View Full Version : Teasing Nick

Dave Jackson
9th Aug 2002, 04:55
Shy Torque has correctly pointed out that what I considered as giving Nick a friendly little needle could be construed as insensitivity, at the present time.

The posting has been remove. To those that have already read it, mea culpa.

Dave J

9th Aug 2002, 10:44
Forget the needle.....get out the baseball bat and go after him for being ... 1) a darn Yankee... 2) an unrepentant Cobra Pilot ... 3) a ban the gun bleeding heart liberal ..... 4) a guy who voted for Bill Clinton in both elections...and worse of all....a former US Army Warrant Officer and teetotaller ! Get after him where it matters...I bet he will try to deny all those things!

Nick Lappos
9th Aug 2002, 12:28

Wow, that's the last straw! What scumsuckin reprobate said I was teetotler? I resent that! ;-)

No sweat on the comment, I know you did not see that implication.


Flying Lawyer
9th Aug 2002, 14:29
I'm relieved to read the correction to the tee-total.
If SASless had been right, it would have meant I'd had too much to drink to notice what you were drinking! :D

9th Aug 2002, 14:31
The only answer is the single blade helicopter !. Which Bolkow # was that ?.