View Full Version : Looking for RAAF Lincoln Associates

16th Jul 2020, 13:24
A request for help!

I’m looking for past Avro Lincoln aircrew, maintainers, operations staff and other RAAF members associated with the aeroplane during both its Bomber and Maritime Patrol guises for a project I’m embarking upon.

A story not well told (noting Stewart Wilson’s excellent work that is to date the only large reference on Australian Lincoln History) both in terms of the aircrafts construction in Australia and its operational service, I hope to right that wrong in due course.

Any help would be graciously appreciated.

16th Jul 2020, 17:14
You must be joking!
Have you not heard of the legendary Centaurus? He has written much on here about the Lincoln.

tail wheel
16th Jul 2020, 18:02
Centaurus has even written a book about his exploits which makes great reading.

17th Jul 2020, 11:05
No first-hand knowledge but was reading of a Lincoln intercepting an American ‘superfortress’ over Truscott airfield in WA after the Monte Bello islands nuclear tests (p 136, “Australia’s Bid for the Atomic Bomb”) - seemingly both collecting samples of the fallout - only one legally.

Many other references to Lincolns in this book including their role in Operation ‘Cumulative’ which, as as I understand it, were trials for the dropping of nuclear weapons