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View Full Version : BA Listing

20th Aug 2019, 22:52
Hi ,

does anyone one know how to check the number of vacant seats on a BA flight . Using their listing service it just gives 9+
but that doesn’t really help when there are a lot of sby pax
thanks in advance if you can help

20th Aug 2019, 23:01

by far the most reliable load checker out there

21st Aug 2019, 01:18
+1 for staff traveller app. You won’t be able to know where you are on the list but better than nothing. Some airlines take time for someone to answer, my last BA load check didn’t get answered at all. From my airline requests are taken and answered within 10 seconds.

21st Aug 2019, 01:49
Absolutely +1 for StaffTraveler. Works a treat for me, especially hopping around in Europe. Sometimes it can take a few hours, but until now I have had my requests answered.

21st Aug 2019, 03:07
Thanks so much for the answers very much appreciated I tried it and got the bad news in about 2 mins

4th Sep 2019, 10:03
You can see where you are on the idtravelba.com app by clicking in the flight number when you list