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Office Update
11th Sep 2019, 11:40
I think it's time to take a reality check of where the issue stands:-

The public whom travel by aircraft be it scheduled airlines, ad-hoc charter, air ambulance, charity flights, joy flights, are only interested in one thing - Safety ! The issue of this thread is of no concern to the travelling public.

In general, licenced pilot's, from PPL through to ATPL, by and large are not really affected by this thread.

A person choosing to learn to fly has far less options today to choose from due to the demise of country flying schools, that's an inconvenience, A serious issue in fact but of NO concern to CASA. Less people flying equals safer skies.

Any aspiring AOC holder for whatever function is NOT going to join into this argument - they will be penalised by CASA if their identity becomes known. Any existing AOC holder will be very careful for the same reason. CASA retribution!

This whole thread only directly affects ONE individual, and I know from personal experience that the Prime Minister, Deputy PM, local members, Judiciary, and any other body or learned people don't have any real interest, or will be instructed to be very guarded.

THIS IS OVER and FINISHED - nothing will eventuate from this only the adoption of the FAA system, and that will never happen - the second coming of Christ is a better bet.

11th Sep 2019, 12:31
I think it's time to take a reality check of where the issue stands:-

The public whom travel by aircraft be it scheduled airlines, ad-hoc charter, air ambulance, charity flights, joy flights, are only interested in one thing - Safety ! The issue of this thread is of no concern to the travelling public.

In general, licenced pilot's, from PPL through to ATPL, by and large are not really affected by this thread.

A person choosing to learn to fly has far less options today to choose from due to the demise of country flying schools, that's an inconvenience, A serious issue in fact but of NO concern to CASA. Less people flying equals safer skies.

Any aspiring AOC holder for whatever function is NOT going to join into this argument - they will be penalised by CASA if their identity becomes known. Any existing AOC holder will be very careful for the same reason. CASA retribution!

This whole thread only directly affects ONE individual, and I know from personal experience that the Prime Minister, Deputy PM, local members, Judiciary, and any other body or learned people don't have any real interest, or will be instructed to be very guarded.

THIS IS OVER and FINISHED - nothing will eventuate from this only the adoption of the FAA system, and that will never happen - the second coming of Christ is a better bet.

well said, about sums it up too. I feel for Glen but only he knows how far he wants to flog that dead horse.

11th Sep 2019, 16:06
well said, about sums it up too. I feel for Glen but only he knows how far he wants to flog that dead horse.

Glen alone will carry this only so far. But what is to prevent, say, each and every one of us from sending a letter to the PM to ask for concrete change in GA?
How many would rally to the cause? I reckon 5000 fellow pilots and GA stakeholders is not a fanciful number. We draft a carefully written letter, everyone prints it out, signs and sends it to Canberra on a weekly basis. A matter of pocket change and finding a mailbox for most. Medium term, there's no way this will go unnoticed.

This system is dysfunctional because it is has no built-in checks and balances. Ultimately the only reason why Australia has settled for mediocrity while being country this big and with infrastructure in place to be at the top, is because we stakeholders allowed it to be. This picture above sums it all up: what good is all that extra paper if the resulting system is not safer than the alternative?

Office Update
11th Sep 2019, 21:55

Will not work. CASA will seek retribution on any person assisting Glenn in his cause. No petition will be received that is anonymous and unsigned.

As I said previously this thread and the issue at stake affects only ONE person, if you are a professional pilot working in the industry, you will get a smack on the bum from CASA, in one way or another.

In one post Glenn postured the question to CASA about their future intentions in regard to himself applying for a CASA approved position in any organisation in the future. The CASA response was that all applications will be assessed fairly based upon merit. CASA will find a reason to NOT approve any such application.

The very small amount of funding achieved to date is a reflection of the state of the claim being made against CASA and it's likelihood of succeeding, Zip!


thorn bird
11th Sep 2019, 22:08
"The public whom travel by aircraft be it scheduled airlines, ad-hoc charter, air ambulance, charity flights, joy flights, are only interested in one thing - Safety !"

Office I don't think this statement is entirely correct, I would have said price interests the average punter far more than safety, as illustrated by the number who happily jump on foreign administered low cost carriers for their yearly sabbatical to Bali. Safety becomes an issue in Joe publics mind after the event not before.

Flying training is no different.

In UK some years ago, Virgin I think it was, were offering packages to Florida to learn to fly as the one size fits all EASA rules drove most flying schools out of business in Europe.

It's around half the cost in the US to learn to fly than here.I imagine the same would be true for other countries with sensible regulations such as NZ or Canada. The influx of foreign students I would suggest is more about a residency Visa than a flying licence, the Chinese brigade don't count because by and large they don't train to Australian rules they just use our airspace.

There has been US schools promoting here, even including the conversion costs from a US licence to an Australian one.

"In general, licenced pilot's, from PPL through to ATPL, by and large are not really affected by this thread."

I believe this statement is also not entirely correct, what CAsA is doing indirectly or directly affects everyone in aviation in this country from the top down and Australia is poorer for it.

"Any aspiring AOC holder for whatever function is NOT going to join into this argument - they will be penalised by CASA if their identity becomes known. Any existing AOC holder will be very careful for the same reason. CASA retribution!"

Finally we agree. I believe CAsA is corrupt and incompetent and I believe that is the thing that irks Australian's more than anything. We hear often of "A fair go", the problem is communicating that to Joe public who has very little understanding of how aviation works, they hear CAsA spin, with very little opposing argument.
The media seems ambivalent to aviations plight, there are far more sensational issues to report, social media is really the only way to get an issue out there.
There was an old Frank Sinatra song about a Ram and a Dam, keep butting and eventually the dam would collapse.
Whats the old adage?.. "when a few good men do nothing".

Office Update
11th Sep 2019, 22:19
Thorny, Yes, and you do have a good 'handle' on the situation. EASA and Part 61 has destroyed dozens of country flying schools.

11th Sep 2019, 23:42
This is the best analogy, I can make. It is dramatic, but my family will testify. There has been only one morning since October 2018 that I have woken after 3AM in the morning. I pace, I walk, I drive, and I occasionally run into bad guys. I am the one that has lived this for almost 12 months now. Let me very clearly and concisely set the scene.

I attend a working bee at my local school for 25 years. The most recent 15 years as the leader of a school committee on safety and OH and S. I put everything I have into that school community, everything. I have my own group of friends at the working bees, and I spend most of my time with them. I notice over the years a small group of people that don't appear to be pulling their weight. In fact, they actually seem to create work. Its almost like they want the working bees to fail.

Eventually I pull them aside, and simply ask them to support the school community. They obviously don't like the physical labor side of the working bee, and admittedly I did point that out to them. They actually seemed a little offended that I had picked them up on their behaviour. Nevertheless, I invited them to join me working on school issues regarding safety, compliance, OHS Etc. They smiled disingenuously at me.

I headed home to my family, had dinner together, watched a movie, shared a dessert, and retired to bed. It was October 2018, a beautiful night, and I may have been a bit lax with securing the house.

Anyway, as I slept calmly I was awoken unexpectedly by that same group from the working bee. They smashed down the door, and were armed tooth to nail with the most intimidating arsenal. They obviously wanted to get upstairs, and bring harm to me and my family. I armed myself with everything I had, but I was effectively taking a pop gun to the fight. What I did have was a resolve that they hadn't anticipated.

These pricks from the working bee, had burst into my house. If they got past me at the front door, I knew my families life would be effected. I knew that till my wifes very last breath on this planet, she was not going to get the finale that she is fully entitled to.

Can you imagine how hard you would fight. I can tell you from personal experience that you would fight with every dam thing you had, and would be breaking legs off chairs if you had to.

Imagine if you fought every waking moment for 10 months. Imagine if you were just exhausted, and despite your very best efforts, you passed out.

You knew that you had lost the battle for your own family. Imagine if you followed every single protocol and procedure, to have those persons continued membership of the working bee revoked. The best you could get was their mates to "review" it. All you wanted was someone independent, and with ethics, to simply review their continuity on the working bee.

