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8th Jun 2019, 02:19
Please accept this as a statement of my utter contempt for Mornington Peninsula Shire Council and everything it stands for. Their attack on Peninsula Aero Club and the businesses that rely on Tyabb Airport is gutless, cowardly, corrupt and un-Australian. How long will the industry as a whole, put up with this bull****?

Shire issues Stop-Work Letters to Tyabb - Australian Flying (http://www.australianflying.com.au/latest/shire-issues-stop-work-letters-to-tyabb?fbclid=IwAR08aLICkUwuzVecLcKZ7ENkM2RDOAfvhRjpzoEIjuoRa KwLFtBe6602iSk)

8th Jun 2019, 05:25
Yep, things have escalated rather quickly. There’s been an uneasy truce over all this for years. How has it come to this all of a sudden..? I guess more will be revealed at the meeting on Tuesday night but this act of bureaucratic bastardry cannot be allowed to continue. Cutting off people’s livelihoods running legitimate businesses is unconscionable conduct at its worst.

As for the rubbish contained in that Facebook page above, it’s so full of blatant lies and misinformation its laughable. ‘Emergency service helicopters can use anywhere to land..’ - No Sh**..! The reason they land at Tyabb is to REFUEL you numb skulls! If the search or rescue is down south it saves them having to go back to Essendon. That time saved may make the difference between life and death for some poor soul.

I hope common sense prevails and this can be sorted out quickly for the club and all the businesses involved.

1a sound asleep
8th Jun 2019, 08:03
I hope common sense prevails and this can be sorted out quickly for the club and all the businesses involved.

I think I would continue with business as usual. The council would be very foolish to attempt to physically close down businesses. It would become a multi million dollar mistake

8th Jun 2019, 08:16
I think I would continue with business as usual. The council would be very foolish to attempt to physically close down businesses. It would become a multi million dollar mistake

I sincerely hope that council get hammered by VCAT; this obviously doesn’t assist business and personnel in the short term.

The complainants - and all shire residents - will likely be footing the bill for this poor council decision via property rate increases in the future.

8th Jun 2019, 08:22
Remember ALL councils are made up of people, people who can be "bought" so to speak.
From an entire shires perspective aviation related activities are minor, with expanding communities who are NOT aviation minded expect to see more and more of this sort of situation as cesspool Melb and its outer reaches expands!
I wish the flying community there all the best, they'll need it👍

Mach E Avelli
8th Jun 2019, 11:05
Presumably businesses located on the airfield hold leases on their hangars etc. Until these run out, Council may find it difficult to force any cessation of activity.
If Council own the land they could carve up the runway meantime to stop flying, but that could be challenged as vandalism, limitation of trade or simply vexatious - a good lawyer would find something, surely.
As for arrogant behaviour by some club members, probably.
The threat put forward by someone in the club newsletter to commence flying early on Sundays as a counter to the mid morning Church Hour curfew being a prime example.

8th Jun 2019, 11:24
There is no church..it’s been a cafe for yonks.

the club owns the airport.

8th Jun 2019, 13:35
It would be a shame to see it close.

Here is an idea, why don’t they close all the Centrelink offices? Hooligans, old cars likely to cause accident, no permits for anything, there is better use for the land.

8th Jun 2019, 14:31
Caulfield racecourse suffered a similar fate at the hands of the local council (Glen-Eira) after someone discovered that the land was meant to provide unhindered access for the general public - which is difficult to do when there are horses thundering down the track both on race day and training. Even though the race course is already surrounded by public parkland there were pictures in the local rag of protest groups which included councillors standing behind one of a number of locked gates that were locked for logistical reasons (there are so many gates, and the ones that can be monitored are not locked). In the end a compromise was reached to allow the general public to freely access the racecourse parkland whenever a race meeting was not scheduled. Within a year of that decision large tracts of racecourse parkland were soon converted to high density housing.

Glen-Eira council is notoriously corrupt, and no doubt someone on the payroll was looking after their developer mates in return for a huge kickback so that they could retire to the Gold Coast and call that "living". At least someone in council (rumour has it the police got involved) managed to get one of the developers to build a multi-million dollar children's playground for not following a transparent tender process.

8th Jun 2019, 23:51
Permit history set out in this report to Council


9th Jun 2019, 06:16
A strategy that has proved highly effective in US, re. aircraft noise complaints, is to impose a caveat on a noise complainant's title to the effect that the title is subject to aircraft noise.
Of course, this will notionally reduce the value of the land subject to that title, that has a rather salutary effect in reducing the propensity to complain about aircraft noise, because it results in pressure on the hip pocket nerve, which can be quite painful.
Tootle pip!!

PS: kaz3g,
On the face of it, a reasonably balanced consultants report, but where is the developer money leaning on the council ---- always follow the money.

9th Jun 2019, 06:28
The consultants report states that there are "about 100" jobs at the airport but then fails to account for the economic multiplier effect which is usually quoted at about 8 to one. Those one hundred jobs at the airport support 800 service industry jobs in the town, so the net employment loss if it closed is about 900 people.

9th Jun 2019, 06:38
A strategy that has proved highly effective in US, re. aircraft noise complaints, is to impose a caveat on a noise complainant's title to the effect that the title is subject to aircraft noise.
Of course, this will notionally reduce the value of the land subject to that title, that has a rather salutary effect in reducing the propensity to complain about aircraft noise, because it results in pressure on the hip pocket nerve, which can be quite painful.
Tootle pip!!

PS: kaz3g,
On the face of it, a reasonably balanced consultants report, but where is the developer money leaning on the council ---- always follow the money.

Recent subdivisions in Shepp have all had a condition on titles preventing action for airport noise.

Doesnt stop complaints and doesn’t stop the developers looking to develop the existing site.

Apparently an alternate is still proposed by those with big ideas and their hands in the taxpayers’ pockets but Council has just renewed some hangar leases for 10 years which will see me out.


Mach E Avelli
9th Jun 2019, 09:23
Kaz, if the Club own the airport, how come Council renew hangar leases? Curious is all.
I read the report link you posted. Interesting, and I do wonder whether the Club has met its various obligations and embraced the various recommendations in that study.
It seems inevitable that unless a real effort is made to address the noise issue the war will only escalate. In that case, like acrimonious divorce, the real benefactors will be the lawyers.
Re the “church hour” ; it matters not whether it is now a cafe or a brothel - the undertaking was no flying at that particular time on Sundays.

edit: disregard question about leases - I see you are referring to Shepparton.

