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View Full Version : JAA or FAA that is the question

5th Aug 2001, 21:36
I am currently trying to decide which course to go on ,firstly a two year course at flightsafety in Vero Beach in florida or train in England with OATS or Cabair.Could anyone please assist withtkeir views on the best route to take to getting an ATPL and then a job.

5th Aug 2001, 22:21
Dunno about the best route to get a job, but the best way to waste money is certainly to attend any of the 3 schools U mention. E-mail me if U want to know more about my training @ FSI Vero Beach, I prefer to stay polite on this forum.


northern boy
5th Aug 2001, 22:49
If you want a job in the UK, get a UK license. By the time you have faffed around converting an FAA ATP to a UK/JAA ATPL you will probably have spent as much as you would have doing the whole thing here and wasted several months if not longer.

UK Airlines generally prefer candidates who have gone the UK route and preferably CAP509 for ab-initio.You may think it unfair but thats the way it is.

low n' slow
5th Aug 2001, 23:15
If you've got a choice, I'd consider where I'd want to work. No point in doing your license, in England if you intend to persue a career in the US, and vice versa...

And by the way manflex55, what's wrong with those UK based schools? I was a bit interested in the Cabair-KLM uk sponsorship program. Care to provide some information?
[email protected]

[ 05 August 2001: Message edited by: low n' slow ]

6th Aug 2001, 12:27
low n'slow,

What's wrong ? Very simple :

Approved course for modular CPL :
@ Cabair : £ 6,462
Other UK flight schools average : £ 4,000 (lowest is £ 3,600)

Approved course for modular IR :
@ OATS : £ 13,235 :mad:
Other UK flight schools average : £ 9,000 (lowest is £ 6,600)

Dunno about 509 courses or sponsorship schemes (& not interested, to tell the truth) but if, like myself, U're not a wealthy person, U certainly want to shop around before being ripped off & paying twice the price... to get exactly the same licence & the same number of hours.


Token Bird
6th Aug 2001, 13:43

Interested in knowing where you got your figures for those averages. Do you have a definitive list. I have been half-heartedly compiling one myself but the lowest IR I've found is £8935, with the average around £10,000. As for CPL, lowest £3940, lowest combined CPL/ME £4595,


6th Aug 2001, 14:34

Browse my previous posts on this forum & this topic, I have covered almost every flight school in the UK with associated training charges. For infos about a specific flight school, e-mail me & I'll let U know what I think. Don't want to advertise for anybody... for free !! But I did spend some time (almost 2 months) choosing the right school, & ended up getting a UK ME CPL-IR (from a US ME CPL-IR) for less than £10,000 INCLUDING everything (CAA fees, landing fees, approach fees, any other typical british fees :mad: , etc.) & a confident 1st time full pass in both flight tests. Well worth the shopping around. ;)