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26th Jun 2019, 10:52

I have had my initial class 1 medical undertaken on last Friday, everything was OK and met the CAA requirements with the exception of my Urine. There was evidence of microscopic blood in my urine and the doctor asked me repeat my samples again the following week. I went there yesterday and there was still some light microscopic traces of blood in my urine. Now the doctor has referred me to a visit a specialist. Does this mean I didn’t make my class 1 medical? Any help appreciated.


26th Jun 2019, 19:07
Hi mate, from my experience it doesn't mean you haven't got your class 1, it just means they are waiting for the specialist's verdict before granting the certificate. Basically to make sure everything is good. Don't worry too much, they may well come back and say all is fine here is your class 1. They just simply need to be sure.

26th Jun 2019, 21:12
Its quite often no cause for concern (haematuria). See you GP for tests to be completed via the referral if necessary as no need to pay privately for this.

8th Jul 2019, 04:31
Okay thanks for the feedback, I saw my GP last Friday and he has referred me see Urologist which is quite odd as I don’t have any urological symptoms. The date is in September which is fine however if I can get this sorted early by going privately then I don’t mind. I am still waiting on feedback from the aeromedical examiner as he wasn’t there when I went in for my another sample.

10th Jul 2019, 14:01
Okay so I heard back from the Aero Medical Examiner and he states that a report is required from Nephrologist Consultant. Now is it worth doing privately or through NHS? If I go via private option then that is £250 extra or wait for 8 weeks for the appointment with NHS?

10th Jul 2019, 15:41
Go private, this is medico-legal work, leave the NHS for the purpose it was intended. Spend £250 and you will be able to sit with a specialist, explain to them what the CAA need for certification and get a report back within days.

10th Jul 2019, 21:13
Okay so I heard back from the Aero Medical Examiner and he states that a report is required from Nephrologist Consultant.

A full clinical workup for hematuria, if they impose one on you, takes some time to schedule and conduct: CT scan of kidneys and bladder, a cystoscope of the bladder and a DRE of the prostate and perhaps a PSA.

I don't know how your system works over there but I do have personal knowledge of a full workup for hematuria and it takes some time to carry out.

Best wishes to you. Your health is more important than most other things.

11th Jul 2019, 14:32
I had it for 30 years. AME told me to see my GP who arranged for me to have a scan. That showed nothing so he referred me for a cystoscope (sp?) exam of the bladder. Sounds scary but it isn't 5 minutes and it's all done. The specialist who did it said the surface of my bladder was very thin which allowed microscopic blood cells to enter urine, Good luck and hope all will be well.

15th Jul 2019, 11:57
It’s quite weird because my GP has referred me to see Urologist, my aeromedical examiner wants a report from nephrologist. According to my aeromedical examiner, because of my age he wants a report from nephrologist as for those who’s age is less then 40 then report from nephrologist is required. For people aged 40 and above are referred to urologist.

kick the tires
15th Jul 2019, 16:59
Had you been scuba diving recently?

I had in once during a renewal and explained to my AME I'd done some deep diving the previous week. When we went below 85M I had an ache in my groin and thought nothing of it.

I repeated the test a few weeks later and all was clear.

16th Jul 2019, 07:37
Had you been scuba diving recently?

I had in once during a renewal and explained to my AME I'd done some deep diving the previous week. When we went below 85M I had an ache in my groin and thought nothing of it.

I repeated the test a few weeks later and all was clear.

No I haven’t done any swimming activity for at least year or so. I spoke to nephrologist yesterday he said I’m in good shape. He said this sometimes causes false positive read outs

9th Sep 2019, 16:00
Well after almost 2 months battling with my AME, I finally have my class 1 certificate in my hand. looking forward to start my training.