View Full Version : RNAV approach - level of service VS vertical mode

3rd Feb 2020, 16:03

I was always taught not to use VNAV vertical mode when the Level of Service only shows LNAV. I’ m myself a sim instructor on Global 6000 and we teach it this way. I flew the 737 and the Embraer 175....same story.

Now I’m working in the corporate on a Lear 45 and all guys are using VNAV no matter what the LOS is. I would like to show them book references but I can’ find anything with the Lear.

would you have anything to refer me to?


3rd Feb 2020, 16:55
I don't know what you are reffering to with Level of Service, but at my airline (737) we can use VNAV for all approaches, regardless whether it's a normal NPA, RNAV to LNAV minima or APV (LNAV/VNAV).

I don't see a reason why you wouldn't be able to use VNAV on any approach, if the procedure is coded correctly and VNAV is available...

Banana Joe
3rd Feb 2020, 19:10
737 here as well and we use VNAV, however, I heard on our 757 fleet they use V/S.