What would you do?

Quite simply. I am not walking away.

If I let those people stay on the working bee, I know they will terrorise other neighbours. After 25 years in GA, I actually quite like my neighbours, all of them come along to the working bee, and actually work safely, in accordance with the rules.

I intend to right the wrong those individuals inflicted on me. I know that if I let them get away with it, they will be re-energised.

So, I do call on you for your support. I am asking for you to spread the word. The crowd funding page has slowed somewhat over the recent week, as I have been somewhat distracted with other matters. I will give it one last call to arms, and I will significantly increase my exposure.

Once that goal is achieved. The legal investigation can commence. I will get a substantive report, that I will publish. If that report comes out as I expect it will. I will have access to fund the case to a determination.

It will just be Glen Buckley against CASA.

Should i not achieve my target, i will commence a process to refund any funds contributed, and pursue a different course of action.

This is however an industry battle, a safety battle, a business battle, a governance battle, an ethics battle, a respect battle, a fairness battle, and a legal battle etc. It IS worth fighting for, in my humble opinion.

Quite simply, if after a substantive legal review the firm comes back and says. Well Glen, they are a pack of ratbags, but they did get you, then sadly. Then. The battle is over, but only then.

Horatio Leafblower
12th Sep 2019, 01:29
CASA will seek retribution on any person assisting Glenn in his cause.

I really don't see this actually happening.
The National Party, on the other hand, is far more spiteful.

Flaming galah
12th Sep 2019, 01:53
I really don't see this actually happening.

Nor can I.

thorn bird
12th Sep 2019, 02:32
"I really don't see this actually happening."


Horatio, there is rather a lot of evidence out there that would suggest it is a fairly common occurrence.

12th Sep 2019, 05:44
I really don't see this actually happening.
The National Party, on the other hand, is far more spiteful.

Really??? Have you not noticed that we now live in a country where the government spies on a friendly neighbour country under the guise of foreign aid work (nothing in the aid package mentioned installing bugs)... then when a government employee is so disgusted by their amoral behaviour they try to protest, goes through all the departmental processes and then when it all gets ignored, goes to the media. That person is now being prosecuted to the full extent of a draconian law based on a UK Law (which the UK have since repealed but we cling onto because Potato Head thinks being elected means we all become his personal serfs) along with their lawyer.

Yes, we live in THAT country... not the United States, where their Constitution specifically enjoins public employees to exercise due diligence in communicating with the media (e.g. telling the truth or risk prosecution) and implicitly protects journalists and the 'press' under their First Amendment. We on the other hand, live in that country where they raid the journalists home and/or offices to take documents. (they even allegedly considered doing the same to root out who leaked the Au Pair information).

20 years ago I would have said this wouldn't happen in Australia, now we are edging toward a Police State... we may not be one yet but we are certainly on the way to being one. So, let's not think for one minute that a government bureaucracy won't potentially act like a sewer rat to protect its own a-se.

12th Sep 2019, 06:21
Well said Aerial. Australia is fast turning into a despicable state.

Bend alot
12th Sep 2019, 08:15
I think it's time to take a reality check of where the issue stands:-

The public whom travel by aircraft be it scheduled airlines, ad-hoc charter, air ambulance, charity flights, joy flights, are only interested in one thing - Safety ! The issue of this thread is of no concern to the travelling public.

In general, licenced pilot's, from PPL through to ATPL, by and large are not really affected by this thread.

A person choosing to learn to fly has far less options today to choose from due to the demise of country flying schools, that's an inconvenience, A serious issue in fact but of NO concern to CASA. Less people flying equals safer skies.

Any aspiring AOC holder for whatever function is NOT going to join into this argument - they will be penalised by CASA if their identity becomes known. Any existing AOC holder will be very careful for the same reason. CASA retribution!

This whole thread only directly affects ONE individual, and I know from personal experience that the Prime Minister, Deputy PM, local members, Judiciary, and any other body or learned people don't have any real interest, or will be instructed to be very guarded.

THIS IS OVER and FINISHED - nothing will eventuate from this only the adoption of the FAA system, and that will never happen - the second coming of Christ is a better bet.
Aviation is very much like immigration in the public's eyes.

Both government departments are very similar - too much power and authority. Basically only the minister can step in to right a wrong, but that's like phoning a Fairy God Mother for help!

I had some very great issues with the Immigration Department, I did a Glen, and went into overload to try fix the wrong.

I received letters back from Senators, the Ombudsman, Department of Prime-minister and Cabinet and many Members. They all followed the same BS line, but I did not give up!

I got onto a talk back radio show one day to correct a false statement about immigration, but I got to get part of my story out as to why it was a incorrect statement.

John Laws was dumbfounded as to what I said, and passed me off to one of his Hand Maidens. I supplied the relevant documentation that was requested to the John Laws crew.

In less than a month my issue was no longer, nor were there any further issues with later dealings with the Immigration Department.

The name is Porter
12th Sep 2019, 09:34
Keep going Glen, keep going. There are people working on ways to raise money, there are people approaching members of parliament. Keep going mate.

Bend alot
12th Sep 2019, 10:10

The very small amount of funding achieved to date is a reflection of the state of the claim being made against CASA and it's likelihood of succeeding, Zip!

$26,516 by only 136 donors at an average of $195 per donor (no real big $10K donor) in only 17 days since first donation.

$1560 per day average for last 17 Days

$2613 raised in the last 7 days

$701 in last 48 hours

All from just a small group with no media grab yet.

Lead Balloon
12th Sep 2019, 21:31
Just to reinforce why CASA has taken the action against Glen. Years ago I attempted to hand over my flying school AOC permit to a couple that had been operating it for some time, one being Chief Flying Instructor already, and using their own aircraft. In other words everything exactly the same except the ownership name of the permit on a piece of paper. Would CASA transfer the AOC?
Why? because they would have lost out on the money, some $ thousands in application, scrutinising and vetting backwards and forwards of a one off Operations Manual. CASA personnel would also have lost salary justification. These are the factors that have lead to the CASA change of policy towards Glen’s logical system to spread the administrative burden over a number of schools. Glen’s successful model was a direct threat to the make work money machine of CASA, the whole house of cards topped off with the fatuously titled Director of Air Safety on $600,000 pa.
Real reform requires political action, ring write contact your federal MP and Senators.

Flying school permit Australia; months? years? $50,000? $100,000? Several approved personnel, including graded instructor.
Flying school USA; No permit required.
Gain Instructor Rating (no gradings) $15.99 book and start immediately anywhere. (Yes the AIM price has risen $1.04 since last posted).

https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/566x754/cb1b70bb_909a_47b6_b7c7_922c434ada8a_32131c408bd9b8ab555b5bd 65f0b011c0d6af4af.png
US:- $14.95 book with index. Start immediately with ins. rating. CASASTROPHE edited library $thousands, months or years, maybe permissible eventually.

You can’t ‘hand over’ your driver’s licence to someone else, and you can’t ‘hand over’ your pilot’s licence to someone else. (I suppose you physically can, but it won’t result in the other person being licensed to drive and fly.)

Whether an AOC should be required for an instructor to give flying instructions is a completely different question, as is the question whether the regulatory reform program now has any point other than to line the pockets of bureaucrats.

12th Sep 2019, 22:05
An AOC is a system that operates without being tied to an individual like a driver's licence. If a system is in place, the personnel can change and the outcomes will remain the same. This is why you can buy or take over an AOC.

As for instructing without an AOC, if it's your plane or the students I can't see a problem. If you wanna use someone else's plane to give instruction that's a little different.

12th Sep 2019, 23:09
An AOC is a system that operates without being tied to an individual like a driver's licence. If a system is in place, the personnel can change and the outcomes will remain the same. This is why you can buy or take over an AOC.

As for instructing without an AOC, if it's your plane or the students I can't see a problem. If you wanna use someone else's plane to give instruction that's a little different.

