View Full Version : Wages for pilots

10th Aug 2002, 20:37
Could someone give me an idea of how much commercial pilots get? I know its quite a wide range, but could someone tell me what a 737 pilot would get compared to a 747... and the airline differences in payroll.
Any help would be appreciated,
Mark Wilson

Harry Wragg
10th Aug 2002, 21:44
If you are interested in getting rich (or even just getting by) then don't consider aviation, the golden years are over.

But to answer your question, commercial pilot's earn £0 to £90K basic. Allowances vary from about 6K per annum to £18K. Don't expect the high end to exist in 10 to 20 years time.

Basic economics, more pilots than jobs and someone will always do it for nothing, see CTC for details.


Gin Slinger
10th Aug 2002, 23:12
Let's just hope the new Reichs-fuhrer of BALPA has the strength of character and guile to give the airlines one up the derrière and restore the lot of the honest, humble airline pilot.

I'm I dreaming of a socialist utopia?

11th Aug 2002, 00:46
Put it this way, I wish I earnt as much as Joe public thinks I earn!

11th Aug 2002, 02:32
Charter UK pilot earning less than national Average. Find out and deduct 15%.....

14th Aug 2002, 12:38
Well, waspie, wages are certainly less than we need and much more than management thinks they should be. Rumours to the contrary, the high rolling days of aviation are definitely over.