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14th May 2019, 22:39
Are we too Cyber/Computer dependent when it comes to mobilizing forces for major combat deployments?

Just how does the US. Military and its allies (if any) project real military power for a land war against peer/near peer forces in Asia?

Are the Chinese beatable?

https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-army/2019/05/09/does-your-combat-experience-even-matter-against-chinese-and-russian-troops/?utm_campaign=Socialflow+MAR&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&fbclid=IwAR0D4iJH_KdErAAR6TqRQoOPMm9S9wYRu6x_xMHsUBQic40OcQN jcwzy78Y

15th May 2019, 06:25
Interesting article and throws up some points for commanders to consider. That said from experience commanders want all their info digitally and heavily relay on spreadsheets and stats. Do commanders in the future need to re-think how they go about business of warr?

15th May 2019, 09:19
Technology is not all bad when commanders can project death by Powerpoint...

15th May 2019, 11:33
Are the Chinese beatable?

“I think we have to take the rose-colored glasses off and get real about the nature of the threat,” Kiron Skinner, the director of policy planning at the US State Department, said last week at a security conference in Washington. “This is a fight with a really different civilization.”


15th May 2019, 12:17
The days of permissive strategic deployments — like the 2003 Iraq invasion — are gone, he said
Which needs to be considered in re Bolton's recent noise about deploying 120k troops to deal with Iran.
Uh, that doesn't happen overnight, John-boy.
The point in the article about the South China Sea being China's back yard is easily folded into the Jominian "interior lines/exterior lines" model ... that's not even new thinking.

15th May 2019, 12:50
A fellow named Sun Tzu might be worth listening to when dealing with the Chinese.