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View Full Version : Action Too Hot to operate in the Frag Harbour?

14th Aug 2002, 08:45
The "poisoning" of the young minds seems to have transferred to the Dunnunda & Godzone Forums.

Have the arguments and responses become too hot in Frag Harbour?


14th Aug 2002, 14:30
So far so good and there’s been a lot of constructive thought put into all the posts.

Usually the post’s get hijacked in here and filled with nonsense, but this time there seems to be a lot of positive and friendly information from both sides of the fence.

We have to give up the good guy bad guy mentality and all start putting our heads together towards a common resolution for everyone.


Alpha Leader
16th Aug 2002, 04:01
Well, unions have greater currency in Australia than in HK, so - to use FlexibleResponse's phrase - the "young minds" there will be easier to poison.:D