I think not. Don’t key personnel have to be “accepted “ by CASA? I would also have thought that not all AOCs are created equal because as Glens case appears to show, an AOC can be revoked/suspended/destroyed at the whim of a CASA staff member for any reason, real or not, at an time. That is the heart of the problem - the utterly unfettered powers of CASA to do exactly as it likes.

13th Sep 2019, 01:32
I sincerely hope you reach your target, and I hope you have access to lawyers who have aviation knowledge, there are not many good ones around.
With you legal advisers, consider https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2017C00238,.Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977.
Forget the AAT.
Tootle pip!!

13th Sep 2019, 02:23

I imagine you’ve been following CASA’s grilling by the Senate’s RRAT standing committees over the bungled ATSB/CASA report into Angel Flight? These standing committees have oversight over CASA’s performance.

Senator Susan McDonald competently chairs this committee: https://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Parliamentarian?MPID=123072

Email sent to you with offer of assistance.

13th Sep 2019, 03:04
Whilst the crowd funding has slowed somewhat, I am confident the target can be achieved.

The crowd funding page was designed by a past employee and student, and activated by a work colleague. I have only spoken on here about my issues, and not more widely. As i stated in an earlier post, I feel this forum is suitably discrete,aimed at industry stakeholders, and mentors that continue to provide support and well intentioned advice. I am convinced that Pprune is the most appropriate forum, and this will be my location until i am shuffled along.

Amongst the many offers of assistance through well intentioned contacts is a significant social media campaign. I have avoided this because of potential repercussions on my family. I have discussed this at length, and we are absolutely united, as we have been throughout, and that will be my next step. My hope is that should re-energise the campaign, and i will start that this weekend (time permitting).

Regarding the legal firm.

As I discussed in previous posts, two respected persons facilitated an initial consultation only, with a substantive law firm. This opportunity would never have been available to me, had I approached this firm directly. They are large, highly respected, and feedback from people suggests, I have been blessed with the opportunity. I see raised eyebrows when I mention the name.

However, they are not aviation experts, although have access to those resources.

It could be that the assessment is made by an aviation lawyer with an established reputation in the industry. A strong level of industry knowledge will allow the lawyer to get to the significant matters in more cost effective timeframes. They will potentially have a grasp of what is actually important. An aviation lawyer will more easily be able to distinguish between the important issues and my emotive and potentially skewed view.

I did have an opportunity to have a phone conversation with a respected industry lawyer, and admittedly that name has popped up again and again. I am considering contacting him to have a discussion and assess availability.

I get many offers of how can I help? The answer, spread the word, help me to get to my $50,000 to fund the review

I am simply seeking the opportunity for someone not on the CASA payroll to make an independent assessment as to whether CASAs conduct has been lawful.

If anybody has any recommendations of an aviation lawyer please email me [email protected]

13th Sep 2019, 03:26
My claim against CASA is primarily my claim, and hopefully something good for both CASA and industry can come from it. One thing I hope results, is a review of, "who actually makes decisions?"

In the case of my business, consider this. I built it over years with CASA personnel. Those personnel were predominantly from a flight training background. Their input over those many years was knowledgeable, professional, and well intentioned.

You may recall, I was notified by CASA of a change of my CASA oversighting team from CMT 2 to CMT 3. You may recall I had concerns about a person on that new team, and I sent two written requests to the CASA Regional Manager seeking a one on one ON THE RECORD meeting with the Regional Manager. That meeting proceeded. My concerns were brushed aside, and I was moved under CMT 3.

The members of the new CMT team, CMT 3 (containing the CASA employee I had raised concerns about) then begun their relentless reversal of policy application and initiated restrictions on my ability to trade.

Interestingly, all of the people that decided to work so tenaciously to bring APTA down, none of them had any flying training expertise. Their is no doubt that they were respected subject matter experts in their respective fields i.e. cabin crew training, aircraft maintenance, navigators etc.

Mr Crawford, being the senior executive in CASA responsible for CASAs chosen course of action must have drawn on someone from within the organisation that was a Subject Matter Expert (SME) on Flying Training, Part 61, Part 141 and Part 142.

Which person in CASA would be the CASA SME that Mr Crawford drew on for guidance. Perhaps their wasn't one. Perhaps emotion overtook good governance.

13th Sep 2019, 03:45
Let me be very clear that I have the utmost respect for our legal system.

I have been through it on a number of times, and at times against big Companies such as BDO (large financial firm) and Toyota.

I have made decisions to terminate two staff, and found myself in Fairwork backing my decision making on both occasions.(those two individual's were two of the best "instructors" that ever worked at MFT. My decision was on other factors).

There are never any winners, only losers.
There is only a bigger loser and a smaller loser.

I have never been the big loser, but I have been a loser.

My perspective is simple. Be well intentioned and tell the truth. It doesn't need a lawyer. If one party wont abide by those two simple rules, only then do you need a lawyer. I've never used a lawyer because I tell the truth, and I am well intentioned.

If someone elected to take action aginst me on the basis of something I have said, I would fully respect that process, and in fact that would be the fair process. I wouldn't even take any offence. I have an opinion that I believe to be fact. The other party has an opinion that they sincerely believe to be fact.

An indetermination is in fact the ONLY way to work out who is right and wrong.

I would vigorously defend my claims. I believe I have strong supporting evidence. I believe they are truthful, and in the public interest. They are against workplace conduct only, and each of those persons may well be an exceptional person outside of their engagement with me.

Also. My last 10 months has been stressful. Too stressful. I do not want to bring any mental anguish to anyone, I really don't. If ever I wrote something that really bought harm to anyone, I would hope they would text me on 0418772013, and I would establish contact and respectfully consider that request to stop. I am mindful that people have children, families etc

My hope is that you are each "up for the challenge". It is only my opinion but we continue to move towards a situation where all perspectives will be presented.

Bring it on I say!!!

13th Sep 2019, 06:09
Is this too crazy?

There can be no doubt that soon Ms Gladys Liu the current Member for the electorate of Chisholm will be forced to step down. Does that force a by-election?

I am a 54 year resident of that very electorate, and have a genuine interest in that area. I had lived in the very same street for 53 years until my current CASA woes forced the sale of the family home. I remain connected to the area, and moved only hundreds of metres away from my old house.

I had actually considered running as an independent at the last election, and actually received overwhelming support. We had two overseas born candidates with ties back to overseas. In my own situation, APTA was actually formed to protect the Australian sector of the flight industry from foreign ownership. You understand my difficulty in approaching my local member after the election. I sat quietly on the issue, but it has arisen as an issue in the media.

Somewhat embarrassingly, I already have a set of policies written up. I will be doing my best to update them over the weekend, and I may even publish them on here for feedback. They were broader than just good Governance issues. I had 10 policies across a range of issues. Super embarrassingly I was going to call it the "Common Sense Party", but as an Independent you cant have a Party name.

The thing that stopped me last election was that I had to renounce my British Citizenship. I may just initiate that process this weekend. It is a lengthy process, so best I get going.

Could it be that the Aviation industry could give me support running as an independent in the seat of Chisholm, and actually effect some change?

I couldn't be so lucky could I?

13th Sep 2019, 06:15
My name is Glen Buckley, very happily married for over 20 years, with three young adult children.

I was born in Essex Road Mount Waverley, bought my own home Essex Road in Mount Waverley, and lived in the same street in Mount Waverley in Chisholm for my entire 53 years. Im a small business owner operating a flying school at Moorabbin Airport for the last 13 years, and have worked professionally as a Pilot/Flying Instructor for the last 25 years.

My working years provided opportunities travelling and living in many parts of the world, with opportunities to work in England, Japan and the Fiji islands. Throughout those periods my "home" was Essex Road, where my parents continued to live until very recently.

I appreciate that this document is lengthy, but your decision on election day is important.

I am a self funded independent candidate, presenting myself to you on a limited budget.

Chisholm needs somebody representing their interests, and neither a Labor or Liberal Member will achieve that.

I am presenting myself to the electorate of Chisholm. As part of your decision making process, see what these candidates stand for. I don’t pass judgement, because I don’t know what they stand for, and I couldn’t find out. I knew only that they represented each of the major Parties.

