View Full Version : ATC strike against 1 airline?

19th Apr 2019, 15:00
Briefly: Ukraine International Airlines (PS/AUI) doesn't pay navigation charges to my Ukrainian ANSP (UkSatse) for almost a year. Total debt now is about 25 million $ and still rising every day. As AUI is the major airline in our airspace they (should) give us about 20-25% of total money. We have now few lawsuits between AUI and UkSatse (Airline also demands about 35 mln $ from ANSP as they think that charges were to high), so we can't ban flights for them while trial is in progress.
What are the options in this case? Would it help if we (controllers) force flights to fly without shorcuts and levels according to FPL?

19th Apr 2019, 16:17
The discussion should be between the ANSP and the airline. ATCOs should work normally.

19th Apr 2019, 19:20
The discussion should be between the ANSP and the airline. ATCOs should work normally.
yeah, but...how should we work when ANSP says that they have to cut our salaries as one airline flies and will fly(owner's puppet is about to become next president of Ukraine) for free?)

20th Apr 2019, 01:24
If this is true and as described, I’m surprised it hasn’t it the headlines.

21st Apr 2019, 19:05
Is your provider member of Eurocontrol ? Does CRCO ( Central route charge office) collect money for your company?
​​​​​​​If yes, than they have pretty much authority to solve issues.
If you aren't, than " Houston, we have a problem."

21st Apr 2019, 20:53
Is your provider member of Eurocontrol ? Does CRCO ( Central route charge office) collect money for your company?
We used CRCO years ago. Had to quit, as once European court blocked almost all ANSPs money there, after some trial against Country (as it's state enterprise).

2nd Feb 2020, 15:16
latest update:
Total debt now is >40 million $. Provider can't ban AUI flights as they have 3 different judgements that prohibit it. once ANSP wins appeal on one of them, they start new legitation)
WE (ATCOs) tried to interfere somehow: gave landing priority to other traffic (that pay money), no shortcuts, no visual depatures, but it led to nothing. Pilots are happy to have extra paid time to fly, airline managers didn't care also, as jetfuel company and airline belong to same owner)
Now situation is really critical, as ANSP has to take loans to pay money to employees.
to be continued.....

3rd Feb 2020, 10:47
industrial action that will force the corrupt state of yours to start collecting money for your hard work.

Mister Geezer
3rd Feb 2020, 14:38
I am not a controller or Ukrainian but I have a few Ukrainian friends in the industry.

AUI has reportedly been bleeding money for some time and I hate to say this but ANSP charges in the home country of a flag carrier will fall way down their list of priorities. ANSP charges outside of Ukraine will most likely be a far higher priority for the airline.

As pointed out already, this issue is not about AUI crew and it is in your interest to have a good working relationship with the other voices on the radio. They are not to blame for this and adding some extra track miles and minutes to AUI flights will solve nothing. The extra cost incurred will be a drop in the ocean compared to what they owe, plus management will probably never get to hear about what you have been doing due to the overall insignificance.

You as a group of controllers need to join and take this issue as high up as possible and right up to the Rada if you can. Involve the media along with social media. Share your situation with the country and your people. Consider industrial action if that is workable. Without a safe and functioning ANSP, Ukraine as a country and Ukrainians as individuals will suffer. It is in your interest to share the consequences of this with your people, so they can learn of how serious this is for you, your colleagues and the country.