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22nd Nov 2019, 23:57
Where is LeadSled hiding?

23rd Nov 2019, 01:06
Keep in mind that many have been telling him to pipe down for quite a while now... so you never know your luck.

23rd Nov 2019, 01:29
Hopefully living in his favourite place - the land of milk & honey...

23rd Nov 2019, 02:19
Hopefully living in his favourite place - the land of milk & honey...

I must admit I had to look that up and I’m glad I did, because it couldn’t have been closer to the truth!

23rd Nov 2019, 05:08
Maybe Dick knows?

Or perhaps he's met the farmer's daughter with the... :uhoh:

23rd Nov 2019, 06:01
I doubt he would be hiding. I trust he is well, healthwise. Maybe he's off flying overseas?
While he makes no claim to be the fount of all knowledge, his lifetime practical flying experiences and studies of regulation /.reg. making means he knows a faaarking sight more than many a 'richard cranium' in CasA.
And a lot of people that inhabit prune as well.
May we have "tootle pip' update soon..
Remember...we are all part of the aviation brotherhood, all individuals and all with differing views and opinions.

23rd Nov 2019, 08:09
While he makes no claim to be the fount of all knowledge,
you're taking the p1ss aren't you?

Aussie Bob
23rd Nov 2019, 08:29
I admire him and hope to see him back soon!

Pinky the pilot
23rd Nov 2019, 09:37
Or perhaps he's met the farmer's daughter with the... https://www.pprune.org/images/smilies/worry.gif

Nope Gerry111; That was me what did that:hmm: albeit now many years ago!

Would have been the death of me if I had stayed with her!:eek:

24th Nov 2019, 04:13
Where is LeadSled hiding?

Who cares!

24th Nov 2019, 05:02
To clarify the comment in my earlier post about the land of milk & honey - I was referring to the USA, but see that Israel also shares that title...

The name is Porter
24th Nov 2019, 09:53
Pprune hates fellas that have significant, diversified experience. Pprune loves generation outrage wankas that know it all.

I'd rather read Leadsled than some of the un-ethical 'jet transport pilots' that inhabit the place.

gassed budgie
24th Nov 2019, 10:05
IIRC, it was Leadsled who suggested sometime ago that the overrated but underperforming Ford Anglia was the height of modern day automotive engineering. I can only assume that this opinion was formed through the prism of long held, but swiftly fading memories of the occasional romp on the back seat!

Until he returns to this forum, repents and admits to the error of his ways, any thoughts/opinions offered by Leadsled of a technical nature should be discounted and treated with the contempt that they deserve. He obviously has no idea.

Duck Pilot
24th Nov 2019, 10:13
You have summed it up totally Porter!

We are own worst enemies. Professional Pilots in general should look outside of the cockpit and have a backup if circumstances change for the worst, regardless of age.

I joined the two regulators, then went into the Oil and Gas industry. If I can do this, any pilot can!

Capn Bloggs
24th Nov 2019, 11:06
Professional Pilots in general should look outside of the cockpit and have a backup if circumstances change for the worst, regardless of age.

"if circumstances change"... like your windscreen suddenly fills with lighty that can't be avoided? Good one.

PS: thread drift, as only Luddy Sluddy would do. :rolleyes:

24th Nov 2019, 11:44
overrated but underperforming Ford Anglia was the height of modern day automotive engineering

I thought the P76 had that title.

Duck Pilot
24th Nov 2019, 12:14
Smart pilots do it long before health problems related to old age or anything else sets in, do it whilst youth is on one’s side. not after a health scare or anything else negative with regards to maintaining a Class 1.

It’s easy to get back into professional flying, even after a few years of being out of it for an experienced pilot with the right attitude.

What percentage of professional pilots could comfortably transition into another reasonably paid job outside of a cockpit tomorrow, should the rug be unexpectedly pulled out from underneath them for what ever reason? That’s my point I’m trying to get across, think out of the square as reality sometimes can bite very hard for the unprepared.

Capn Bloggs
24th Nov 2019, 23:42
Sorry Quacker, I misread your post. I thought you were agreeing with Porter's disdain for jet pilots, and his theory that we should just be able to look out the window in E and See and Avoid!

I do agree with your point about being prepared for the unexpected. :ok:

The name is Porter
25th Nov 2019, 06:57
Porter's disdain for jet pilots,

No, no, no, Captain. You got it all wrong. I was 'asked to leave' a thread because a 'generation outrage' said it was a thread for 'jet transport pilots' only. I was having a go at that clown, not you.

I love youse (us) blokes!

Flew over Avalon the other day in a 150, got a bit close to an A320, I don't think he could give a rats? No TA or RA.

25th Nov 2019, 07:09
No, no, no, Captain. You got it all wrong. I was 'asked to leave' a thread because a 'generation outrage' said it was a thread for 'jet transport pilots' only. I was having a go at that clown, not you.

I love youse (us) blokes!

Flew over Avalon the other day in a 150, got a bit close to an A320, I don't think he could give a rats? No TA or RA.

Would they care if you were a Jet Non-Transport Pilot? I mean if I flew a Jet purely for recreation uses and had no intention of transporting anyone anywhere? Or would that also be frowned upon? Also what about Turbo-Jet or Turbo-Fan Transport Pilots? I think you should go back to that thread and get some clarification ;)

Horatio Leafblower
25th Nov 2019, 08:59
Saw him post some right-wing twaddle on Facebook today. Pretty sure he's fine.

The name is Porter
25th Nov 2019, 09:38
Would they care if you were a Jet Non-Transport Pilot? I mean if I flew a Jet purely for recreation uses and had no intention of transporting anyone anywhere? Or would that also be frowned upon? Also what about Turbo-Jet or Turbo-Fan Transport Pilots? I think you should go back to that thread and get some clarification https://www.pprune.org/images/smilies/wink2.gif

Nah mate, the message was clear. Jet Non-Transport not welcome, you had to be Jet Transport Pilot ;-)

​​​​​​​Maybe I should set up a poll??

9th Dec 2019, 03:23
Just returning the case of the missing LeadSled to the first page.
Any news yet?

9th Dec 2019, 04:45
Good news, apparently.

12th Dec 2019, 03:22
He retired from his government aviation job

16th Dec 2019, 23:10
He’s not the only one..........