View Full Version : Do UFOs have ADS-B out?

20th Oct 2019, 12:36
Recently upgraded my conspicuity awareness by fitting a SkyEcho 2, and it WiFi's to the phone I run Skydemon on. This Bluetooth's to my new headset, so I get audible warnings from Skydemon about airspace nearby, entering runways etc, and most importantly about conflicting traffic it can detect (with the extra subscription, I can also see Flarm targets, which is why I particularly wanted it - I have trouble spotting gliders!).

Anyway, routing back from Shoreham fly-in yesterday, it warned me twice in quick succesion - first was an aircraft crossing left to right in front of me 400 feet above, and then shortly after, one overtaking me from behind, again 400 feet above. In both cases it told me the speed of the traffic was 3960 knots! Unsurprisingly, I saw neither target. Hence the question........was I being checked out by a higher being, or what could cause such a spurious indication? Anyone else experienced anything similar?

21st Oct 2019, 13:12
I have certainly picked up some quite close contacts on PowerFLARM and Pilot Aware that I have never spotted but nothing like you describe.
Perhaps we are not alone....

21st Oct 2019, 19:51
Yes UFOs would use all the aids we have and a whole lot more, if they are traveling from a different galaxy their technology is far beyond our understanding, probably pilot error revealing his presence. On the other hand Flarm has given me full alarms with no aircraft seen.

22nd Oct 2019, 19:38
The SkyEcho 2 is well known for picking up interference from warp engines, especially when operating in tachyon fields like the one around Shoreham. If you reverse the polarity of gravimeter neutron flow (tick the box in Skydemon), whilst using The Force, the problem largely goes away...

23rd Oct 2019, 06:40
Made me think of this well-known story (https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=11&ved=2ahUKEwiR2KmW4rHlAhVRoXEKHYVSCUgQFjAKegQIARAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fnationalinterest.org%2Fblog%2Fbuzz%2Fsr-71-blackbird-pilot-tells-story-his-famed-ground-speed-check-72136&usg=AOvVaw2Mjq6EGJvrO6nlU3I2KUUN)

23rd Oct 2019, 12:12
...I have certainly picked up some quite close contacts on PowerFLARM and Pilot Aware that I have never spotted...

As those work on unprotected frequencies, are you sure those alerts weren't just caused by people using garage door opening devices?

23rd Oct 2019, 12:53
As those work on unprotected frequencies, are you sure those alerts weren't just caused by people using garage door opening devices?

Doubt it. Think it simply emphasises the failings of Mark 1 eyeballs!

23rd Oct 2019, 16:15
Jonzarno. Seems they've got faster - both alerts were double the speed of the Blackbird - and at only 2200 feet.......

23rd Oct 2019, 18:05
There are "bizjets" on charter to the military which emit signals to simulate other aircraft.
Could one of these produce these alerts?
Otherwise the surveillance drones from Umuamoamoa. Not aware that EASALand doesn't require ADS-B, and avoiding US airspace, having heard the POTUS is hostile to aliens.

24th Oct 2019, 07:50
Sorry Guys, my bad. I wish they wouldn't put the Uncloak button right next to the Cabin Crew Call button in these ships.