View Full Version : Debonair - The final payment

10th Aug 2002, 12:45
I have just received a reasonable final payment thru the National Insurance fund after the Employment Tribunal made a protective award for redundancy payments that should have been made by
Toilet and Douche, sorry eeh Deloitte & Touche, the appointed Receivers for Debonair.

This all became possible with the help from BALPA, A.J. Hows Solicitors and particularly the efforts of Captain Ray Godfrey, who represented the BALPA members in the Debonair workforce at the various tribunal hearings.

Many thanks to Ray, Balpa and Jacqui Dunne.

:) :p :D :cool:

15th Aug 2002, 06:44
Yes Well done Ray for all your efforts!

I allso recieved a good payout, Thanks to all the hard work from Captain Ray Godfrey. I spoke to Ray who retired from flying last August to thank him.

If any Ex Debonair pilots who have allso been payed out would like to reply to this thread then perhaps we could all make a donation to get Ray a late retirement gift as a sign of our appreciation for his work in this matter.