View Full Version : Skytest and Aptitude test preparation.

29th Aug 2019, 11:58
I have an aptitude test in two weeks, and I would like to do all its in my hand to be fully prepared.
The maths and physics are no problem because I'm an engineer. But the rest of areas of the test might be more challenging.

I’ve heard about Skytest as a good platform to train myself. (Mentour Pilot site)

But its 80eur. Is it worthy? Does it help? Or is kind of unnecessary and useless?

Are there any other platforms available that you would recommend?

Thanks in advance.

29th Aug 2019, 13:12
I found Skytest very useful for preparation for Eurowings/Anisec BQ. What it´s intended for. I´d strongly advise you to practice what you´re going to asses? Is it Interpersonal BQ? Is it the DLR? Is it the Mollymawk?

29th Aug 2019, 13:26
I have now clue what are BQ, DLR or Mollymawk :confused:
Its for a cadet program starting from zero, and start the flight training.

29th Aug 2019, 13:36
Ah, okay I see. It´s names of different aptitude tests available from various assessments from different airlines. The point being that the aptitude tests itself varies from airline to airline, and so does the the skills needed to be trained.

But Skytest has a lot of different tasks to be trained, so might be a good all round tool.

Best of luck! :)

29th Aug 2019, 13:39
Oh yeah. I found the flight school and airline involved in one of the product descriptions, so I know which to pick.
Thanks for your advice!

30th Aug 2019, 07:26
I guess you are going for the Iberia Cadets. Yeah I would say Skytest wont do you any harm to practice!