9th Jun 2019, 09:32
No one ever owns any land, the whole of Australia is owned by the commonwealth, we just 'lease' it by paying rates, it can be taken anytime they want!

9th Jun 2019, 11:00
No one ever owns any land, the whole of Australia is owned by the commonwealth, we just 'lease' it by paying rates, it can be taken anytime they want!
No, not really


9th Jun 2019, 11:34
There is a petition going around. Pass it on

9th Jun 2019, 11:34
No, not really


YES... really.

If they want to build a road on it or mine under it, then kiss it goodbye.

9th Jun 2019, 11:55
If they want to build a road on it or mine under it, then kiss it goodbye.

Yes there have been notable cases in NSW and Vic of this happening. In one case the government actually profited from the exercise.

10th Jun 2019, 07:14
Time for some to watch the best Aussie movie ever. "The Castle"......compulsory acquisition:-) The Kerrigan case, they won but the point is it CAN happen :-)…. I know a family who had their house taken from them (compensation was given) for a new Fwy. then grubby 'Daniel Andrews' killed the E-W link (costing zillions) in Melb. they had no say in the matter, their house was 'compulsorily obtained! So NO ONE owns any land in Australia!

10th Jun 2019, 09:58
SUNFISH, you need to create the full economic model. 900 salaareies and wages, taxes paid etc etc all add up to quite a few bucks into the local community....

In the words from Jerry Maguire ..."Show me the Money"!

10th Jun 2019, 10:57
That’s the state and federal governments concern. All councils see is rates. they will be slavering over the rate revenues a residential development of the airport could bring. It’s state and federal who worry about economic activity.

If it was me, I’d say #@@ to the ratepayers of the shire; no airport then no air ambulance/shark patrol/Vicpolair, no charter, no water bombers in summer, not even a #$%@Z& drone. You want noairservices? You get your wish!

10th Jun 2019, 11:06
Not a current member but will be at PAC tomorrow night as a very concerned citizen.

10th Jun 2019, 12:49
Organise an airshow, get the punters in and the media there. Celebrate aviation. That's the remedy.

10th Jun 2019, 13:12
Organise an airshow, get the punters in and the media there. Celebrate aviation. That's the remedy.

They have one of those every two years like Avalon and that makes people complain even more about the place!

10th Jun 2019, 13:20
Squawk, sorry but that's Victoria for you, . Everyone has a license to whinge. Sorry, but perhaps the end is nigh for Tyabb - first place in the East I ever flew into. Regrettable.

10th Jun 2019, 14:06
I may be reading this wrongly but the report states on page vii "Tyabb Airfield has a unique private ownership structure – there are a total of 43 different “land owners”, mainly owners of hangars held on individual titles". Later in the report it does say that "The airfield remains privately owned, with core airfield infrastructure (e.g. the runway, taxi ways and clubrooms plus a number of hangers) owned and operated by Peninsula Aero Club (PAC). In addition to the PAC, there are a total of 43 different landowners associated with the Airfield, predominantly owners of individual aircraft hangers, which are held on separate strata titles. An airfield access agreement is in place with each landowner"

the report also goes on to say, again on page vii, "Based on initial submissions, and despite some concerns, the majority of Tyabb residents appear to hold the view that the current operation of the airfield is acceptable and generally in line with their amenity expectations. This is also evidenced by the low level of formal complaints received by Airservices and Council. However, the limitations of the existing permits, the lack of a strong regulatory framework in relation to aircraft noise and the absence of an airfield master plan, all create an atmosphere of uncertainty for some members of the local community" Page viii goes on to say "Resident stakeholders typically do not want the airfield closed. However, in the context of the potential for intensification of activity and lack of an agency with regulatory responsibility/authority, many argue for “no change, no expansion”.

As I read the report I get the feeling that it is pro the airport, though a recurring theme is the lack of an airfield "master plan" from the airfield itself (highlighted in section 6.3 of the report).

It reads like the airfield could be the master of it's own doom by entering into negotiations in a less than conciliatory way and I'm afraid that it may fall foul of the need to build homes, as have many airfields here in UK. You may well be more successful by working with the local community/council rather than against it, produce the plan..............

My final bit of advice, make sure you respond to any and all planning applications which you think may impact the airfield, no response is considered acceptance by UK planning authorities.

To try and keep the neighbours friendly, my flying club (not that I'm a member any more) holds an annual event at which the neighbours are invited to come and visit and many are taken flying. This also helps to dispel the myths that you have to be a millionaire to fly GA.

Also, if you;re unlicensed and just an ALA, is it legal to carry out commercial operations? I don't think it would be here in blighty.

11th Jun 2019, 01:58
Sunfish posted on May 28th
From last week's Tyabb Flyer you will be aware we had, with encouragement from Shire staff, applied to MPSC to remove the redundant Church Hour from our permit as it has not been observed for more than 40 years and the church was sold 28 years ago. In a turn-around, Council intended to impose excessively restrictive unrelated conditions to approve our application. Our legal counsel had advised us to withdraw our application and refer the matter to VCAT which we have now done. Therefore we have no option but to request no take offs or landings within that hour. As a consequence :- • We are considering opening the flying school at 7:30am on Sundays so as not to lose income from weekend flying. • All aircraft returning to or arriving at the airport and unable to be on the ground before 9.30am will need to wait in a holding pattern on the dead (western) side over Boes Rd until after 10:30am. • If you find yourself low on fuel you are required by the CARs to declare a Fuel May Day emergency and land. • If you are planning a cross country flight departing on any Sunday between 9.30 and 10.30am, consider departing at least an hour early so as not to violate this time slot. This situation is likely to remain unchanged until later in the year when VCAT hear the matter.

​​​​​​​...about sums up the collective intent of the MPSC. This is going to be QCs at twenty paces!

