View Full Version : Essential work?

24th Mar 2020, 17:44
I saw on FR24 that there were a couple of Grobs and a Hawk up today.
Can training be classed as essential in the current lockdown? Especially basic flying training where the students are potentially some years from front line service?

24th Mar 2020, 18:01
someone DOES think it’s essential because they wouldn’t be doing it voluntarily, would they?
In the military you do as you’re told by your commanders.........

24th Mar 2020, 18:10
someone DOES think it’s essential because they wouldn’t be doing it voluntarily, would they?
In the military you do as you’re told by your commanders.........

And we know they always make sensible decisions.

24th Mar 2020, 19:16
someone DOES think it’s essential because they wouldn’t be doing it voluntarily, would they?
In the military you do as you’re told by your commanders.........

Do dinosaurs like you even exist anymore?LOL, 'cos he told me to.....?' will take you straight into a Hague court, if you don't wisen up.
I'd research Generals Haig and Percival to see why there is a generation that challenges, muppet!!

24th Mar 2020, 20:22
If command tell you to do something, would you refuse?
im not talking about an illegal order, I’m talking about going to work when RECOMMENDED advice is to stay away.
my view is that it’s absolutely crazy, but if someone tells you continued flying training is essential, you crack on and ask why

Tengah Type
24th Mar 2020, 20:45
Has all life ended to save life? If what you are doing is done safely, surely we should continue to do it. Remember millions of people are working for the public good.
What should stop is the stupidity of stockpiling goods that other people need and you do not, and the F...kwits who insist that they spread the virus cos "Its my right".
Surprisingly, here in France, the generally rebellious population are obeying the rules. UK please do the same, I have family there. Rant over.

24th Mar 2020, 21:22
Let me make it clear, this is not my view. BUT, think hypothetically now.
1. Front line units are short of manpower, some critically.
2. In the next 3-6 months, many experienced people will leave.
3. flying wise, the training system is......... strained
4. A 3-6 month FURTHER delay could be critical in 2 years time.
5. Suddenly, the flying training system becomes one of the critical points in the U.K. military.
7. Senior Commanders have the balls to call it and keep it going, even though it could cause a ****storm.
8. They don’t go to The Hague, they aren’t making illegal orders, they are showing leadership. Even if we don’t agree.

Hypothetical of course.........

Capt Scribble
24th Mar 2020, 23:12
Will pilots be leaving the military in 3-6 months. If they want to keep paying the bills, I suggest not.

24th Mar 2020, 23:31
At some point you will have to fly etc to maintain currency etc. So why is it any different, two in an aircraft is no different to two walking down the street.

Lima Juliet
24th Mar 2020, 23:32
Probably just finishing off a few studes - end of course or mid-course checks. If you manage the risk, it would be mad to not take a couple of trips to finish someone’s course if you had to take a 1-2 month pause in training. Flying training is all about continuity in phases, so if someone is near an end state, let them finish that phase rather than having to start again in a few weeks time. I would be worried if we saw normal rates of activity, but that is not what you are seeing here.

Don’t forget these are some of the fittest people in the country too - studes and instructors, so the risk of death from COVID-19 is low if sensible precautions are taken in a controlled environment.

24th Mar 2020, 23:35
Will pilots be leaving the military in 3-6 months. If they want to keep paying the bills, I suggest not.

Probably not voluntarily, but you're assuming none will get sick. If this things is here to stay for am extended vacation, it's inevitable that personnel requirements will need to be maintained.

24th Mar 2020, 23:55
Makes sense, in fact it makes sense to do some testing over urban areas as well as few opportunities ever to do it.

Course sending Red Arrows for a load of flybys through various cities would NOT be a good thing to do. DON'T do it, we wouldn't enjoy it.....:E

Like hell.

25th Mar 2020, 06:28
At some point you will have to fly etc to maintain currency etc. So why is it any different, two in an aircraft is no different to two walking down the street.

Are the two from the same household then? Or maintaining a social distance?

25th Mar 2020, 06:30
​​​​​​ . Don’t forget these are some of the fittest people in the country too - studes and instructors, so the risk of death from COVID-19 is low if sensible precautions are taken in a controlled environment.

Holy cr*p! Really? It's about transmission! Not whether everyone individually may die!
How are people not getting that?!

just another jocky
25th Mar 2020, 07:10
Don’t forget these are some of the fittest people in the country too - studes and instructors...

That made me laugh, looking in the mirror and at a few of the guys. :ok:

Easy Street
25th Mar 2020, 09:21
After some confusion over the last couple of days, the Communities Secretary was very clear on Radio 4 this morning that *if* working from home is not an option *and* the job can be done in full compliance with the Public Health guidelines then people should be going to work. Stand by for the argument over London transport capacity to escalate rapidly... or yet another clarification!

25th Mar 2020, 10:44
Are the two from the same household then? Or maintaining a social distance?


The latest response from the DfT, on WEDNESDAY 18th MARCH 2020

“’There are no plans to ban VFR flights. There may be some pressures on controlled airspace further down the line (e.g. if air traffic controllers are unable to go into work), but the current message from NATS and others is that demand is reducing faster than the ability to service that demand. (Obviously this pressure would not impact on uncontrolled airspace).’

“We believe is that there is minimal likely risk to a pilot flying solo, providing pre- and post-flight social contact is minimised. There is clearly a greater risk of virus transmission if two or more people share a cockpit, but this risk is no greater than if they were sharing a car on the highway.

“Currently countries including Belgium, Norway and Italy have closed their airspace to VFR flights. I understand too that other Baltic states including Lithuania may have similar restrictions. Sweden and Denmark appear to have no blanket closures, although one or two airports have been closed, again due to staffing issues.

“VFR flights in Spain and France are not specifically banned, but are impacted by the overall curfew on non-essential movements outside individuals’ homes. (ie. You can’t get to an airfield anyway).

“Here in the UK, many airfields have closed cafes and flying clubs and restricted contact between pilots and airfield staff. Many flying clubs, schools and gliding clubs are now restricting dual instruction training, which may have a future impact on PPL revalidation and licence renewal flights.

“We would also advise owners whose aircraft may shortly require a CofV renewal check flight, to consider carry out such a flight sooner rather than later, in case increased precautions do restrict flying in the future.”

25th Mar 2020, 10:53
Holy cr*p! Really? It's about transmission! Not whether everyone individually may die!
How are people not getting that?!

Dept of Health have provided a 1-8 listing of people who will get ventilators in event a wholescale pandemic is in UK.

Young, fit, in good health is a 1. Not a good idea to think what we each fall into.

25th Mar 2020, 12:15
Young, fit, in good health is a 1. Not a good idea to think what we each fall into.

I can fall into the last two categories, and mentally think I fall into the first !! Per Ardua.

25th Mar 2020, 19:08
Social distancing might be possible in a tandem cockpit but side by side???

25th Mar 2020, 23:41
Treat it like a 3month Taceval,AR5,whistling handbag,brekkers thru` a straw, drive to work, brief on the grass ,with chalkboards,etc,go to aircraft,onto 100%,fly,,reverse procedure go home ,repeat ad astra,ad nauseam..
If you look at FR24, 2 Skyhawks,2 Alphajets, bouncing about over N Germany,one MB 339 over Toulon,and 6 S-105s over Sweden today....