View Full Version : Clydesdale Bank & Career Dev. Loan.

8th Mar 2001, 03:57
I am about to apply for a CDL with Clydesdale Bank in order to hopefully finish this never ending and expensive training,(well,get on the first rung at least!)however there are seven different branches that participate in the CDL scheme.

Does anyone know if one branch in paticular is more sympathetic/knowledgeable when it comes to flying training.

Tosh McCaber
8th Mar 2001, 12:50

I don't think that it makes much of a difference- the Scheme is Government sponsered, and run by the Banks. Just go for it- it's interest free money for the rest of the course, plus a few months, then a low interest loan for five years. Clydesdale's rates are (were, anyway!) very good compared with others.

Aw ra best!


[This message has been edited by Tosh McCaber (edited 08 March 2001).]