View Full Version : Non-experienced

EI 666
24th Apr 2001, 22:29
Just wanted to know was there anyone who has no flying experience but who is still keen to be a pilot... or am I the only insane freak here?!

Romeo Papa
24th Apr 2001, 23:11
I'm sure there are plenty like you and me! In fact I have 2hrs - one in a glider and one as a trial lesson in a Piper Warrior - more than enough to get me hooked!

After three years in an engineering job I'm seriously considering a change of career to one with wings. Good luck...

Romeo Papa

24th Apr 2001, 23:59
I was crazy about flying for years with no experience. I had the jump seat reciently on a flight to manchester. The two guys flying were both from my home town and were giving me lots of encouragement and tips. After that I decided to take a trial flight at Ulster Flying Club in Newtonards outside Belfast. I am still a student so funds are very low but I struggled on and managed to take another lesson after that. At which i was totaly confused because the guy just threw me in a the deep end with check lists, power checks etc. At the end of which i was very confused, nervious and wondering if flying was realy for me.

But i bit down hard and dragged me self off for another lesson two months later. This time i was with a different instructor who was a lot better. He was relaxed and was teaching me not just throwing me in. I was therefore more relaxed and realy enjoyed the lesson. Can't wait until my next now. He also promises to make me an airline pilot weither i like it or not heh and save me lots of dosh in the process. Sounds good to me.

Bottom line take a trial flight. Took me ages to decide to do it. But I did and very glad now.

25th Apr 2001, 12:51
I saw 'Top Gun' when I was 12 and that was it. 3 years later I went flying for the first time.

Last night I flew 156 people between LHR and a certain Province, in a £100m aeroplane, there and back twice!

Don't give up - if you want it, you will find a way!!

...proceeding below Decision Height with CAUTION...

EI 666
27th Apr 2001, 22:13
Thx...need all the encouragement I can get as am going to drop computer science degree that is a cake walk for me!