View Full Version : bmibaby handling @ Cardiff.......

9th Aug 2002, 13:12
Anyone know who'll be handling bmibaby at CWL? The obvious choice would be Aviance, but I heard they were pulling out of CWL & GLA ( although I've since heard GLA are getting a reprieve ).
Will bmibaby save Aviance, or will they have to use Servisair - not a natural choice for bmi.......

On the subject of handling, I was surprised to hear that Ryanair had left Servisiar for Groundstar at STN, especially as their arch-rivals GO use G'star - or have GO switched agents as well?

10th Aug 2002, 13:24

Go still use Groundstar at STN. Ryanair's switch has led to some problems at peak times with baggage times (from aircraft hold to baggage belts) as I understand it, with Groundstar having both Ryanair and Go flights to deal with now.

I might be wrong though- when I flew into STN about a month ago the baggage was surprisingly quick, but we did arrive at midday.


11th Aug 2002, 21:42
For info Groundstar at STN is run almost as 2 seperate companies, G/star-Ryanair only deal with RYR and G/star-orginal deal with everyone esle, even on a bad day you will not find manpower etc. being pooled between each other, they stick strictly to their own sides.

Cheers Bondy