I will be standing as an Independent Candidate against

Gladys Liu Liberal
Jennifer Yang Labour

I appreciate that my task is significant, and that you will receive lots of literature over coming weeks calling on your support. I encourage you to consider me amongst your options on election day. I appreciate you may be time poor, but I encourage you to read what I stand for

13th Sep 2019, 06:18
My nickname/slogan was going to be "Glen with Ten". I had only 10 policies.

Policy One- I will actually represent my electorate

The other candidates being presented have allegiances to the major political parties. My allegiance is to the people of Chisholm. I will present my 10 policies that I will work relentlessly to have introduced.

I will not be beholden to influencers, lobbyists, wealthy donors or the like.

I will represent the interests of the people of my electorate.

I have lived here for 54 of my 54 years.

On matters outside of my 10 Key Points, I will represent the view of the electorate of Chisholm, and vote in accordance with the electorates preferences, which I will actively seek.

Alpha Whiskey Bravo
13th Sep 2019, 06:23
I'll hand out pamphlets for you Glen.

13th Sep 2019, 06:23
Wow, this is making me reflect, I had being playing around with this for years, and its very nostalgic looking back on it. I haven't really proof read it, and might need the numbers fact checked by the ABC.

Policy Two- Promoting the importance of Australian Made

Each of us as an Australian consumer has immense powere to influence the health of the Australian economy.

If each of Australias 10,000,000 households were to divert $50 per week of household spending away from foreign products to Australian Made products, we would be diverting a staggering $26,000,000,000 back into the Australian manufacturing sector per annum.

Assuming that approximately 1/3 of Company revenue is returned as wages and salaries, that would generate approximately 100,000 new jobs on salary of $85,000 per annum.

Many of Australias current 500,000 unemployed would be appreciative of our combined efforts.

Consider this, there are 25 million people living in Australia, and we cant even buy an Australian made pair of undies, socks, or a motor car.

Of course we can blame Government policy, and there is no doubt that is a major contributor, however, the opportunity to remedy the situation sits with us, as consumers.

To achieve this, requires the Government to provide funding to significantly increase awareness of Australian Made and Grown products.

Government Departments would obligated to purchase Australian Made and Grown products in all cases where there is less than a 10% price differential berween an Australian Made product and a foreign owned product.

The criteria for deciding the use of the Australian logo is industry specific and determined by Industry i.e. Its easier to get 100% of Apples from Australia, than it is a silk textile.

Each Industry body in conjunction with the respective unions would detemine and publish the criteria for their specific industry, as to what can carry the Australian Made Logo.

The intent would be to encourage purchase of the product determined to have the most, Australian content, and most in the national interest.

Their would be national laws mandating Australian Made products to label products prominently with Australian Made labelling.

13th Sep 2019, 06:34
I knocked this one off from aproposal in NZ at the time from memory.

Policy Three- Property.If a purchaser is not an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident then that person has limited access to purchasing in the Australian Property Market.

Overseas purchasers are limited to purchasing apartments in large developments of over 5 storeys height. They are prevented from purchasing existing free standing homes.Bill Shorten talks about the “investor with 7 negatively geared properties”, and I concur with his sentiments.

However, the majority of investors don’t have 7 properties, and its a ridiculous angle to be pushing.

My view is that their should be no changes to negative gearing for an investors, first investment property, and that any changes should only apply to the second and subsequent investment properties.

We should be encouraging more rental properties onto the market, not less, as that is how we can best support people restricted to the rental market. A shortage of available rental properties, will only drive rental prices up. By the way, I don’t have an investment property.

Footnote 13/09/19 or a first home anymore

Flaming galah
13th Sep 2019, 06:35
I have lived here for 54 of my 54 years.

My early years were spent travelling and living in many parts of the world, with opportunities to work in England, Japan and the Fiji islands.

The electorate won’t like any inconsistencies in the material you provide them.

13th Sep 2019, 06:36
Policy Four- Immigration

On immigration matters it becomes a consideration of quality versus quantity.

The intention is not to reduce spending on areas of immigration but to achieve a better result, but for fewer people.

I am of the opinion that smaller numbers with more funding allocated per individual, will lead to a more successful immigration program.

Critical to the success of any immigration program, is that those immigrants feel safe, included and respected. Importantly they should be free from influence of foreign governments and protected by the Australian Government.

I am very strongly of the opinion that the Australian Government should be diligently protecting its population from foreign influence. Already we see far too much foreign influence over decision making in this country.

A prerequisite for entry to Australia is a pass in Year 11 English OR Australian History.

This may seem extreme, however consider this. Each of these subjects has approximately 100 hours classroom time allocated for a VCE student, so this could be comfortably completed in approximately 8 weeks.

The Australian History subject could potentially be taught in that persons language, as the intent is not to check English but rather to assure a level of understanding of our diverse and multicultural background, and appreciate Australias path to nationhood.

A successful immigration policy requires jobs to ensure integration onto society. Businesses with payroll in excess of $650,000 p.a. currently pay 5% payroll tax.

A Company of 50 employees at an average salary of $70,000 would have an annual payroll tax of about $140,000 ( effectively the salary for two jobs).

Companies have the option to pay payroll tax, or alternatively not pay payroll tax, but they must participate in employment through an “assisted immigration employment scheme”.

This costs the taxpayer nothing, creates jobs in Companies at no additional expense, and helps create a successful Immigration program

13th Sep 2019, 06:39
Policy Five- Gambling

We need to recognise that there are people that cannot gamble responsibly and this impacts on them, their families and their workplaces.

Let me be clear, I don’t gamble and never have, but many of the people around me do, and they do so responsibly.

I want only two changes.

Almost every young adult has a betting account now. If the holder of an online betting account is under the age of 21, their online account MUST display their “overall position”, rather than a history of transactions only.

For example if the person has put $500 into their account, but during the same period had lost $600, the display would have to clearly indicate an overall loss of $100 since that account was opened.

Many 18 to 21 year olds still maintain a relationship with their parents where that information would be useful in a family discussion related to gambling, and may assist with an early intervention. It will also provide a realistic overview to the account holder, rather than a frequently misguided perspective.

Advertising of gambling would be restricted to TV programs where ¾ of the audience is deemed to be an adult audience.

13th Sep 2019, 06:42
Policy eight- Government Department Accountability

Develop procedures to ensure Government Departments operates to procedures that meet the criteria of SIMPLE, ACCOUNTABLE, and EFFECTIVE (S.A.E).

That will be come the guiding principle of all Government Departments, that operate under the Australian Coat of Arms.

Government Departments that operate under the Australian Coat of Arms will have the highest expectations placed on them, and the Executive held highly accountable.

Where a Government Department operates with a Board, that Board will have high expectations placed on it.

Government Departments will be held strictly to account against the PGPA Act 2013. This document is the Public Governance, Performance, and Accountability Act 2013 which places strict controls on how public funding is used and the manner in which personnel employed by Government conduct themselves.

Too many Government departments operate with blatant disregard of this act.

From my own industry experience, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority is one notable example, although I have no doubt, the waste of taxpayer funds and lack of accountability extends to other Government Departments.

Government bodies that are implementing change must prepare a comprehensive Regulation Impact Statement to clearly outline the anticipated effects on business and the community.

Those Government Departments can be held accountable to the community against deficiencies in that Regulation Impact Statement (RIS).

13th Sep 2019, 06:47
Policy Six- Animal Welfare (I have a family obsessed with animal welfare, so wasn’t going to get away without this one.

Encouraging greater awareness of responsible pet ownership. Introduction of a voluntary, 3 hour, on line pet awareness course.

This single course and associated quizz is administered on site at approved animal welfare charities, and local councils, and has a modest charge attached that generates revenue for the respective charities.

The exam will cover topics such as
o Expected annual costs of pet ownership.
o Importance of Animal health i.e. exercise, diet
o Simple diagnosis of pet health.
o Being a good neighbour.
o Examples of costs associated with common vet visits i.e. vaccinations, ingested something, hit by a car etc.
o Pet health insurance options.
o What to do, when your pet “doesn’t work out. Ie. responsible options.