11th Jun 2019, 02:39
QC's at twenty paces indeed OZBUSDRIVER..! I'll be attending the meeting tonight. What I want to know is how it has deteriorated so badly and so quickly (so it seems). Something doesn't smell right with this, and the stench is coming from inside the council offices. The majority of local residents support the airfield. How is it that a noisy (but clearly influential) minority has managed to get the council on side all of a sudden...(?) What has transpired behind closed doors at council HQ that we don't know about...??

11th Jun 2019, 03:12
QC's at twenty paces indeed OZBUSDRIVER..! I'll be attending the meeting tonight. What I want to know is how it has deteriorated so badly and so quickly (so it seems). Something doesn't smell right with this, and the stench is coming from inside the council offices. The majority of local residents support the airfield. How is it that a noisy (but clearly influential) minority has managed to get the council on side all of a sudden...(?) What has transpired behind closed doors at council HQ that we don't know about...??
As I said in a previous post: Follow the money.
What rezoning of land in the vicinity of the airport for residential development are in the wind??
What un/under developed land has changed hands recently.
Which political advocacy "consultants" are quietly running the anti-airport PR in the background.
Which green/left Councillors are being played for suckers by developers.
There are those with vital interests on the airport, who have the resources and ability (I hope) to sort this, but I doubt the "average" aero club committee can do that, without substantial help.
Tootle pip!!

11th Jun 2019, 05:48
Leadslead is right. If “the developer” is naturally smart, which they usually are, they will have a man in the PAC membership. Steps need to be taken to minimise the damage they can do. Do not assume confidentiality will be maintained. Our yacht club failed that way. You don’t know they were watching your every move until it’s all over and one of your ex members suddenly shows up as a new employee/mate/consultant/contractor for the opposition.

This is not to impugn the reputation of anyone at PAC, least of all the committee staff and membership. Just don’t be surprised if not everyone shares your enthusiasm for keeping the club where it is.

11th Jun 2019, 06:29
Media statement regarding the Tyabb Airfield (http://www.mornpen.vic.gov.au/About-Us/News-Media-Publications/News-Media/Media-statement-regarding-the-Tyabb-Airfield)

11 June 2019

The Tyabb authorised landing area has operated in Tyabb since the early 1960’s, when planning approval was granted by the then Minister for Local Government. At the time the constraints of the site were recognised, including its proximity to the Tyabb township, but the airfield was considered acceptable primarily as a small scale club based facility. The initial permit included four conditions, one of which prohibited take-offs and landings on Sunday mornings between 9.30 am and 10.30am to avoid conflict with church service times.

Council does acknowledge that over the years the level of activity at and around the authorised landing area has increased.

Furthermore, the Tyabb township has changed significantly since the 1960’s and the number of people living in and around Tyabb has increased.

In response to these changes the Council has attempted to work with the privately operated Peninsula Aero Club for more than a decade to modernise the relevant planning approvals that exist on the site. Unfortunately this could not be resolved and therefore this led Council to develop the Tyabb Airfield Precinct Plan in conjunction with the Peninsula Aero Club, local businesses and the broader Tyabb community. The plan was subsequently adopted by Council in 2017.

A critical element of the Tyabb Airfield Precinct Plan was the preparation of a more detailed Airfield Master Plan and Aircraft Noise Management Plan. The Peninsula Aero Club, the owners and operators of the main landing area related facilities agreed to prepare the Master Plan and to engage in public consultation whilst Council commissioned a professional noise assessment study to facilitate the concurrent preparation of a noise management plan.

Council is the responsible authority to ensure that land uses operate in accordance with the planning permit conditions. As a result of recent community complaints about the Sunday morning curfew, Council encouraged the Aero Club to lodge applications to delete the Sunday curfew. Council has the ability to place new conditions on existing planning permits and it was proposed to seek the development of a Master Plan and also implement a more appropriate curfew for flying (sundown on Saturday evening through to 9am on Sunday morning) having regard to the change in circumstances since the 1960’s. However, the applications were withdrawn by the Peninsula Aero Club prior to a final decision by Council.

Council has recently advised the Peninsula Aero Club and other landowners and businesses in the precinct, that there aren’t any existing planning approvals and there is a need to follow due process and comply with the planning scheme.

We encourage and will work with all businesses across the Shire to ensure they comply with the planning scheme so they can operate legally and successfully.

Council are ultimately seeking the preparation and approval of an agreed Airfield Master Plan and Noise Management Plan covering all aspects of the current and future operations, and linked to updated planning permit approvals for the precinct. This would ensure the appropriate use and development of the authorised landing ground, whilst improving the amenity of residents now and in the future.

11th Jun 2019, 06:34
OK, sorry about the cut and paste job...have to work on that!
Isn't the council all sweetness and light when you look at the last three paras of their press statement. If I was a ratepayer and read that tripe I would believe the Aeroclub was a rogue operator, hell-bent on doing its own thing with no regard to the good citizens of Tyabb.

11th Jun 2019, 08:34
What the stupid bastards, rate payers and council, don’t realise is that with a little bit of common sense, intelligence and goodwill, Tyabb could be not “about 100 jobs” but five hundred jobs.

When I worked for the Kennett Government we did a lot of work on industry clusters - we now have a biocluster called The Parkville strip as a result.

Frankly Point Cook - YMPC is a perfect site for a centre of excellence in historic aircraft restoration and maintenance because it has the real estate, infrastructure and already operating restoration projects, a historic location, the rRAAF Museum. Now move historic aircraft co. from Tyabb, everything from Moorabbin and voila! Australia’s historic aircraft centre, then add flight training, etc. and now you have thousands of jobs, growth and investment.

However CASA, Infrastructure Dept and a brain dead labor state government would kill that idea.

11th Jun 2019, 11:47
Hope I've got this in the right order....

Early last year the club was approached by the council about lifting the church Sunday curfew. Council informed club to submit under a secondary agreement..simply put, council has a look and approves lifting the clause (! of 4) off the original permit. Three months go by and no correspondence. Club rings up council. Council informs that club has submitted on the wrong form. It needed to be on a form under section 72. Club looks at this with apprehension, tells council this opens up the original permit to wide ranging ammendments. Council says ...well, yes that is the case but the council will not do that..YOU CAN TRUST US! Months go by, a meeting is called for a month ago. Club understands there are over 300 submissions for the lifting of the curfew and 130 against , of which 65 are specifically aimed at the S72 provisions. Council informs the club that they will get the curfew lifted but to give the locals a bone an extra clause will be added to curfew from sunset Saturday till 0900local Sunday!!!! Club, under instructions from lawyers , pulls out. Last week , the stop work letters start showing up to the 12 business and club to cease all activity!
AOPA Rep informs the meeting this same thing is happening exactly the same way at a number of other aerodromes.

