View Full Version : RATOG for Helicopters

10th May 2020, 10:02
While re-reading Winkle Brown's Wings On My Sleeve I came across a reference to US helicopters using vertical rocket assisted take off gear during high altitude operations during the Korean conflict. Did other countries use this? Did we? Any comments or experiences to relate? Photos? I'd imagine it would kick up a lot of debris from the ground, given that the rocket nozzles would only be a few feet above the surface.

10th May 2020, 10:39
Just a quick look around Google yielded this item as a reference?

Sounds like it was a recipe for disaster..

Jet Assisted Takeoff for helicopters (https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ES48urDKXG8C&pg=PA5&lpg=PA5&dq=%22Jet+assisted%22+helicopter&source=bl&ots=LzmK0fGm9C&sig=ACfU3U3rXyV_u727Vrl4XXaPNPgYeh-56Q&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjE2b6EjKnpAhXF8-AKHWwaDkwQ6AEwA3oECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q=%22Jet%20assisted%22%20helicopter&f=false)


10th May 2020, 13:30
Interestingly, the extra thrust was used to assist acceleration to the point where translational lift was generated sooner than in direct lift. Sounds vey dodgy and was proved to be so.

10th May 2020, 16:50

10th May 2020, 17:22
In Korea they used Rocket on Rotor (ROR)


11th May 2020, 07:37
I remember seeing the Napier HTP liquid rocket system on a Saro Skeeter's rotor tips flying out of Luton in the mid 50's. It demonstrated a spectacular vertical climb rate (with associated firework-like noise and vapour streams! ).

11th May 2020, 09:05
The Fairey Jet Gyrodyne prototype can be seen in the museum at Woodley: https://museumofberkshireaviation.co.uk/html/exhibits/gyrodyne.htm Apparently it was a bit noisy and didn't make it into production.

11th May 2020, 16:12
I remember seeing the Napier HTP liquid rocket system on a Saro Skeeter's rotor tips flying out of Luton in the mid 50's. It demonstrated a spectacular vertical climb rate (with associated firework-like noise and vapour streams! ).

As the Skeeter was so underpowered it struggled to lift even its pilot on a warm day, it probably needed all the help it could get.