View Full Version : UK and EASA license

14th Dec 2019, 01:00
Hey, so I've finished my training awhile back and still looking at any pilot jobs. I have a Spanish EASA license and thinking of transferring my license to UK CAA for better job opportunities since most if not all the jobs in Europe ask for a European passport (I have a UK passport) and Brexit is inevitable. is there like a transfer window to do this before the UK leaves Europe? Could I transfer it after? What will the UK CAA license be after leaving Europe?

Right now I'm looking for FI jobs and they are hard to get in the UK as more of them look for experience FI unrestricted license. An airline job would be nice if I could find one.

For those that are wondering, I have a CPL with fATPL with SEP, MEP, and IR also FI SEP restricted

Anyone got any advice for me to land a pilot job?

14th Dec 2019, 09:24
You may get quite nice chances to get a job as FI(r) in the UK. I recommend that you visit some fields in person.
Expect a commitment for 2 years.

17th Dec 2019, 23:10
Yeah, I've tried that and no luck. I have been around the area where I live and so far nothing. I don't know if this is true or not but in the UK you need 250 hours to be FI and I have only 204 hours since I did my FI in Spain. I really don't know where to go now. Aside from time building but after Brexit, I can't fly any G registry plane since my license is Spanish EASA since UK license becomes national license. I'm not sure if I have to do any test if I transfer my license to the UK from Spain. In theory no but I hear I may need to do some exams.......

18th Dec 2019, 22:39
The rules are the same everywhere or at least should be. Your FI is valid in the UK. I take it you did an integrated CPL to be able to get it with less than 200 hours?

18th Dec 2019, 23:31
yeah, basically I've completed the integrated course (around 178 hours) + FI course. Since Boeing announced the shut down their 737 production line, I think finding an airline job is slim to none. :{ Do you have any advice for this limited hours pilot? Right now I thinking of going to pay 2 fly jobs now. Not a lot of options left. I got a feeling all the jobs that I applied in Europe is going to cross me off the list since I'm going to lose the EU access.