While all this is going on, remember the so called no master plan? The Club produced one as far as was possible. Completion required input from council regarding their sound contour report. Club attempted to table the incomplete report. Council tried to stop submission and sounds like they actually sat on the report.

Currently, there is a s97C submission to VCAT to enable the aerodrome to continue under existing prior use rights. Council has submitted more stringent requirements under s173 strict obligations must be met within a 3 month time frame....all this is above my pay grade to understand! Club does hope all this can be circumvented before it gets too deep...Ultimately, it could end up in the supreme court. As I said, I hope I got this in the right order and context without casting aspersions on any side.

who knows
11th Jun 2019, 14:12
what's reeealy going on

who knows
11th Jun 2019, 14:15
what's reeealy going on

who knows
11th Jun 2019, 14:39
what's reeealy going on

11th Jun 2019, 22:11
Huge turnout for last nights meeting, place was packed! I think you've summarised the situation pretty well OZBUSDRIVER. Good to see Ben Morgan from AOPA there to offer support. It was interesting to hear that there are at least another 37 airfields around the country currently experiencing similar issues, with at least 2 having exactly the same tactics employed against them as PAC. It would seem the MPSC is trying to gain more control over the airfields activities by any means possible. I think we can all guess what the long term future of the airfield will be if that happens. They have a fight on their hands, that's for sure.

PAC are organising a community information day this Saturday including free sausage sizzle to help explain the situation to local residents. Hopefully they get a good turnout.

11th Jun 2019, 23:08
Agree IFEZ, it would appear the original permits protect the aerodrome from the council. With the tabling of the master plan one wonders if it gives the council legal scope to make permanent onerous changes to aerodrome operations as part of the public comment period.

bloody tablet submitted before I could finish the post.

11th Jun 2019, 23:10
Is the runway closed?

11th Jun 2019, 23:44
" Is the runway closed?"

Only on Sunday's from 9.30am to 10.30am local..! (For the non-existent church service taking place!)

11th Jun 2019, 23:53
Muddergoose, negative on that. Aerodrome open, still PPR and may be only for PVT ops. Check with the club.

12th Jun 2019, 08:37
If this was NSW I would know where to look, name names, even ---- to find the "Public Relations Consultants" who, well hidden in the background, specialize in creating "spontaneous grassroots local organisations of concerned citizens" that suddenly spring up to oppose whatever the big money wants opposed --- in this case, the continued operation of Tyabb as an airfield.
This sudden interest of the council in shafting the airport didn't "just happen".
Follow the money!!
Tootle pip!!

PS: The meeting obviously went well, good to hear, but that is only one shot fired in what is going to be a long battle ---- how long before the next council elections?? Hint himt!!

max cont
15th Jun 2019, 11:33
I am a local resident although I have nothing to do with the Aero Club.This whole situation is very sad and I am astonished that it has come to this. The management of the situation by the Shire could have been much better and, as I have discovered personally elsewhere, they appear to lack proper records and seem to be unable to accept any responsibility of their past behaviour. There has, however, been significant agitation by a vocal, NIMBY minority that I believe has had an effect on the Shire’s behaviour and this should serve as a warning to other small local airports. Other modern factors which other airports should be aware of are the power of social media to spread “fake news” and the destruction of decent, traditional journalism to deliver genuine facts and analysis. It also shows how easy vandalism is - building things takes great effort but destroying them is much easier and we must guard against it or lose what we have.

For some time an organisation called the “ local ratepayers group” has purported to represent the community but in reality has predominantly been a vehicle for a few individuals to maintain a campaign against the airfield whilst feeling the need to provide a regular stream of unsolicited opinions through local letterboxes on everything from kids on bikes to linking speeding to the wearing of hi viz clothing! In addition to this group, a retired army officer moved into the area about 5 years ago, fresh from failing as a Greens candidate in the state election. After buying his house on the dead side, well away from the circuit, he has become incensed that someone has had the temerity to operate an airfield nearby for the last 60 years! This guy is straight out of Von Moltke’s productive fool mould and has decided that we, the local residents, need to galvanised under his clearly superior leadership. I suspect that early in his life his girlfriend ran off with a pilot! I initially just considered him a devisive annoyance but I underestimated his energy and the effect he would have on the community. He created the impression that physical expansion of the airfield was planned and that there was widespread conspiracy between government and the Aero Club. The “independent” noise survey was apparently going to be a white wash and anyway, the Aero Club were all rich people from elsewhere on the peninsula! He has doorstepped the whole area and created the impression that many people are behind him whereas, in reality, like the Ratepayers Group, he is following a mostly personally carved agenda.

One of the particular complaints of the failed Greens candidate has been against helicopters which is surprising as very few helicopters actually operate from Tyabb! One reason for this confusion that has not been discussed and that other airfields might want to consider is is the volume of traffic that passes over Tyabb unrelated to the airfield. Even if the airfield did not exist, it still sits on the direct track from both Essendon and Moorabbin to Phillip Island and Hastings. I see a lot of traffic come past that is clearly nothing to do with the airfield but I suspect that the airfield is copping the blame.

I love the fact that I get to see interesting aircraft from my window and occasionally get the beautiful growl of a RR Merlin come past that makes me run outside. The airfield is great for the kids and the community and I genuinely find the noise from trucks, hoons and motorcycles far more intrusive than aircraft. I’’m off to write my local councillors, I urge you to do the same if you are in a position to do so....

18th Jun 2019, 08:43
Update please someone..... thanks

1a sound asleep
18th Jun 2019, 09:12

The future of a regional Victoria airfield is on the line today when a council sits down with local pilots to resolve the curious case of missing operating permits.

Many of the 11 businesses at the Tyabb Airfield on the Mornington Peninsula have operated on the site since the late 1960s, when the only rule they had to observe was no flying between 9.30am and 10.30am on Sundays for church.

