View Full Version : Kiowa (IOC) VOR lat/long

5th Jul 2020, 19:40
Before Stapleton Airport closed down and became DIA, there was the Kiowa (IOC I think) VOR out on the eastern plans.I know it has been gone for years and years, but I am trying to find it's lat and long.
For the very simple reason I now live out east and wonder how far from my place it is.
Any one with some old sections/Denver (Stapleton) arrival charts (Denver 7, rings a bell, but) that could help me out?
On line searching has not really come up with anything.
Thanks for your time

10th Jul 2020, 11:27
Interesting puzzle. I can just "see" the Kiowa VOR on old charts in my mind's eye, but so far I haven't turned up any actual charts.
This website page shows what appears to be an alternate reporting point for IOC, using radials from Denver and Thurman VORs, that might be close. (see upper right-hand corner of page depicted.) Of course, those VORs are probably no longer aligned with the same magnetic variation as from back then. There's the little town of Kiowas in that area, but the VOR may have been miles from there.

https://books.google.com/books?id=w0OM-X-fVT8C&pg=RA4-SA3-PA98&lpg=RA4-SA3-PA98&dq=IOC+vortac&source=bl&ots=D_kIbtE2re&sig=ACfU3U3PZh3sq_ttuEc0mgadV3lTo9WbGA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiviJj6x8LqAhWZXc0KHcrLDQUQ6AEwAHoECAoQAQ#v=onepag e&q=IOC%20vortac&f=false

11th Jul 2020, 22:55
Interesting puzzle. I can just "see" the Kiowa VOR on old charts in my mind's eye, but so far I haven't turned up any actual charts.
This website page shows what appears to be an alternate reporting point for IOC, using radials from Denver and Thurman VORs, that might be close. (see upper right-hand corner of page depicted.) Of course, those VORs are probably no longer aligned with the same magnetic variation as from back then. There's the little town of Kiowas in that area, but the VOR may have been miles from there.
https://books.google.com/books?id=w0OM-X-fVT8C&pg=RA4-SA3-PA98&lpg=RA4-SA3-PA98&dq=IOC+vortac&source=bl&ots=D_kIbtE2re&sig=ACfU3U3PZh3sq_ttuEc0mgadV3lTo9WbGA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiviJj6x8LqAhWZXc0KHcrLDQUQ6AEwAHoECAoQAQ#v=onepag e&q=IOC%20vortac&f=false
Thanks very much! You got me in the right spot. The Thurman and Denver VORs are still around. I know that the DEN VORTAC (117.0) was shut down and the new one (117.9) was activated when Stapleton closed and DIA opened.
I found the Thurman VOR (39-41-53.943N / 103-12-53.779W) and then went looking for the old Denver VOR. That got me to a 1985 Airport/Facility Directory, and the IOC VORTAC was listed in it!
It is still there (https://www.google.com/maps/@39.4355983,-104.3376149,257m/data=!3m1!1e3), about 11 miles south east of home. Looks like I must have flown over what I call home now dozens of times.
Thanks again

17th Apr 2022, 20:52
Next time you're in the area, can you get a few pictures of it for me? Glad it's still intact. I collect pictures of VORs, believe it or not. I put them on the Airline Dispatchers Federation's website with clues, and people try to guess them.



Thanks very much! You got me in the right spot. The Thurman and Denver VORs are still around. I know that the DEN VORTAC (117.0) was shut down and the new one (117.9) was activated when Stapleton closed and DIA opened.
I found the Thurman VOR (39-41-53.943N / 103-12-53.779W) and then went looking for the old Denver VOR. That got me to a 1985 Airport/Facility Directory, and the IOC VORTAC was listed in it!
It is still there about 11 miles south east of home. Looks like I must have flown over what I call home now dozens of times.
Thanks again