View Full Version : Unfortunate Bowel Movement CVR

14th Aug 2002, 20:07
Apols if everyone has heard this but it certainly drew a smile this afternoon.

Id seen the transcript of this incident but never heard the actual CVR.

BackSeat CVR (http://www.flash.net/~kennieg/backseat.wav)



** Discretion advised as it does contain the odd unpleasantry **

14th Aug 2002, 20:19
Yeah thanks for that, Now I have Bacardi & Coke all over my keyboard!!!

Laugh, I nearly paid my Poll Tax

14th Aug 2002, 20:23
No responsiblity can be accepted for any damage to PC or self


The poor sod..........



14th Aug 2002, 20:53
Spooky or what, there I was about to start a thread on bowel movements in aircraft with less than adequate toilet facilities and you give us a link to one of the more famous incidents!

Makes my crapping in a honkbag and wiping my ar$e on the plotters chart Vulcan story seem quite tame.

No doubt somebody from the Victor force will be along soon with tales about 'Logger':)

14th Aug 2002, 21:48
Awesome! Poor bloke! Shouldn't laugh - but....!!
:D :D :D :D

Ed Winchester
15th Aug 2002, 01:52
Cheers Frosty,

That is hilarious!

Poor git.


Ali Barber
15th Aug 2002, 11:12
BRILLIANT!!!! I can barely see for the tears of laughter rolling down my face.

We used to have a USN Exchange backseater on the F-3 who managed to get out of his immersion suit and crap into a sick bag while transitting from A to B.

Dan Winterland
15th Aug 2002, 13:43
Speci - aah, you must mean Wee Jock Pooh-Pong Mc Plop whose main aim in life was to get posted to an aircraft with a toilet!

Once did a trip out of Incirlic with the Nav spending 90% of the flight (inc takeoff and landing) on the bog reading the checks out on a long lead after a dubious meal at the 'Happy House'. Anyone know if that establishment is still in business?

Albert on Tour
15th Aug 2002, 19:09
And then there's the old story about Lima Echo, Herc Flight Engineer, recently retired.

L E returns from a visit to the Herc thunder bucket and takes his seat between the monkeys.

The Navigator notices a foul odour.

Yes - L E didn't pull his flying suit all the way down and has crapped in it.

And now the turd is slowly seeping through at about right shoulder blade height!

15th Aug 2002, 21:36
Taking "get your **** in one sock" a bit too literally.

Min Decent Ht
15th Aug 2002, 21:39
I'd heard it before, but it seems to just get funnier. Laugh, I almost..... :p

17th Aug 2002, 03:04
Hey Frosty,
I can't get the link to work.



17th Aug 2002, 08:44
Still works here, try right click > save target as, also works.



17th Aug 2002, 17:46
Oh dear, you shouldn't laugh.

I know how the poor sod feels though having just had a few days off with "tummy trouble". Lost 8lbs though, and all the girls at work want to catch it. Trying to think of a way to pass it on:confused:

Nice to hear on the recording how sympathetic his mates are.


17th Aug 2002, 19:30
Summer camp curry night was it, Tonks?

Or are you on block leave now?

Incidentally, what Speccers said the other day is pretty close to the mark. But if you want to work your nuts off enjoyably, ask to come back here as an FI!! A typical week? - I'm doing an AT role check to Hannover on Mon, 2 trips on Tue (AAR role check in the afternoon then night flying with 5 course later), 2 trips on Wed (Co>Cap IRT first, then night flying with 6 course later), secondary duty on Thu, then Op DENY BANK HOLIDAY on Fri-Sun teaching AT to Edmonton and back.......and no, that's not a whinge, just a statement of how busy you'd be!

Think it's Romania for the day the following Sat.......

If you get your CPL and civil FI rating, we'd be happy to let you continue your SEP instructing skills at the Flying Club if you want to. You could even fly in IMC.........

18th Aug 2002, 13:52

Leave over and into report writing.

What you suggest is exactly what I am trying to do. As for IMC, we have two ac that can now fly in cloud. Very scary :D

Tonks :cool:

18th Aug 2002, 14:40
Report writing? Just use the universal UAS report:

"Progress. Bloggs has progressed satisfactorily throughout the period; his/her regular attendance has only been restrained by the demands of his/her degree.

Attitude. Bloggs has a keen, attentive nature and is popular with staff and students alike. He/she has a positive attitude towards the service.

Technique. Bloggs flies the aircraft to a standard commensurate with his/her level of experience and is a sound prospect for a training as a military pilot, should he/she choose this for his/her career."

The shortest report I ever wrote on one of my students simply read:


The CFI didn't like that and asked me to expand upon it. So I changed it to:

"Who is APO Bloggs. I have yet to meet him"

Needless to say, APO Bloggs was rapidly $hit-canned!

PS - Be careful of clouds. They're not always the little white fluffy things you might think that they are! And don't fly both your Tupperware Trainers in the same cloud!

PPS - Done your A2 yet?