The church is now a cafe and has been for 28 years, but in *response to lobbying from residents, council sought to add a condition to the airfield extending the curfew from dusk on Saturday to 9am on Sunday.Mornington Peninsula Shire Mayor David Gill said that was when they discovered permits did not exist for businesses such as the Peninsula Aero Club flying school. In response “cease and desist” notices were distributed to various landholders on the airfield site, instructing them to stop work until appropriate permits were found.

“We are not trying to shut down an airport,” Mr Gill said.

“We’re trying to help them do the things they want to do but it has to be along the same lines as every other business in Australia has to. It’s pretty simple.”

Mr Gill said the council was simply trying to follow due process and a curfew was a reasonable starting point. “For years the situation has been 24 hours, seven days a week of flying. We’ve been hard-pressed to find an airport in Australia that operates like that. Not even Sydney operates like that,’’ he said. Peninsula Aero Club president Jack Vevers said it was an extraordinary situation based on the dislike of the airfield by a “vocal minority” within the community.

“What (council) did unexpectedly and without warning was they walked in and dropped all these stop-work notices on ourselves at the aero club and a number of businesses that operate at the airport and have been operating for more than half a century,” Mr Vevers said.

“It was brutal and abrupt with no explanation other than a few lines in these letters which were technically poorly produced.”

He said a “minor planning issue” had been turned into a huge social problem that threatened the livelihoods of 100 people working at the site.

“Many businesses have been here for so long they transcend the planning scheme. But you can’t just suddenly walk in and close them up,” Mr Vevers said.

Helicopter Resources managing director Bill English said the “cease and desist” notice would prevent his business from maintaining helicopters on site.

“It so happens we don’t have anything in the workshop at the moment but it will affect our *future,” Mr English said. “We have another workshop in Hobart so that’s always an option (to relocate work there) but that would be *disruptive to a lot of people.” Mr Vevers said the airfield was of vital importance to the Mornington Peninsula, which had a population of 164,000 but received seven million visitors a year.

“A lot of things hang off the success of the airport; it’s really having a significant impact on the town,” Mr Vevers said. “People want to trust their council but it’s frightening to think a council has the power to not be looking after people but destroying their livelihoods in such an *abrupt way without discussion.”

Mr Gill denied the council was being manipulated by a vocal minority. “Council’s not influenced by who makes the loudest noise,” he said.

“If there’s anyone who makes a lot of noise it’s the airfield because they don’t like what’s happening.”

Kulwin Park
18th Jun 2019, 09:30
Thanks "Max Cont" for your input. It's great to see a local non-tied resident express their view of the situation.
I'm surprised not many more people have commented on your thoughts and others seeing it from the other side, than our aviation based minds.

18th Jun 2019, 10:28
“For years the situation has been 24 hours, seven days a week of flying. We’ve been hard-pressed to find an airport in Australia that operates like that. Not even Sydney operates like that,’’

Mr Gill, I think you'll find that every other airport, other than Sydney, does operate like that! You didn't look very far...YMMB is only 18nm away. Its your nearest registered aerodrome......it doesn't have a curfew. (ie where no movements at all, are allowed)

18th Jun 2019, 10:45
Mr Gill, I think you'll find that every other airport, other than Sydney, does operate like that! You didn't look very far...YMMB is only 18nm away. Its your nearest registered aerodrome......it doesn't have a curfew. (ie where no movements at all, are allowed)Just a handful of heavies from Flightradar...

Jetstar970 Depart YMML 2250
Malayasian128 Depart YMML 2330
Cathay178, Depart YMML 2345
Tiger418 Arrive YMML 0020
Tiger579 Arrive YMML 0020
Virgin1462 Arrive YMML 0030
Emirates404 Arrive YMMY 0045

Plus a bunch more I CBF copying over...Just sayin... :}

1a sound asleep
18th Jun 2019, 10:51
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A Current Affair
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A Current Affair


18th Jun 2019, 11:43
SYD has flights during the night eg BAe146 freighters plus numerous turboprops and the odd corporate jet. In reality it is open 24 hrs just restricts heavy metal..

18th Jun 2019, 11:47
Mr Gill, I think you'll find that every other airport, other than Sydney, does operate like that! You didn't look very far...YMMB is only 18nm away. Its your nearest registered aerodrome......it doesn't have a curfew. (ie where no movements at all, are allowed)
YSSY does not have a curfew for small aircraft does it/

18th Jun 2019, 12:31
YSSY does not have a curfew for small aircraft does it/

Syd does have restrictions as mentioned. It's technically not closed but is as much for heavy metal. The only A/C able to use the place unrestricted are Medevac planes and no doubt our corrupt politicians! :yuk:

18th Jun 2019, 12:43
“Council’s not influenced by who makes the loudest noise,” he said.

So aircraft noise is not the issue, but rather that silent noise of doing favours for their property developer mates could be the real influence for sending out those "cease and desist" notices.

18th Jun 2019, 14:32
The aero club and associated companies are NOT “like any other business “ because other businesses don’t require an airstrip. Same as marine businesses require proximity to water.

They are entitled to be treated like any other airport.

Its not like its a local fish and chip shop!

clark y
18th Jun 2019, 20:14
Which ever way this goes, it is probably going to cost vast sums of money.


20th Jun 2019, 01:50
There was a terrific turnout of locals and members last Saturday for the public meeting to show their support for the airport and associated businesses including PAC. A Current Affair managed to track down one of the main protagonists behind the anti airport group. This particular gentleman has been complaining for years. Pity the interviewer didn't ask him the obvious question - Why did you decide to move in to a house so close to an airport given your obvious dislike of aircraft noise..?? I also would have called him out on his statement that started with the words 'The problem RESIDENTS see is...' Well excuse me, but you don't speak for all the residents of Tyabb..!! That is plainly obvious from the number of people that attended on Saturday and the (to date) over 13,000 signatures to the online petition doing the rounds in support of the airfield. (A petition started by a local who is not even a member of PAC but loves the airfield and what it brings to the community).

As for the Mayor, well others have already pointed out his ridiculous assertions. I must however give him credit for at least turning up on Saturday. He would have known he was walking in to the 'lions den' so to speak and was probably going to cop some robust verbal 'advice'! He's gone up a notch in my book. That puts him at notch one :E

There was a meeting between PAC and shire CEO scheduled for earlier this week but I haven't heard how it went yet. Hopefully things can be resolved soon and avoid the lawyers/QC's getting involved.

