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13th Aug 2002, 23:02
Has anyone received an email from Virgin Blue advising when interviews are likely to start up again?

Coffee thanks!
14th Aug 2002, 01:37
I got a new (mass mail out?) e-mail a week or so ago, consistent with their previous advice that interviews will recommence in September. I remain optimistic that getting the e-mail might mean something, thus would be interested to hear whether everyone with an application got it or whether it was a selective mail out. And I must say thank you Virgin Blue for telling us what is going on.


14th Aug 2002, 01:42
I got one, wouldn't get too carried away thinking it means something though.

14th Aug 2002, 05:35
CT, got one too mate, sorry....think it's a group email thing.
I know how you feel though, I got so excited I had to have a shower, a cold one, and it's winter!!!:D :D :D


17th Aug 2002, 17:13
Is the only way to apply to Virgin through that pilotcv.com thingy???
I also recieved a mass email:p

18th Aug 2002, 02:06
Don't know if it was my finger problems, or something with the web site.

I checked my application on the day of the mail out a couple of weeks ago, and all seemed OK. I checked it again yesterday and found an anomoly that I hadn't noticed before.

The first 2 hours fields in the DJ application form were left blank when I did a preview of the application. This is despite the field being correctly entered on the CV. If my assumption is correct, if DJ put in their minimum hours requirements as part of the search process my application would not be returned as, according to the field, I would have no total or command hours.

I manually re-entered the field on the application, and previewed it again and it all seemed OK second time around.

Anyone else had similar problems?

It might be worth a look.

18th Aug 2002, 06:00
AsDon have heard of numerous punters with the same problem.

Perhaps this is why people were encouraged to "update" their files via the website again - just in case ?

Have the phone calls started yet ?

Airframe Driver
20th Aug 2002, 04:36
Has anyone got a phone call since the latest email ?

How many pilot are they looking for, and of what breed ?

21st Aug 2002, 08:25
Yes I got the e-mail too and, yes, I had a similar problem with the hours fields. So this is the way of the future...:rolleyes:

Zone 5
21st Aug 2002, 10:11
Be careful with all fields, and all airlines, on StaffCV. If you are using a wheel mouse to scroll the main screen up and down before updating, and the mouse cursor is moved ever so slightly, from near the scroll bar on the right towards the individual information fields which have selectable items, it will lay across the embedded object for the particular field and change it. As luck would have it, it will probably occur after you've checked that field for correctness before final entry. And its seems to be without needing to right click and select the field, either.

I found this out when reviewing my CV, and and saw my licence was of a lower category than entered. Not sure how long it had been that way, how may opportunities I might have missed, took lots of experimentation to figure out what had happened, and US$5 to update!!


My advice is the same as Germaine Greer's was to Tony Blair - "Stay Off!" (The wheel on the mouse, that is...)

22nd Aug 2002, 00:56
Back to the top. Anyone got a phone call for interviews in September? :confused:

22nd Aug 2002, 01:08
........All chosen candidates will be notified by telephone at the end of August for interviews commencing in September......

Maybe next week. :).....watch this space.

22nd Aug 2002, 21:37
Staff CV is the only way to kick start the VB deal.
VB recruitment IS starting in Sept and from excellent source, 60 pilots reqiuired by March 03, keep bashing away!!!;)

Open Wemac
27th Aug 2002, 01:24
Has anyone heard anything or from anyone? :D :confused: :rolleyes:

27th Aug 2002, 01:47
Does anyone know how many pilot's and aircraft Virgin have at the moment?

Guard Dog
30th Aug 2002, 10:46
So this was to be the week of all the phone calls, did anyone get one or does anyone know of anyone else getting the call????

31st Aug 2002, 08:18
I spoke to Alison, have the interview in Sept.

Hope you get the call too!

Guard Dog
31st Aug 2002, 23:59
did you call her or did she call you??
what experience level are you???

1st Sep 2002, 06:40
My crystal ball suggests no phone calls yet - but soon.

Look at the post from whiskery and if RB's expansion plans come true there will be room for all interested.

Big week next week

10th Sep 2002, 01:40
Seems like a good time to bring this back up the top. I read on another thread that the phone calls had started, does anyone know the format of the interview? things to study or any other helpful information if you are lucky enough to get the call

The Guru
10th Sep 2002, 04:31
Nothing yet, just the email.

On an aside, anyone know where they are going to do their 737 endorsement now that the AN option is closed?? Furthermore, any ideas on price??

The G.

11th Sep 2002, 03:40
Guard Dog,
I phoned her because I was going to be away from my contact phone for the first week of Sept, so I took the initiative.

She said she was going to be phoning, so we arranged an interview date.

That's about it.

Good luck