Although not mandated the certificate generated could be used in conjunction with retailers or veterinary chains to obtain discounts, and could be used by responsible pet shops as a prerequisite for the purchase of a pet.

Sorry folks, will get vey much back on topic, and it might just be that the existing independents working with the ALP cant bring about a by election in the seat of Chisholm.

13th Sep 2019, 06:54
The first thing I would be calling for is a $30 million dollar allocation for a Royal Commission or Judicial Inquiry into CASA.

Apart from preventing another $400 Million dollar taxpayer funded abject failure, as we saw in Part 61/141/142, it might just go some way to cleaning up CASA, and letting Australian Owned business thrive safely.

From my own personal experience, CASA damages businesses and degrades safety in Australia. I am convinced of it, and especially when referring to the "GA" sector.

13th Sep 2019, 07:00
Is this too crazy?

For post length, again, yes.

Bend alot
13th Sep 2019, 07:01
Policy Four- Immigration

On immigration matters it becomes a consideration of quality versus quantity.

The intention is not to reduce spending on areas of immigration but to achieve a better result, but for fewer people.

I am of the opinion that smaller numbers with more funding allocated per individual, will lead to a more successful immigration program.

Critical to the success of any immigration program, is that those immigrants feel safe, included and respected. Importantly they should be free from influence of foreign governments and protected by the Australian Government.

I am very strongly of the opinion that the Australian Government should be diligently protecting its population from foreign influence. Already we see far too much foreign influence over decision making in this country.

A prerequisite for entry to Australia is a pass in Year 11 English OR Australian History.

This may seem extreme, however consider this. Each of these subjects has approximately 100 hours classroom time allocated for a VCE student, so this could be comfortably completed in approximately 8 weeks.

The Australian History subject could potentially be taught in that persons language, as the intent is not to check English but rather to assure a level of understanding of our diverse and multicultural background, and appreciate Australias path to nationhood.

A successful immigration policy requires jobs to ensure integration onto society. Businesses with payroll in excess of $650,000 p.a. currently pay 5% payroll tax.

A Company of 50 employees at an average salary of $70,000 would have an annual payroll tax of about $140,000 ( effectively the salary for two jobs).

Companies have the option to pay payroll tax, or alternatively not pay payroll tax, but they must participate in employment through an “assisted immigration employment scheme”.

This costs the taxpayer nothing, creates jobs in Companies at no additional expense, and helps create a successful Immigration program
I have substantial knowledge in this area.

Current policy is that it is fine for families to be forced to be separated including children for extended periods of time (2 years is not uncommon) and pay tens of thousands of $'s for that privilege.

All with zero contact or update of progress on the application. This has destroyed many relationships and families.

Global Aviator
13th Sep 2019, 07:29
I’d suggest staying on topic before you start to loose followers. I understand what you are trying to show re the gubment however it is taking focus from your cause.

Just my opinion and tell me to PO if ya like. :)

Find that industry lawyer!!!

13th Sep 2019, 07:40
You are correct. I do get a bit swept up admittedly, back on topic here on in, will save that one for the next chapter in my life perhaps, and stay focussed on achieving the best outcomes.

Cheers. Glen.

Lead Balloon
13th Sep 2019, 10:21
Gosh. Given the High Court challenge to Ms Liu’s election, this could get interesting. And you are considering being a candidate in Chisholm, Glen?

You might want to get some proper legal advice about political donations, Glen, if you’re going to use crowd funding to pursue political aspirations.

13th Sep 2019, 11:10
Gosh. Given the High Court challenge to Ms Liu’s election, this could get interesting. And you are considering being a candidate in Chisholm, Glen?

You might want to get some proper legal advice about political donations, Glen, if you’re going to use crowd funding to pursue political aspirations.
IIRC, Melbourne radio station 3AW started to run a competition, with the prize being funding to run for the senate. This was kyboshed once they looked into the ins and outs of funding - you cannot pay for someone else to run, they have to fund themselves. Derryn Hinch was very involved in the competition, and ended up running himself.

13th Sep 2019, 11:31
Residential real estate - foreign non-residents [GN3] | Foreign Investment Review Board (http://firb.gov.au/guidance-resources/guidance-notes/gn3)
worth reading this Glen

13th Sep 2019, 11:38
I have substantial knowledge in this area.

Current policy is that it is fine for families to be forced to be separated including children for extended periods of time (2 years is not uncommon) and pay tens of thousands of $'s for that privilege.

All with zero contact or update of progress on the application. This has destroyed many relationships and families.
As I do You have my respect and sympathy re aviation and CASA however you would lose my support over this. Stick to what you know for now.

13th Sep 2019, 17:29
I would like to make a few observations. I know of Glen and I have met him a few times. Glen, by my impression (and have been around the industry for many years) is one of the few people I have met and interacted with who acts with integrity and honesty. He's the sort of bloke that if he made an arrangement with you and he even suspected you were not happy in some way or he had not been clear on something, he would be mortified. He takes personal relationships very seriously.

Now, people might get a bit antsy about this but seriously I'm not having a go at anyone on here, as I feel this forum has provided a good sounding board for Glen's frustrations and some good feedback. But stop suggesting (even though it's well intentioned and out of concern for Glen's case) that he should stop airing his frustrations. Any Judge or related Judicial Officer worth their salt will take anything that borders on emotive as a sign of stress and will deal with the situation objectively. As long as Glen is not openly questioning the parentage or making explicit and unfounded accusations at specific person(s) I'm not sure that is actionable, although admittedly I am not a lawyer, but do have a reasonable idea of how law works.

One of the things we are blessed with in this country, forget all of the BS about "British Heritage" is the fact that our Federal Constitution is firmly based on the United States' Constitution in that it entrenches a supreme law (said written and entrenched Constitution) and the separation of powers. The latter means government instrumentalities don't get to enact penalties with impunity but, as has been proven by numerous High Court cases, the 'Court' is pretty fond of its independence from the Executive and Legislative branches and gets to be the final arbiter.

I would expect therefore that any judicial proceedings would focus on the fact of what has transpired and not what Glen has said since. In any case I would expect that CASA would have no more 'standing' than Glen as the plaintiff. Having said that, I would encourage Glen to get legal advice which he is doing.

The sort of thing that has happened here can pull families apart, it causes immeasurable stress and personal toll. It is a testimony to Glen and his family that they are strong enough to weather this and to Glen that he has been able to weather this and still not give up on the prospect of justice.

I don't want to be overdramatic as the analogy is clearly out of proportion but the old story about the Priest who said "When they came for the communists, I did nothing because I was not a communist, when they came for the... etc... but when they came for me, there was nobody left to stand up".

Whether we think that a government department is too powerful and that we should just surrender and count the losses and move on that is a perfectly valid emotional and rational response but we need to look further and consider it in the same vane as if not Glen, then who??? Who's next??? and when it happens and they roll over to government pressure and perceived invincibility then who is next... and when the last person that has any sense of individual freedom removed, what then??? It's akin to a person dismissing unions as irrelevant whilst enjoying the 8 hour day, overtime and statutory entitlements that people put their lives and livelihood on the line for long ago.

A very wise and sadly departed mentor of mine once said "Do what is right, because it is RIGHT"... you don't need any other reason. Come what may.

None of us here were probably 'in the room' so cannot know all the facts. But from what has been reported and what has been stated here, to coin a phrase, it certainly seems on the balance of probability, what has happened to Glen "... doesn't pass the pub test..."

If everyone in the history of our human race took the same view there would be no United States of America, there would be no Constitutional Monarchy in the UK but an absolute one, because someone called Oliver stood up and there would be no defeat of the seemingly insurmountable death factory that rose in Europe last century.

That might seem like an exaggerated example but if everyone takes the attitude of giving up because the opposition is too hard or too big to fail or fall then we wouldn't have had the Mabo decision or Wik. Eddie Mabo was one man, an Australian hero who stood against the entrenched power of the Bjelke-Petersen Govt and the Commonwealth of Australia. Many gave him zero chance of success.