20th Jun 2019, 04:15
I have it on some authority that the Council has asked PAC for more than five years to present an 'airport management plan' and this has not been forthcoming with excuses like 'cost' etc etc.

thorn bird
20th Jun 2019, 10:31
"to present an 'airport management plan".
Your kidding aren't you?

Look at the capital city secondary airport "management plans" if you want an example of a boondoggle.

Not one of them ever stuck to a "Plan". The plan was the basis for making the changes.

To abrogate the intention of the Airports Act.
To circumvent the clauses in the leases they signed to maintain the airports in the condition they were in when they took them over
To abrogate their responsibilities regarding environmental issues by excusing themselves from compliance on the pretext that the airports were Commonwealth land and environmental laws didn't apply to them.
To circumvent building codes.
To price aviation off the airport to facilitate non aviation development.

I guess the "Plan" was to have a functioning airport for the use of aviation, end of story

I guess that didn't fit in with the councils development mates. When's the next council election? I would expect some sizeable donations to re-election funds.

20th Jun 2019, 12:19
Dear Colleen [aka Thorn Bird], you confuse privatised airports with this privately owned airfield. It appears no plan was ever produced at Tyabb and under the state Local Government Act it is required...

20th Jun 2019, 14:03
Where is it required. I find no provision in that Act that requires it.

Mach E Avelli
20th Jun 2019, 23:48
Whether or not it is required by law, the Club agreed to certain obligations, as did Council.
While not in any way on the side of Council, it does appear that - just maybe - the Club Committee has had its collective head in the sand (or up its own fundamental) and not until now acknowledged the threat, nor made any early efforts to mitigate it.

21st Jun 2019, 03:13
Mach - Earlier posts #33 & #36 by OZBUSDRIVER would suggest that the master plan was pretty much ready to go, but couldn't be finalised until the (council commissioned) noise report was completed. I'm starting to suspect there's more to this than just the council reacting to the complaints of a few disgruntled neighbours. Could it be that these people are just being used as 'patsies' for something more sinister, as others have already suggested..?

21st Jun 2019, 06:40
What's the bet the grubby corrupt council have other cunning plans in place long tern which don't involve an airfield? This is just the tip of the iceberg! Time will tell but there's a lot more to this than some 'lost' paperwork!
Developers & councils have been in bed with each other since Noah bought Mt Ararat!

21st Jun 2019, 07:59
I say again: "Follow the money".
Somebody needs to do some serious homework, serious digging.
The facts, just the facts, emotion will get headlines, but doesn't rate versus $$$.
Tootle pip!!

PS: Thorn Bird ain't no colleen. Lots of things, but not that!! Absolutely not that!!

22nd Jun 2019, 12:37
Something tells me I do not think so. The mayor is an idealist. His idea about development is to put the entire peninsula in a fish bowl. Everything about this guy screams nimby environmentalist.

22nd Jun 2019, 13:40
Further, reportedly, The OAC has not received a letter. Could it be the hangar lies on commercial land? Operating under a separate permit structure to the aerodrome? Could it also be put? The aerodrome is privately owned, just like a tilt slab industrial complex. These complexes do not need prior approval from council provide they meet the complex council permit. The aerodrome is permitted for aerodrome related industry....therefore, any industry renting or strata titled on aerodrome land is permitted to operate as per permit.

26th Jun 2019, 00:43
The media version of the truce (http://mpnews.com.au/2019/06/25/airfield-reopens-after-permit-talks/).

The president (https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2230823370298819&id=410999715614536&anchor_composer=false) of the PAC

and...who is Lifestyle Living (https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/www.theweeklysource.com.au/lifestyle-communities-acquires-new-site-on-the-mornington-peninsula/amp/)?

thorn bird
26th Jun 2019, 02:53
"Lifestyle Living"?

As they say Oz, "The blot thickens"!

26th Jun 2019, 20:43
The shire council attacked a retirment home complex near the racecourse complex in mornington...not in keeping with horse training and green wedge...they are hard to understand where they will flip.

26th Jun 2019, 20:46
The shire council attacked a retirment home complex near the racecourse complex in mornington...not in keeping with horse training and green wedge...they are hard to understand where they will flip.

attacked = approved ?

26th Jun 2019, 21:44
Mornington Retirment Village (http://mpnews.com.au/2018/02/12/bid-to-rein-in-retirement-village-plan/)RESIDENTS opposed to a proposed $50 million “retirement village” in Roberts Road, Mornington, say it will look like a “trailer park”.

The land is in a recognised horse precinct with easy access to Mornington racecourse.

“According to the developers’ plans, the 371 two-and-three bedroom dwellings will be constructed of Colorbond and timber. That’s similar to caravan park units. Their design will devalue properties in the area,” nearby resident and spokesperson Christine Pingiaro said.

“There will be loss of native habitat, potentially massive impact on the Balcombe Creek catchment, and encroachment on conservation reserves. There is no plan about what vegetation will be removed.”

The residents rallied on the gated road last week to protest Steller Estates’ proposal for a 20 hectare development at the Mornington-Tyabb Road end.

Many have lodged Statements of Grounds opposing the proposal with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). Marty Lenard, of Tanti Creek Friends, also lodged a statement of grounds to the tribunal.

Mornington Peninsula Shire’s executive manager planning services David Bergin said the shire “moved quickly to reject the proposal” but did not see the need to advertise it.

“The applicant did not use the shire’s pre-application service for a preliminary discussion prior to lodging its application. Reviewing the application, it was clear that the proposal was not sympathetic to the low scale character of the area between Mornington and the green wedge.,” Mr Bergin said

“It was inconsistent with local planning policies and could impact the neighbouring conservation reserve and racecourse. The shire moved quickly to reject the proposal to ensure the unique character of the peninsula was looked after.”

About 20 residents gathered at the site last week to voice their opposition to the proposal which Steller says presents a “rare opportunity to provide retirement accommodation close to an existing town centre”.

The developer’s documentation to council says the project “responds to the evident need for affordable retirement living on the Mornington Peninsula as Victoria’s population ages and housing pressure extends to the peninsula”.

