View Full Version : Overheard Inflight Conversations

Michael Gee
26th Sep 2019, 17:56
Way back in N Ireland a man in civillian clothes and using binos was spotted by a Military patrol up a South Armagh Mountain.
Airbourne with doors off and seats removed at 2000' and waiting to pick up my patrol I had just dropped off a secure radio burst into life saying that this man should be picked up -
His 'P' check was David Macallister of 1343 64 Street West, New York. USA - unusual - spy maybe.
I offered him help as he was bundled into the back with the 3 bodygards.
Pitying the ears of this civilllian sitting on the floor I threw him an intercom headset.
Routine was to fly these suspects for interogation and further conversation led to him saying he was Bird Watching - unusual also.
I told him we were on our way to a Military Base for interogation to which he replied - 'dont mind at all he said in his American drawl as I was picked up yesterday also'.
Got a free helicopter ride then that I enjoyed so much I thought I would try it again as we winged away low level !
It will make good reading in the book I am writing he said !
Was he a spy - never found out.
Must be more stories out there you guys

26th Sep 2019, 21:45
Either the first interrogation was at the gentle end of the spectrum or the guy was sucker for punishment!

26th Sep 2019, 23:35
Why would any interrogation be anything but gentle?

27th Sep 2019, 00:23
SAS, I think that may depend on which part of the world your interrogation might take place.... that said have seen plenty of tough interrogations on here!!!

Back to overheard inflight conversations. Firstly I have touched on this before but not the subsequent comment in flight. Whilst waiting for a shared helicopter transfer in St Lucia the down draft of the landing helicopter caught my girlfriend and her summer dress unaware.... We settled in for the flight and as soon as headphones were on I heard from the lady behind me ‘did you see that girl with the big boobs, I don’t think she had any knickers on ‘

We both, and the pilot upfront looked at each with big grins!