As for politics, to quote Abraham Lincoln who was implored by his Cabinet NOT to release two British officials caught conferring with the secessionists and who Lincoln quietly released after demands by the British Government saying "One war at a time". Glen... one war at a time mate. If you still want to run for Parliament at some time, if in your electorate, I would vote for you but drop Immigration - it's the third rail.

Bend alot
14th Sep 2019, 05:29
$29,266 in 18 days. over 58%


15th Sep 2019, 00:33
I was awake early this morning listening to an old inteview with Jimmy Carter (ex President), and it got me thinking...........,

Interviewer- Good morning Glen, thanks for spending some time with us today. You do seem to have a few more grey hairs than when we met last time.

Glen- Ummm. aviation “silver” we call it. Pilots have silver hair, not grey. You may have also noticed I’ve lost a lot of weight.

Interviewer- Yes, I did actually, probably about 10 kg, but I opted for the insult rather than the complement. (awkward silence…..)

On your weight loss, was it the Jenny Craig program?

Glen- No, my kids affectionately call it the “CASA”, diet program at home.

Interviewer- Oh Im not aware of that program.

Glen- It’s a highly engineered program designed within the Aviation group at CASA. It works on creating stress, anxiety, and sleeplessness over a period of at least 10 months. Its very effective for the weight loss, but the side effects are the grey, oops, I mean silver hair.

Im not happy with the program actually, and im going to make sure its removed from the shelves. Its quite dangerous and I don’t want anybody else’s life ruined by it. Its been around far too long, and effected too many people.

Interviewer- OK, anyway Glen. What I would like to do over the following series of interviews is go back to the start and pull this apart piece by piece in a nice easy to understand interview style. I appreciate that it’s a highly emotive issue for you, but I would like to try and take that out of it.

Im trying to come up with a comprehensive plain English overview of the story, and your concerns. It is an important story because too often in Australia, we have seen what happens when Governance standards drop, and the community is affected. We have seen the tragic outcomes of poor governance recently in the Church and the banking sector, unfortunately for many it came too late. Whilst not of the gravity of the scandal within the church, I suggest as this affects aviation safety in Australia, it should be considered more important than the Banking inquiry, after all that was only about money and not the potential loss of human lives.

Glen- Beautiful lead in I must say,. couldn't have done it better myself. We really work well together don't we?

Interviewer (blushes awkwardly)

Glen- Whilst my issue is about my situation and those effected, we really do have a situation where CASA is actually compromising safety, compromising, regulatory compliance, crushing businesses, and costing jobs. It all comes back to bad governance, and its costing our Country dearly. If CASA didn’t operate under the Australian Coat of Arms, I wouldn’t take such exceoption. But that Coat of Arms indicates to me the very highest of standards and ethics. I do expect each and every person in CASA to operate in accordance with the obligations placed on them, in the interests of improved safety outcomes. Those include, the Ministers Statement of Expectations, CASAs own Regulatory Philosophy, CASAs Enforcement Manual, Administrative law, the PGPA Act and other obligations placed on them.

Interviewer- Substantial allegations Glen.

Glen- Yes. They are, and I embrace the opportunity to substantiate them….. Sorry ive just realise the time. I have this ritual I’ve been doing 7 days a week for years now at a local coffee shop. We call it “Fat Daddys”. A group of Dads catch up every morning. I must shoot off, but look forward to continuing the interview on my return.

2 hours later...….

Interviewer- Welcome back Glen, please continue.....

Glen- Thankyou. First, as I appreciate many of our listeners may be from outside of aviation, it may work best if I get some of the jargon out the way first. Its probably best to gain an understanding of the CASA Organisational structure at the Regional level. The overall organisational structure of CASA can be found on the CASA website https://www.casa.gov.au/standard-page/our-organisational-chart

The Southern Region of CASA predominantly looks after Victorian and Tasmanian based aviation operators, headed up by a Regional Manager and supported by three CMTs.

Interviewer- Sorry CMTs?

Glen- Yes, a Certificate Management Team (CMT). There are three of them in Southern Region, and each team is responsible for working with an allocated group of organisations. On those teams is a Team Leader supported by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) on each of the following topics, Safety, Maintenance, and Flying school operations. The team would ideally have a dozen people on it, but due to staff shortages the teams are under resourced at the moment, and have been for a long time.

Intereviewer- You said CASA were under resourced. If they were under resourced, surely they would be prioritising tasks on the basis of safety, and maximising safety outcomes, rather than wasting taxpayer funds chasing after you for no valid reason. After all they are the national aviation safety regulator. That sounds quite ridiculous what you suggest. I cant believe that they would really be chasing you, fumbling around on flight and duty times for years, struggling to implement flawed legislation, as I said, they are the Countries aviation safety regulator. Doesn't CASA have important matters to be attending to.

Glen Ahhh, yes, you would have to ask CASA about that. The CASA Group Executive Aviation sets those priorities and directs resources. You can see him on the Organisational Chart. Hes a very important person.

Interviewer That's great, so now we know about the CASA Organisational Structure with the Executive Manager of Aviation within CASA being Mr Graeme Crawford. Down the chain is the Southern Region with the Regional Manager supported by three CMTs and each CMT being responsible for its own group of aviation businesses. Obviously the CMT are the flying schools first point of contact.

Glen -Yes

Interviewer- So lets look at CMT 2 for example who were your oversighting team for many many years. These teams obviously work collaboratively with industry to maximise safety. I guess they do this by building a relationship of trust and confidence. I get it, im only an interviewer, with no safety training, but obviously if CASA build a relationship of trust and confidence, communication improves and you get safer outcomes. Its obvious really. You must appreciate these teams?

Glen absolutely as long as you get a good one.

Interviewer (spits coffee out everywhere in suprise), what do you mean a good CMT? Aren't they all applying policy uniformly.

Glen- (leans over to his large mug of coffee, takes an enormous gulp, and sprays a full mouthful of coffee back over the interviewer)

Interviewer- it is a big country Glen, you have to appreciate that uniform policy application has its challenges. Be reasonable. These CMTs could be located many miles from each other and not have the opportunity to communicate.....

Glen -Sorry to cut you off. Theses CMTs with completely opposite policy application actually work in the very same office.

Interviewer- ( leans over and takes an enormous gulp of coffee). Interview temporarily halted.

Interview resumes

Interviewer Anyway I want to get on to APTA, the background, how it came about etc. I've done a lot of background research on your organisation the Australasian Philatelic Traders Association or APTA as you call it, in fact I've bought along some of my favourite stamps to show you.

Glen- ITS APTA. A.P.T.A It stands for a the Australian Pilot Training Alliance. The only stamps we have are 'first solo" stamps.

I might take a little more control over this interview if you don't mind. I will start with a bit about the background, and an overview of the industry

If we go back 20 years, there were flying schools operating all over Australia, hundreds of them. Most of those flying schools, like mine delivered a Commercial Pilot Licence course, in fact there were two courses a 150 flying hour course and a 200 hour course. For obvious reasons the more cost effective 150 hour course was the preferred option, and in fact my business, like many others derived over 90% of its income stream from the 150 hour course.

Very late in the program the proposed legislation changed fundamentally and it was presented to industry that we had until September 1st of 2017 to completely overhaul each and every flying school and undergo a re-approval process. At the completion of that process schools would re-emerge as either a Part 141 school or a Part 142 school. If the process wasn't completed by that date, a flying school would not be permitted to operate.

Interviewer So which one did you choose?

Glen Another good question. My business MFT was a great little Mum and Dad type business, my strong preference would have been to remain that way. Unfortunately the clincher was that after September 1st, unless i stepped up to the larger 142 school i was to lose access to the 150 hour CPL.

Interviewer Obviously some tough decisions had to be made whether you stayed as the smaller business or upgraded to the Part 142.

