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View Full Version : EASA ATPL(H) exam prep

5th Jul 2020, 10:03
Has anyone of you used E-ATPL.com in preparation for the written exams? I`d like to know if the questions that appear in their practice tests are worded the same as in the actual exams?Can someone please elaborate who has actually used their service and then sat the 14 exams? Was it helpful?
Additionally I`d like to know having an EASA CPLH which subjects am i exempt from? Bristow Groundschool told me i will be credited towards the theoretical requirements in the following subjects: Air Law, Principles of flight and Communications. Unfortunately they don`t specify whether Communication means i am credited for both VFR and IFR or only one of them??

6th Jul 2020, 06:43
If you are sitting exams in the UK, use the question bank from Bristol Groundschool
If you are sitting the exams in any of the european cities, then use Aviation exam.

Your are credited with the VFR comms exam, not IFR