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15th May 2020, 17:21
Anyone have any experience with Holborn Assets? A friend is getting pitched some investment scheme called the Kensington Fund:

Firstly, please see the email below from Godwin whom are the company behind the Corporate Bond (Loan Note) investment which starts at USD 25,000. They reaffirm how strong a position they are in. This will pay you 24% for a 2 years fixed investment.

Secondly, the Reserve Bond Investment that we have discussed many occasions. This has a USD 75,000 minimum investment and although I have suggested we place that money in two separate vehicles, I am now suggesting we keep it simple and place all the money into the Kensington Fund. This fund, like all funds across the world have dropped in value since February. However, this Fund is so strong it has outperformed the MSCI World funds in comparison.

The MSCI World funds dropped by 34% in February/March and have now recovered to be - 13% down at writing. The Kensington Fund only dropped by – 16.37%in comparison and has now recovered to only being – 7.58% down. So as you can see it is a VERY strong Fund to be invested in, in times of crisis. Thios protects you even more if ever another crisis was to happen.

Its current value is reduced slightly due to the Covid panic, so is a fantastic time to invest simply because it has only one way to grow, that is upward. Don't wait too long before the Fund increases in value, you wouldn't want to miss out on that growth would you?!

15th May 2020, 18:38
Firstly, please see the email below from Godwin whom are the company behind the Corporate Bond (Loan Note) investment which starts at USD 25,000. They reaffirm how strong a position they are in. This will pay you 24% for a 2 years fixed investment.

24% in two years, what could possibly go wrong? :D

15th May 2020, 18:39
24% in two years, what could possibly go wrong? :D
Yep...already mentioned that to her! She's already giving them ~$500/mo into some retirement scheme.

15th May 2020, 18:58
I don't claim to know anything about the subject but I've had pilot friends repeatedly fall for scams where they had to come up with more cash for fees to recover their incredible earnings. After their first investment somehow disappeared, they borrowed money to roll the dice again. :ugh:

This outfit may be legit but as the robot used to warn on a TV series in the 1960's: "Danger Will Robinson! Danger!"

15th May 2020, 19:18
“This fund has only one way to grow (sic) and that is up” This advisor cannot be regulated as no one can say things like this without all the usual caveats that you might end up with more than you put in, past performance etc. Please please please, if you don’t know what you are doing, pay somebody for proper advice or put your money in a tracker fund if you have at least 5 years before retirement.

15th May 2020, 20:42
Money in there will already have been burnt. Try contacting them re the money already in there and suggest you (She?) needs to cash out. You will need to be persistent or they will brush you off with 'Cannot, Cannot'. The reaction will tell you a lot.

15th May 2020, 20:46
Money in there will already have been burnt. Try contacting them re the money already in there and suggest you (She?) needs to cash out. You will need to be persistent or they will brush you off with 'Cannot, Cannot'. The reaction will tell you a lot.
All agreed 100% on the above and have advised my friend to do this (it's not me - I am long gone from the UAE but she still works there for one of the private outfits). Just wondering if there are any personal experiences with these guys.

Adam Barfy
16th May 2020, 00:30
Personally, I stay far away from any investments named after places in London.
Scams around these parts always seem to use these names to legitimise themselves. I suppose its better than calling it the Lagos Ferrari Fund.
In this case, Holborn and Kensington ring 2 alarm bells for the price of one.

Another way to look at things is if the fund offers much better returns than the likes of Blackrock, Barclays, HSBC etc then steer clear.
Fund managers capable of such returns would have been snapped up by the big boys long ago, and would be more likely to be self-quarantining on a luxury yacht, snorting coke from hookers’ butt cracks than chatting to your mate about her 25K

16th May 2020, 01:05
It's a pyramid scheme. And like all of them you will get paid so long as the amount of money coming in is more than that going out. Once the income dries up all is lost.

Look there's no way to guarantee 24% per year. Especially in the world of covid-19. Forget it. It's not how the world works. Pilots are only good with money when they're alone in the cockpit with other pilots. Outside of that they suck.

16th May 2020, 02:42
A ton of syrupy five star reviews on Trustpilot all within the last two weeks lauding Mark and Lourens. Some only hours apart.
Major red flags. Stay away.


16th May 2020, 02:44
New Zealand FMA issues warning about scam company:


16th May 2020, 02:48
And another from my first page of Google search hits:


That’s enough to make a decision I think.

16th May 2020, 03:19
Like I said.


Dropp the Pilot
16th May 2020, 05:08
When products are described as a "no-brainer" it is not a description of the investment opportunity, it's a description of the prospective clientele.

Some of you may recall a thing called EPI.

14 6
16th May 2020, 06:13
How about asking the guy who has read all those investment/early retirement/money making scheme books and seeking even more? Just do a search of this Middle East forum and you will find great advice!

Or maybe you could just use your common sense and run.......sorry, I meant your “friend” should run!

16th May 2020, 08:51
I can offer your friend a much better investment opportunity...

A mate of mine is working on a new process that, if successful, will allow Corn Flakes to be converted in Gold Flakes and Rice Krispies into silver nuggets.

Invest now and maybe your friend will become a billionaire.

Investments can be paid into the scheme by putting the cash into a brown envelope and leaving it on one’s doorstep. During the night, the money fairies will collect it and leave a receipt.

16th May 2020, 10:55
There is a sticky at the top of the middle east forum. That has all the answers you need.

16th May 2020, 19:45

Bill Macgillivray
16th May 2020, 20:43
Holborn Assetts - please do not even think about investing!

anson harris
19th May 2020, 13:46
I paid for some independent advice from them regarding provident fund investments. It was NOT cheap. The advice I received was very shoddy, for example suggesting investing in funds that were not available to the Provident Fund. When I questioned this, the advisor (who has quite a large social media following in DXB and is reputed to be quite good) got really stroppy and threw out a revised list in about 10 minutes. Only the revised list still had funds that weren't available. Honestly, it was amateur hour. Wouldn't touch with a barge pole.