:23
I think it works :-)

23rd Jul 2020, 11:25
Centaurus. You are a genius and a scholar (not to mention a gentleman) Now all I have to do is remember how to do this.



gassed budgie
23rd Jul 2020, 11:35
.....whilst we’re waiting for Centaurus.....

https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1582x630/63bb2dd8_0f7e_4ac3_acb8_affa7b21426f_8f2fe7f5bd88956d8d72c9d 21543ba0a6260ae9d.jpeg

....the ultimate piston twin.

tail wheel
24th Jul 2020, 03:33
Now you've worked out how to post photos can you please keep them relatively low resolution? Other wise the page gets distorted - or I need to buy a bigger screen.......... :}

Capn Bloggs
24th Jul 2020, 03:58
can you please keep them relatively low resolution? Other wise the page gets distorted
I think you mean size. Not happening here. That mossie above has a width 1582 pixels, but Prune is scaling it down as I reduce the width of the PC browser window (the above is also scaling nicely on Android). There's no point in posting a pic that's 4000 pixels wide, but otherwise, I don't think there's a problem with the new Prune displaying pictures, whatever size they are.

24th Jul 2020, 04:04
That mossie above

Wash your mouth out! That's a Hornet.

Capn Bloggs
24th Jul 2020, 04:15
Woooppsie! Sorry. :{ :ouch:

Whatever it's called, it looks good. All companies should have one in the hangar for weekend relief!

24th Jul 2020, 04:17
Shriveled but still good.
https://www.thespruceeats.com/thmb/z9bbwogSO4JAPiiJPDkju5AwTEE=/960x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(we bp)/prune_getty2400-56a496a65f9b58b7d0d7b4a4.jpg

24th Jul 2020, 04:30
One of your nuts, 'Hokistix?

24th Jul 2020, 04:38
One of your nuts, 'Hokistix?
Dried nuts? Ssshhhh....... I wish. (Offered as a humble compliment to Pprune.)

25th Jul 2020, 03:01
PPrune rule on picture sizePicture size must not exceed 850x850 pixels MAXIMUM, to avoid the PPRuNe thread viewing window becoming too large,.there are too many pics that are greater than the size we like. Which is 850 x 850. This size stops the spread of a page laterally and avoids having to scroll sideways to see a write up https://www.pprune.org/spectators-balcony-spotters-corner/203481-image-posting-pprune-guide.html

Senior Pilot
25th Jul 2020, 04:48
PPrune rule on picture sizehttps://www.pprune.org/spectators-balcony-spotters-corner/203481-image-posting-pprune-guide.html

Since that was a 2005 post, things have moved on in PPRuNeLand. Whilst some of the advice is still valid for linking to online images, the Manage Attachments feature is by far the easiest way to go.

The current (new) upload will accept larger resolutions and the file size generally becomes the criteria for rejection. When PPRuNe advises the image failed to upload (usually after hanging at about 50% upload) the solution is often to reduce the file size. Not always, but often enough to be an indication not to try to upload 20mb files!

Resolution will be resized automatically to fit, so with respect to tailwheel that is no longer an issue :ok:

Capn Bloggs
25th Jul 2020, 06:59
Megan, an ops manual that is out of date. Whatever next! :E

26th Jul 2020, 01:49
Glad that's sorted Capn, now I don't have to do all that resizing malarky, learn something new every day.

Capn Rex Havoc
26th Jul 2020, 07:08
https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/640x435/95fe83bc_01bd_4d45_a6be_7895597cca1a_1_105_c_63d0d6ab0892e90 d44689bac3c1f03c518d59e90.jpeg
Testing the photo insert thingo - thanks Centaurus