Glen To be honest, i didnt have many options. After September 1st 2017 i was going to lose access to 90% of my revenue stream. The business value was wiped out, as no one was going to buy a business that was soon to lose 90% of its revenue due a legislative change, so my hand was forced and i commenced on the path to the 142 category school.

Interviewer i was doing some background research and i came accross a thing called the Regulation Impact Statement. I believe its the document that CASA were required to prepare prior to undertaking the change, and outlines the impact on industry of the legislative change. I notice here where it covers the impact on business of the proposed change. Can i read it to you. Its not long.

Glen i can quote the entire section off the top of my head. I know its short, but its also grossly negligent in its inaccuracy. it says

Businesses- The existing flight crew training businesses will be required to meet new standards, however, again whilst these represent a deviation from existing standards the changes are relatively minor, which is supported by the feedback that CASA obtained from the consultation process.

Interviewer so the changes were minor and that was supported by industry feedback.

Glen- Waiter, can you pop over when you are free.

Waiter what can I get you sir.

Glen to Waiter I notice we don't have coffee, could you please set an urn up just next to us. Could we also get some towels to clean up, I think this is going to get messy this afternoon.

Glen The changes that were "relatively minor" were in fact the biggest regulatory overhaul that the Australian aviation industry has ever experienced. To suggest that they were relatively minor was preposterous and just demonstrates that CASA had no idea of what they had created. I actually requested the "industry feedback" under Freedom of Information, and it most definitely does not support CASAs contention.

Interviewer Glen, relax your getting all worked up again. Have a cup of coffee. ooops im wearing white today, perhaps a glass of water.

Glen Anyway, i sat down and commenced work on the enormous task of overhauling every aspect of the business. I asked CASA if there was any guidance material available to assist with the process. I remember the answer so claerly "if you want to be a Part 142, you should be able to write it yourself". It was immediately obvious that CASA had little idea of what they had created. Being a proactive guy, i approached my CMT, made two verbal offers and made two written offers which i have right here with me. You will see how i offered to fund a CASA person on my business for 12 months. We would write the manual together, and make it available to industry as template at no charge. I have a personal philosophy that if i go to someone with a problem, i must also have a proposed solution. Its too easy to be negative and just throw stones, after all that's what CASA does.

Interviewer sorry Glen that last comment was a "cheap shot"

Glen You got me on that one sorry. Anyway we started on the task of writing the manuals with no CASA guidance material. Surprise suprise, CASA guidance material is published many months later. Lots of hard work goes in the bin and we launch off with the now available guidance material. It was obvious that the new regulatory structure was prohibitively expensive. In fact, i couldn't see how any schools could survive. The increased costs of running the business under the new structure, far exceeded the profit the business made. I simply couldn't understand how i had to undergone all this change simply to keep doing what i had always done. So in conjunction with one of my Mangers we came up with the APTA concept.

Interviewer can you give me a plain English overview of APTA?

Glen Ohhh goodie, do you mind if I stand on the table, I love talking about APTA.

Once we had a good review of the proposed legislation we realised that a collaborative approach was best. Much the way that IGA provides the opportunity to 1400 independently owned operators to survive in an environment against the Majors.

We would maintain a dedicated Head Office and within that Head Office would be substantial capability. The Head Office would hold the approvals, i.e. Part 141 and Part 142 on issue, as well as the Registered Training Organisation approval and our approval to train international students. We would invest significantly to provide an industry leading safety department. We would have Key Personnel pre-approved by CASA to ensure high levels of redundancy. We would develop substantial IT systems that covered all CASA requirements and provided high levels of oversight.

With CASA knowledge we had been looking after another flying school under our AOC, and that will be more relevant later. This gave us the opportunity to develop our systems based on our experience sharing the AOC with them.

CASA were very encouraging of the concept and we worked side by side attending to over 600 individual CASA requirements. In fact CASA commented on how many hours they spent with us designing the systems.

Anyway, after years of work attending to all of the CASA requirements, the September 1st 2017 deadline was approcahing, and i felt we were well placed. In fact we were amongst the first schools ready in Australia to undertake the Transition to the new Part 141 and 142 format.

Interviewer- So you were one of the minority of schools that were ready by the deadline?-

Glen Yes, It seemed absurd that CASA was proceeding because the vast majority of schools weren’t going to be ready by the deadline. I confirmed with CASA that the new requirements were indeed going to commence on September 1st 2017.

CASA assured me they were. I flicked the switch and activated my Part 141 and 142 as required by CASA. I achieved this in April 2017 about four months ahead of the deadline.

I activated all of the costly structures associated with being a Part 142 as required of me by CASA.

Sure enough, yet another backflip, weeks later CASA changed their mind, delayed the whole thing 12 months until September 1st of 2018.

Interviewer- So how did that effect you.

Glen- Enormously. I had 5 additional personnel in place in anticipation of the new regulatory structure. The cost of the salaries alone was in excess of $500,000 per annum.

Also, the concept of APTA was unique, had the legislation proceeded as CASA assured, I would have had very few competitors, and been well placed in the market to grow APTA. By delaying 12 months, I had 4 times the amount of competitors, that I would have, had the legislation proceeded as assured by CASA on its original date.

Also, CASA changing their mind, actually removed the need for APTA by 12 months because flying schools would need the protection that APTA offered as the regulatory environment it was designed for, was now delayed by 12 months. As you will appreciate the impact was significant.

Interviewer So, what did you do?

Glen I met with my accountant, he advised that I had two options. Make redundancies or lose your home to finance the 12 months of operations. I met with my family and discussed my predicament. I could make redundancies if the sales were dropping because staff were not performing. It is far more difficult to make redundancies because CASA changed their mind. Each and every one of those staff that I had surrounded myself by, was important to me. Accountants can throw the word “redundancy” around far easier than a business owner. It speaks to the character of my young adult children that the decision was unanimous. My family homes was sold, to fund the operation for 12 months. No redundancies were made, and every valued staff member retained their position on their full salary, as they were entitled to.Interviewer What a tough decision.

Glen Not at all!. No member of my family has any regrets about their decision. Despite this delay, the business did manage to continue on, at great cost for twelve months as we waited for the postponed date of September 1st, 2018 to come around. We built up our customer base and worked towards repairing the damage caused by the CASA induced 12 month delay.We continued working professionally with CMT 2 (Certificate Management Team 2) When I was later notified of a change of CMT 2 to CMT 3, I have on record, a requested one on one meeting with my then Regional Manager (RM) to express my concerns. I had concerns about a member of my new team. My concern with the new CMT Team was that I felt a member of that team would have an apprehended bias and would not act impartially.

Interviewer Sorry to be so "PC" but i really dont think you should be bringing peoples personal and sexual preferences intio the argument!

Glen (looking like a stunned mullet for 10 seconds until it dawned on him. He quickly changes his face to a more knowledgeable one). No, No, and apprehended bias is a legal term,

Interviewer So what does it mean?

Glen Ummm. i dont know, it was a term thrown at me at bbq with a lawyer present. I was telling them about my predicament. In fact she threw two words at me, the otherv was Estoplle, or something similar. I have no idea what they mean, and thats why i am trying to raise $50,000 on my gofundme page, simply head over there, search Glen Buckley, and help me get the $50,000 requirede to have the legal system assess the entire fiasco, not someone on the CASA payroll.

Interviewer Glen, seriously that was a shameless plug of your website at =left
https://www.gofundme.com/f/glen-buck...Xpz3Mt3w1v5h0A (https://www.pprune.org/left=https://www.gofundme.com/f/glen-buckley-v-casa?fbclid=IwAR3cC9majXCkYlrq8VVBRxYaRN9a0GcKjWKTWnS3b-3lVXpz3Mt3w1v5h0A)

Glen (looking admiringly). Like I said. We work well together!

Interviewer, i might just recap the main points in dot form to date if that's OK.

CASA introduced a legislative change that mandated you had to comply with a completely new set of operating procedures after September 1st 2017, if your business was to continue operating.

You made an enormous investment to meet all of the 600 CASA stipulated requirements, and worked side by side with CASA as they assessed every one of CASAs specified criteria.

