View Full Version : Jeppesen Dramas

beached az
18th Sep 2019, 01:23
Is it just me or are Jeppesen a pain in the A#$e to deal with these days??

I'm trying to purchase a subscription of JeppView from their online store aka Boeing Global Marketing Site.
3 failed transactions so far. :ugh: Transactions all failed but they still debited the card (pending and have been for a couple of weeks), how does that work??
Checked with the bank and nothing blocking from their end.

Tried calling Jepp but the nice lady at the call centre was having difficulty with my "accent" :ugh:
Has anyone else had issues buying JeppView?

BAz :ok:

compressor stall
18th Sep 2019, 02:23
A conversation with colleagues last week echoes your experience. Very frustrating lack of customer care/interest was the sentiment.

glen beard
18th Sep 2019, 03:37
Is it just me or are Jeppesen a pain in the A#$e to deal with these days??

I'm trying to purchase a subscription of JeppView from their online store aka Boeing Global Marketing Site.
3 failed transactions so far. :ugh: Transactions all failed but they still debited the card (pending and have been for a couple of weeks), how does that work??
Checked with the bank and nothing blocking from their end.

Tried calling Jepp but the nice lady at the call centre was having difficulty with my "accent" :ugh:
Has anyone else had issues buying JeppView?

BAz :ok:
You think Jeppersen has problems.Since Boeing bought Aviall (now called Boeing Global Marketing too) ,they have transformed an efficient ,reliable supplier of mine,and most supply companies and airlines in Australia,into an unrecoverable,unworkable mess.This is putting it very mildly,because if I printed what I really would like to then God only knows what would happen.The days of picking up the phone,ordering the parts,then picking them up from my local Jandakot branch are long gone.There is only one person there who can take my order,a very good friend of mine,who currently has been in hospital for over a week.So they have a branch with 4 employees,none of which is qualified to process an order.It must be done thru Melbourne office.If its after knock-off time in Vic,stiff cheddar!!!!!!!!!! Now thats what I call service.When daylight saving starts over east we will have even less time for them to process an order.
The timing of Hawker Pacific closing their parts dept a couple of months ago could not have come at a worse time.If anyone out there has a few mill and the business sense to listen to the people who know how to stock parts,then they can clean up BIGTIME.I have been involved in aircraft mtnce and parts for just on 50 years now,and have never seen the parts supply business in a worse state than it is now.Being fairly close to retiring from the industry,I was dreading the thought of missing the conversations with the "wise men from the East",but now I have nothing but pity to offer the new generation,firstly because most of them are "button pushers",not parts salemen ( but here's progress for you - if you have a certain ISO certificate,then you are NOT ALLOWED to look up a part number for a customer.This,I assume is to avoid the risk of litigation should you supply the wrong part and it "hurts" someone), and secondly they will rarely talk to their clients because everything is email these days.I treasure the memories of my customers,suppliers,even competitors who I could call,have a good chinwag for as long as we liked and LEARNT what the latest gossip or other useful information..
I don't sell pilot supplies,except headsets,but can imagine the frustration you must be going thru to get a simple issue sorted.Imagine the stress we go thru if we want to order 10-20 different part numbers .Aviall (thru Boeing have a website that they want clients to use.Reason, obviously, is so you don't call yr local branch,you simply order on-line.I REFUSE to use it because that will cost jobs and that is where all this is pointing to..
Good luck to all you folks out there ,because within 10-15 years if you don't have a computer or know how to use one,then get on the end of the dole queue because you won't be able to do business,bank,shop without one.

Regards to all my friends in G.A.

Capn Bloggs
18th Sep 2019, 05:20
Email the AUS support people. Very helpful and efficient in my experience.

CustomerService-AU a t jeppesen.com

With the appropriate removal of spaces and insertion of a t symbols!

18th Sep 2019, 12:06
Also had great difficulty trying to renew my subscription. Ended up having to call and I unfortunately couldn’t understand a word that they said (also a very bad line..). Was about to give up completely and go back to AsA.

Duck Pilot
19th Sep 2019, 02:39
Have they still got a sales support centre in Brisbane? They were quite helpful over the phone when I recently called them with regards to my paper Jepps, although the amendments have been showing up late recently which is more of an Australia Post problem I believe.