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View Full Version : Graphical display of airstrips of Kenya

23rd Dec 2019, 18:43
I wonder if anyone is interested in this:

Airstrips of Kenya (http://azizi.ilri.org/cgi-bin/stripsDB.py)

I spent a few days playing with grabbing data from the aeroclub of Kenya airstrips database and displaying it in a more useful format. You can search for airstrips by name and filter by runway length and fuel availability.

It also allows you to grab strips in a format suitable for making waypoints and calculates distance/bearing between any two strips.

I would value any feedback on it. Of course the real problem is that the source information is not very reliable! Zooming-in on google maps (by clicking the icon) allows a sanity check, and that shows a significant number of errors. So I guess the next task is to start a system for verifying the information.

It kept me amused for a while, now wondering if it's worth persisting with.

(for my fellow geeks, after the initial delay while loading from the database, it is pure client-side javascript, so impressively responsive)