“The subject site … is well located, being within one of the largest settlements on the peninsula with main road access into the centre of the township,” Steller said.

“ responds positively to its context, retaining significant vegetation and achieving the setbacks required by the Mornington Peninsula Planning Scheme to maintain and enhance the character elements that contribute positively to the amenity of Mornington.

“[The] submission demonstrates a well-considered and site-responsive proposal that has strong policy support at all levels of the Mornington Peninsula Planning Scheme and is therefore worthy of support.”

If the village goes ahead the owner of 58 Roberts Road, who refused to sell to the developer, will be surrounded by access ways and buildings.

Ten years ago the state coroner ordered that gates be erected at the road’s intersections with Mornington-Tyabb Rd and Bungower Rd, after a racehorse escaped and collided with a vehicle on Nepean Highway, killing a tradesman driving to work.

The gates restrict and slow traffic to provide a safer environment for livestock, workers, residents and visitors. They act as a deterrent to traffic.

Ms Pingiaro said the influx of an additional potential 700 residents, as well as visitors and tradespeople, will see this safety measure eroded.

[i]First published in the Mornington News – 13 February 2018 (https://issuu.com/morningtonnews/docs/mn_13th_february_2018)Related Posts

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doug s
1st Jul 2019, 08:10
absolutely spot on

doug s
1st Jul 2019, 08:28
We have infill happening in our suburb - the householders don't want it, push the Council to make a decision but they say their hands are tied by the Government of the day. In the end, if the Mornington Council is the only hurdle, then the situation for the PAC may be winnable. However, if there are other bodies like in our state - WA Planning Commission and State Administrative Tribunal, then all is lost. They will over rule the Councils with the drop of a hat.

16th Jul 2019, 21:46
Airport deal to remain secret (http://mpnews.com.au/2019/07/16/legal-review-to-stay-secret/)

THE “full legal review” into planning permits involving Tyabb airfield and businesses operating there will not be released to the public. Mornington Peninsula Shire has decided to extend the deadline for the review by a Queen’s Counsel beyond 30 June and at some stage release “a document consolidating the conditions of all current planning permits that currently apply to the Tyabb airfield”. The motion agreeing to the deadline change and to keeping the review secret appears to conflict with council’s decision on 26 March for “the outcome of the legal review … be brought back to council by the end of the financial year, for a council briefing, prior to the findings being publicly released”.

Both the initial call for the legal review and last week’s deadline extension were contained in notices of motion put by Cr Julie Morris and adopted unanimously by council.

Hmmm..non-existant permits suddenly re-appear?

17th Jul 2019, 04:37
Shire to back airshow if permit sought (http://mpnews.com.au/2019/07/02/shire-to-back-airshow-if-permit-sought/)

MORNINGTON Peninsula Shire’s requirement that Peninsula Aero Club conform to planning rules could jeopardise the staging of next year’s air show at Tyabb airfield. Club president Jack Vevers sees the shire’s insistence that the club seek a planning permit – as normally required for big events – as “blackmail”. The mayor, Cr David Gill, says the club and businesses associated with the airfield should conform to planning regulations. Mr Vevers on Sunday issued a news release claiming the shire had told the club it “will not be supporting a permit application to run the air show in 2020”. Not so, said Cr Gill: “[They] should just put in a permit application and stop misleading people. “We will work with them to make sure they get a permit for the air show. “We agree the air show is good for the peninsula, but they should stop this nonsense.”

Mr Vevers said he had been told the shire “would not accept a secondary consent application as they have always done previously”. “We normally just write to the council and fill in a form which gives us a period to vary our permit so we can run the air show – say, seven days. It’s never been an issue before. “Now they have told me they want a full planning application before they will even consider it, but that would open up our permits so that they [can] get full control of the airfield. “They have a win at any cost attitude. They are using the issue as blackmail.” Cr Gill has rejected suggestions that the council is trying to shut down Tyabb airfield or businesses operating there. He said the shire wants to “work out the permit and zoning concerns”. “There has been a lot of misleading publicity about the airfield and it is now time that our community know the facts,” Cr Gill said. “The council has been trying to resolve the issues including lack of permits, the need for a masterplan and a noise abatement plan, possible rezoning requirements and simply a club willingness to work with neighbours via the existing community reference group.” Under the Planning and Environment Act, 1987 businesses can be fined $1087 for operating without permits.

Cr Gill’s statement follows council’s receipt of a report by a Queen’s Counsel that reportedly showed some businesses associated with the airfield were operating without the required permits. The News has asked for a copy of the ratepayer-funded report. Cr Gill said other businesses “must be a little perplexed that they are required to hang their permits on their walls and abide by conditions while at least some private airfield businesses aim to self-regulate within a largely residential area”. “For decades now the substitute for the rational resolution of problems has been to ramp up the rhetoric and create an ‘us against them’ scenario while clouding the real issues,” he said. “This leaves me wondering how this is going to help the workers and businesses involved. “The reality is that complex town planning matters will only be resolved by negotiation and applying standard regulations, not by any amount of abusive or disingenuous campaigning.”

Cr Gill said that contrary to a report in The News (“Airfield reopens after permit talks” 25/6/19) he was “warmly welcomed” to an open day last month at the airfield. “It was surprising and untrue to read that I wasn’t welcome and didn’t know what I was talking about. There were, though, some who were only prepared to argue and make statements in order to gather support to put pressure on any council decisions,” he said. “The shire has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars assisting the airfield in the past and I hope continues to help ensure the viability of the businesses involved. “I listen to all, but that doesn’t mean just agreeing, no matter how influential one group may be. Our community would expect nothing less.”

With Stephen Taylor

17th Jul 2019, 05:25
To put my last two posts in context..The later appeared on the 4th of this month, the former is today. Hence, take note the local news wanted a copy of the report to which the local Tyabb councillor has voted to keep secret. The Mayor should be in politics the way he winds his words together to make out the aerodrome is at fault. Note this! In the original permit, one of the original four items is to run an airshow to which the Shire receives a part of the profits. This is the reason, I would bet that only a secondary application is required. Reading the news feed of the local rag, this council is hell bent on stopping any industry Even to the point of taxing EVERY tourist that has the temerity to drive into the peninsula during and for holidays. (EDIT, A local councillor aspirant plans to do this (http://mpnews.com.au/2019/07/15/call-to-tax-the-tourists/)) The council is against an LNG hub in a major shipping port of Hastings...Esso BHP has been operating a gas plant, stripping natural gas, Propane and Butane off the oil line from Bass strait for over fifty years...right next door to the AGL plan. They haven't said anything about a Chinese company (http://mpnews.com.au/2019/07/16/wind-farm-hope-from-china/) wanting to build 17 huge windmills on French's Island..YET..Seeing as Bob Brown is now against them, one wonders if the woke community of Red Hill will also be against the French's Island plan.

