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View Full Version : EJ-registration

13th Dec 2019, 20:58
I saw an EJ- aircraft some months back in Greece and initially thought that it was one of the 'Stan' countries, but to my amazement it was Irish! A separate register to cash in on the biz-jet/private sector being serviced by M-, 2-, VR, VP etc. Since then, I've not seen nor heard of any others on the EJ- register. Have things fizzled out ? Has anyone else seen these rare birds ?

13th Dec 2019, 21:16
There are four current EJ- registered aircraft (and one past allocation). Unusually the EJ- is followed by four letters!

14th Dec 2019, 05:46
I have to admit, I was confused when EJ-ADMI made an appearance at LHR in August this year!