View Full Version : HK riots and future of HK aviation

29th Aug 2019, 21:10
In the likelyhood that Beijing is successful, especially before the October anniversary of the successful revolution, what would happen to Cathay Pacific and the rest of the aviation community in Hong Kong? Asking before I might take a job with CX.

29th Aug 2019, 21:18
I wouldn't even consider CX until this whole situation is resolved. Way too many risks in every situation I can think of.

29th Aug 2019, 21:30
In the likelyhood that Beijing is successful, especially before the October anniversary of the successful revolution, what would happen to Cathay Pacific and the rest of the aviation community in Hong Kong? Asking before I might take a job with CX.
If you’re not from HK, I wouldn’t even consider it. It’s one thing to be chained and shackled by seniority to CX. Putting yourself in chains amidst all this uncertainty is just plain dumb.

29th Aug 2019, 22:07
Shall wait and see how HKA/HKC manage the current situation in order to have a clearer picture.

29th Aug 2019, 23:17
Just amazes me how you can find someone who can manage to talk themselves into a crap bucket. Do you not read the newspaper?

And Then
30th Aug 2019, 02:08
Your knowledge of Fifth Generation carrier fighter operations will be warmly welcomed and gently extracted. Honey trapping galore and a whole team from Unit 61398 will be with you 24/7 electronically.

Little chance of this place being Beirut by X-mas but living here you are in a pressure cooker that's late 1930's like.

Jesting but really? People are living in fear.

30th Aug 2019, 10:28
you coming while people are forgoing the hk salary and looking to join even turbo prop jobs overseas? you must be insane....

30th Aug 2019, 11:26
you coming while people are forgoing the hk salary and looking to join even turbo prop jobs overseas? you must be insane....

Alternative, being picked up on the street like Joshua Wong on Suspicion of illegal gathering.
Extradited to China?

This is real. Even as a western pilot, (with Perm HK ID) I am out buying mtr tickets, food, and putting in hours behind the scene to help.

China will lose this battle.. They may win the war, I'm not that arrogant, but we will win this battle.

30th Aug 2019, 11:34
This is real. Even as a western pilot, (with Perm HK ID) I am out buying mtr tickets, food, and putting in hours behind the scene to help.I wish I had your faith in the anonymity of PPRUNE forums - the admins have made it clear that they will surrender details sufficient to identify you, so unless your entire interaction with PPRUNE has been via Tor and Tormail (or similar) then the Commies will get you!

But having said that, thanks very much for your contributions.

31st Aug 2019, 19:40
Aside from learning I was insane, you guys were of no use. I wasn't looking for a diagnosis of me, rather wanted to see what might happen with aviation in HK. Cheers.

31st Aug 2019, 20:27
Aside from learning I was insane, you guys were of no use. I wasn't looking for a diagnosis of me, rather wanted to see what might happen with aviation in HK. Cheers.
How can anyone really know what will happen? Unless you are a diehard ChiCom, it’s hard to argue that events in HK are in any way positive. Don’t need a PhD to figure that out! Cheers.

1st Sep 2019, 02:30
This guy said it better than I can:

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

ramble on
1st Sep 2019, 09:03
Better said:

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

1st Sep 2019, 15:58
Better said:

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing
Not better said, but true nonetheless.

1st Sep 2019, 16:49
the DFO finally made it to the news ......for driving in opposite direction and hitting a protestor with the cathay car.... and also purposely banging a reporter with the door

deja vu
2nd Sep 2019, 02:05
Aside from learning I was insane, you guys were of no use. I wasn't looking for a diagnosis of me, rather wanted to see what might happen with aviation in HK. Cheers.
No one KNOWS what is going to happen for crying out loud, it was a stupid question in the first place.

oriental flyer
2nd Sep 2019, 02:14
the DFO finally made it to the news ......for driving in opposite direction and hitting a protestor with the cathay car.... and also purposely banging a reporter with the door

If this is true! I hope that whoever he hit will press charges and the DFO will suffer the consequences , a little jail time perhaps

2nd Sep 2019, 07:23
Wasn't a precedent recently set that if you're arrested, even though not yet found innocent or guity, your employment will be terminated?

Air Profit
2nd Sep 2019, 08:12
No, this comes under the "one set of rules for me, another set of rules for you" clause of COS. Surely you are aware of that?

2nd Sep 2019, 16:58
the DFO finally made it to the news ......for driving in opposite direction and hitting a protestor with the cathay car.... and also purposely banging a reporter with the door

As a "very" religious person.. Wonder what he has to say about the company firing employees and cop's beating on citizens (many Christian) simply in desire to not have their "guaranteed" rights evaporated by the #RedMenace from the North?
Naw, he bent so far over even before this started I'd be surprised if he'll ever stand erect again... Just like Merlin now !!