The bottom line is the Shire, under Cr Gill, wants to control the aerodrome out of existence. PPR will be eventually care of the Shire office!

EDIT...On consideration, maybe that permit was the second one where the airshow was one of the twelve...

17th Jul 2019, 07:15
It’s pretty obvious the council wants the airport closed. The permit crap is just a smokescreen.

17th Jul 2019, 07:26
It’s pretty obvious the council wants the airport closed. The permit crap is just a smokescreen.
I say again: "Follow the money".
Tootle pip!!

12th Aug 2019, 04:58

Dear PAC Members and Tyabb Community,

Regrettably after many weeks of trying to come to a workable solution with the Council to run the 2020 Airshow we have not been able to agree on a pathway forward. As such the committee has resolved to cancel the 2020 Tyabb Airshow.Although the Shire offered a new permit process we ultimately found that it has proven unworkable and we are unable to run the airshow safely and effectively. While we would have been willing to continue discussions, unfortunately we have simply run out of the lead-time required to plan and stage the event. It’s a lot of work as you might imagine involving hundreds of people.

We know many of you will be disappointed to hear this news and we feel terribly sorry for all of the charities, and for all the businesses and sponsors who have helped us. Unfortunately we have reached a point of no return and have done all we could to stretch the timeline to give the Shire space to fix the situation to no avail.

Since 1968, we have run airshows which have developed into a high profile international event, which has brought the Tyabb Township together and has become a regional highlight for tens of thousands of people. All of the aircraft, the pilots and owners along with hundreds of volunteers have donated their time and assets to help make the event a success.

The genesis of the Airshow was to provide funding for the Angel of Mercy, which was arguably the world’s first emergency helicopter ambulance service that started at Tyabb. Of course the success of the air ambulance concept has now travelled around the world and has saved countless lives. After the Victorian State Government committed to fund the Angel of Mercy, which became the Victorian Air Ambulance Service, the Airshow evolved to support local projects and charities.

Over the years the Peninsula Aero Club has raised more than a $1m in donations which have been directed to local charities and volunteer organizations such as the CFA, Headspace, Riding for the Disabled, the Bays and Rosebud hospitals, Lions Club and Tyabb Footy and Cricket Clubs to name just a few.

We are incredibly disappointed that Shire’s letters of direction to stop the operation of the airport have caused so much disruption and blocked participation and access to the resources we need to run the event.

We are hopeful that over time we will find a solution to once again work with the Shire to allow the Airshow to go ahead in 2022.

PAC President
Jack Vevers

12th Aug 2019, 05:05
Planning Alert (http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.planningalerts.org.au%2Fapplicatio ns%2F1364250&h=AT10i1CajzcP_HbTUR_Zq0kdcyxMv4RahdJ1jD5PYbrNSPnhLIupwhforF 2_4bUqxOmjXSNN8GhjSGI58UFk5vRAz8TGFDD_7NPp0Ef5Pe2jKvaG8tD6px-9RYVgSvvFCsV273tKZBLsxZwnaR44kN1uE-LRYfKTUyXd)
Lifestyle Living
Stuart Rd ,Tyabb

12th Aug 2019, 05:15
So the shire wants to put retirement units - 180 of them, on 59 stuart rd, across from the airport - about 300m from the centreline. Estimated cost $10,000,000.

All Council opposition to the airport now becomes quite, crystal, clear. Pardon me while I go outside and vomit.

12th Aug 2019, 05:26
Here’s a thought. Why not sell the airstrip for conversion into a 24/7 garbage recycling center? That’s what the township of Tyabb deserves.

12th Aug 2019, 08:24
Based on my experience fighting for the continued existence of a rifle range and club in Victoria that was threatened by housing development, it doesn't really matter how many caveats and sections 173s you place on new housing regarding existing noise etc. it only takes a small but organised group of protesters to get up a petition and local council are obliged to consider such petitions and possibly act to negate existing restrictions. Not sure how councils do that but under certain circumstances, where council have imposed restrictions, they have the power to remove them, so I am told.

Suggest all users of the airfield immediately lodge an amendment to any planning permission for retirement homes requiring a Section 173 be added to the planning permit that all occupants and interested parties are made aware that there is an operating airport nearby and this produces airport noise 24/7, then pick a decibel range that suits. The developers will fight this as VCAT could insist on triple glazing and other noise insulation etc. So now a delay occurs and everything rests in the hands of VCAT. Possibly time to start a fighting fund, "Save our local Airport and jobs"?

12th Aug 2019, 18:30
Mornington Peninsula Shire Council['s] ... attack on Peninsula Aero Club and the businesses that rely on Tyabb Airport is gutless, cowardly, corrupt and un-Australian.
Point of order.

"gutless, cowardly, corrupt" exactly describes the Australian politician at every level. As such I think you should remove that "un-Australian" comment.

13th Aug 2019, 00:56
Sadly, as I said on my first post on this thread, follow the money.
The club and supporters are going to have to be far more political to beat the developers, but --- IT IS POSSIBLE..
Simply, the "Councillors" have to become convinced that there is more votes in the airfield than a retirement home development.
It can be done, because it has been done.
Look to AOPA AU and, indirectly, AOPA USA, for the successful strategy and tactics.
Tootle pip!!

13th Aug 2019, 04:38
We just got rid of our shire CEO. Part of that was the formation of a committee of “like minded people “ who were going to run candidates against every gutless councillor that supported him.

13th Aug 2019, 09:57
Tonight's Bolt Report would indicate there is now groundswell of locals that have had enough with "Green" councils. Tyabb mentioned. Warnervale was the central argument regrding trees planted under the approaches MUST be protected.