View Full Version : Jerez & Kids

4th Aug 2002, 14:47
Is it worth taking your wife and two young children to Jerez? Afterall fourteen months is a long time, with only two weeks off!

Baldie Man
4th Aug 2002, 15:09
Will most likely mean the difference between your marriage staying together or falling apart. Alot of married/seriously partnered up folks who left loved ones behind had their relationships go pear shaped due to the seperation whilst I was out there. Either that or they quit to return to the UK and train elsewhere. It is a real tough environment for someone who is married and has kids to adapt to - take it from me as I have seen it first hand and been the shoulder that was cried on. Not fun.

You won't have oodles of time for them but at least they'll be there at the end of the day. Of course they will not be able to stay on campus so you will have to find accomodation in town for them.

There is the argument that they may get in the way of your studies especially during the first five months but even so I wouldn't listen to anyone who says it's a bad idea unless they have actually done it themselves and as far as I know nobody has so.....

Your time away will seem longer than 14 months and it will be very tough for you and your wife - not to mention the kids.

Take them with if you can afford to. It will be a great experience for them too.


So it is
4th Aug 2002, 19:45
I am a married man with 3 kids and managed to complete the course at Jerez, it was hard but worth it.
I do know of one other guy that was self sponsored that arrived towards the end of my course who was thinking of bringing out his kid's for a long summer holiday, which is another way around it.