View Full Version : PPL(A) in Norway

3rd Nov 2019, 11:58
Can't find any info about Norway flight schools, as part of my plan to go modular I am thinking of doing PPL(A) there as it will serve a dual purpose as I consider moving there, and need to live and work/study there to see what's what.
How are prices compared to the rest of Europe (read that the UK, Germany, Poland, Austria quite expensive) how are schools, flight instructors, fleets, etc ?

18th Dec 2021, 15:18
If you've read that Poland is expensive, I wouldn't recommend visiting any Scandinavian country.

Beer, which is 2 € in Poland, is 9 € in Norway. :ok:

Jokes aside, if you're considering an economical flight training, you might think of the United States or Central European countries like Czechia, Croatia, Slovenia.

There are lots of flight clubs in Oslo, Rakkestad, and Sola.

If you want to come to Norway for private pilot training, you can contact them.