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5th Aug 2001, 19:42
I'm aware of the 'clockface' solution to work out G/S and drift. However how can this method be any better for en route nav than your wizz wheel on the ground? I'm saying this because it uses the same predicted W/V found on the metform 214 and 215?? Am I missing something here?



5th Aug 2001, 20:32
What do you do when you get an updated w/v whilst aloft? If you are hand flying you probably won't want to get your nav computer out and start fiddling so some mental dead reckoning is in order. Aviate, navigate etc etc.

5th Aug 2001, 21:08
How can you get updated W/V when aloft without using a GPS?


5th Aug 2001, 21:59
VOLMET on HF and VHF radio. In the US they have ASOS and AWOS and you might also like to try ATIS from airfields along your route. You could also ask area control.

You Aint Seen Me. Roit!
6th Aug 2001, 00:27

Speed, distance, time. You time how long it takes you to fly between two points, then, using the DST formula you find the average ground speed. You then compare this to your airspeed. This will tell you your head/tailwind component.

Once you have your groundspeed, and know your drift, the rest is relatively straight forward to do on your wizzwheel.

A little long winded I know, but you did ask.