You thought CASA was massively under resourced, so in April 2017, you sought confirmation from CASA that the new rule set was going ahead. It seemed impossible most schools in Australia weren't ready, but CASA assured you that it was, so you complied with their requirement and transitioned in April, about 4 months ahead of the deadline, and picked up the expensive associated operating structures.

Weeks later, CASA did yet another ( there had been many) bacflips, and delayed the requirement, but that was too late for you. Your business then limped on for 12 months waiting for the date to come. You were effectively left with a white elephant.

The new date came of September 1st 2018, came, and finally your business was ready to operate in the environment.

You were notified of a change of CMT, after many years with CMT 2 to CMT 3. Someone on that team had a "reputation" and you felt he may bring harm to you or your business. You requested a one on one, on the record with the Regional Manager to express your concerns about this new CASA person on the CMT. Your concerns were not acted on.

Shortly afterwards, that very same individual, then initiated a process, that after 12 months, has caused so much damage to so may people.

Glen Fantastic summary, but I hadn't told you that last part yet, that was coming later. The bit about the person on the CASA CMT 3 starting the problems.

Interviewer OOPS! So who was this person?

Glen It was actually the Flight Operations Inspector (FOI )from my own CASA CMT, CMT 3. The role of the FOI in the team is that he or she, is really the number one person in CASA that should be building a relationship of confidence, and trust. They are the primary contact person within CASA for the flying school. To this day, I am amazed that a multi million dollar investment can be made in the flight training industry, and one individual in CASA decides to bring the whole thing down. My expectation was that "good governace would" prevail and protect me and my business. Good goverance is something CASA no nothing about. That extends right to the top of the Aviation Group in CASA and through to Board level. Its truly disgraceful

Interviewer Ooops, I let the cat out of the bag!

Bend alot
15th Sep 2019, 06:20
Over $30k now.

Office Update
15th Sep 2019, 06:37
Not quite sure about the "interview" Glen, keep focused and polite.
I remember you mentioned Brad Lacy was a member of the CMT 3 Team. I also remember the day he did a partial wheels up landing in the bosses C-90 King Air at Moorabbin. I remember him also leaving the firm and making the statement that "flying was dangerous", he wanted a ground job..... !!!

Bend alot
15th Sep 2019, 07:13
Not quite sure about the "interview" Glen, keep focused and polite.
I remember you mentioned Brad Lacy was a member of the CMT 3 Team. I also remember the day he did a partial wheels up landing in the bosses C-90 King Air at Moorabbin. I remember him also leaving the firm and making the statement that "flying was dangerous", he wanted a ground job..... !!!

Seem to recall that every aircraft other than the F28 owned by the former CASA the CAA had "landing issues" and after one event of a prop strike, the Bonanza from memory did not do a go around and land but flew back to Jandakot landed with wheels down (this time) and discreetly parked in a hanger.

Office Update
15th Sep 2019, 08:23
CASA or whatever their name at the time:-
Turbo Commander at least one wheels up, I knew the Examiner at the time, I think there were others
HS-125 was the world leading embarrassing job
Merlin II or III, falling off the jacks in hangar with pilot's child manipulating levers?
They bought a fleet of Turbo Commander 690C's I think they were all modified to Commander 1000 status. Fitted out with hard points for dropping life-rafts at sea. Did not do the poor sod who ditched in Bass Strait in his private Commander 685? any good, no crew available.
Had to lengthen the runways at Moorabbin for the Turbo Commander's even though Stillwell's Lear 25/35 flew in/out OK, B&B's DC3's etc.
If they ever had an AOC they would have had it 'pulled' many times ……

15th Sep 2019, 09:00
CASA or whatever their name at the time:-
Turbo Commander at least one wheels up, I knew the Examiner at the time, I think there were others
HS-125 was the world leading embarrassing job
Merlin II or III, falling off the jacks in hangar with pilot's child manipulating levers?
They bought a fleet of Turbo Commander 690C's I think they were all modified to Commander 1000 status. Fitted out with hard points for dropping life-rafts at sea. Did not do the poor sod who ditched in Bass Strait in his private Commander 685? any good, no crew available.
Had to lengthen the runways at Moorabbin for the Turbo Commander's even though Stillwell's Lear 25/35 flew in/out OK, B&B's DC3's etc.
If they ever had an AOC they would have had it 'pulled' many times ……
Office Update,
That isn't even close to the total of aircraft damaged or written off by CASA.
At one stage, for many insurance policies, CASA flying the aeroplane for any "test and development purpose" voided the aircraft insurance ---- what does that tell you??
Tootle pip!!

Sandy Reith
15th Sep 2019, 09:55
LeadSled is correct, many other instances. One memorable landing in one of Conellan’s Herons resulted in bending the fuselage. Strengthening members were bolted lengthwise inside and the aircraft ferried to Adelaide for repairs.
ATC used to give them extra spacing, so it was said. One night I heard a couple of CASA pilots manoeuvring to land at Moorabbin with inadvertent open mike. Most amusing, particularly a slightly nervous transmission late on final, “we don’t want to land long!”
But those were the days when we could all get on, in spite of the paternalism, and there were a number of respected CASA ops people.
For Glen I would echo other advice not to go to the AAT, a proper court is the best avenue.

15th Sep 2019, 21:36
SR - good suggestion that a proper court would be the venue of choice where CASA is forced to explain itself in the real world. However, the issue may well be that the only avenue is indeed through the AAT.

I won't repeat the Avalon DCA HS125 Captain's name here, but his surname thereafter was preceded by "wheels up......"

The crew did indeed return to the aircraft cabin after the event, and that generated the mystery as to why the gear was found by the investigators to be in the down position. Astute readers will probably work out that there is only one reason that the gear handle was found in this position.

15th Sep 2019, 22:44
I have received the following correspondence from Mr Crawford.

"Glen, Reference your email dated 10 September 2019, where you asked Mr Carmody to facilitate a prompt, independent assessment of CASAs actions. CASA believes such an assessment should be conducted by the Commonwealth Ombudsman.

CASA therefore seeks you written consent to refer an agreed summary of your complaints to the Ombudsman with a view to the initiation of that independent assessment.

I understand that should you give your consent, you will be contacted by the Ombudsman within two weeks of CASAs referral and that you will have the opportunity to provide the Ombudsman any additional information or submissions relevant to your complaints.

To ensure CASA properly conveys your complaints in its referral, I would invite you to engage with Jonathan Hanton (CASA industry Complaints Commissioner) in drafting the agreed summary.

Should you wish to do so, please confirm by return email CASA has your consent to request an independent assessment by the Commonwealth Ombudsman

Kind Regards, Graeme Crawford.

My personal view is that this matter has dragged on for almost one year. The last year has been quite traumatic to say the least, and i think the time has arrived for a legal determination to determine if CASAs behaviour was lawful, and if me and affected parties are entitled to compensation.

Full steam ahead to the Courts i say, but keen on any well intentioned guidance or suggestions, cheers. Glen


16th Sep 2019, 00:01
You are setting yourself up to be mugged by the Ombudsman. He has no power.

16th Sep 2019, 00:10

Before you reply to CASA, get some professional and independent advice as to whether any determination by the Ombudsman may prejudice or influence any further action in other courts or tribunals should that be your desired course of action.

CASA may well see the Ombudsman as an easy out for them if they believe there is no risk to the organisation.

16th Sep 2019, 00:28
I urge caution before accepting the CASA offer. It may not be the olive branch it appears to be - your case may be getting a little "warn" for CASA and they are offering a way out which gives CASA the greatest chance of success.

An Ombudsman's decision may also be prejudicial in any subsequent Court action?

I'm not a lawyer but the ADJR Act may be a consideration for you? https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2017C00238

Here is an explanation: https://www.mccullough.com.au/2018/07/10/good-government-keep-up-with-your-admin-law/ (https://www.mccullough.com.au/2018/07/10/good-government-keep-up-with-your-admin-law/)

Office Update
16th Sep 2019, 01:03
If you accept CASA's offer, you will in fact be giving them the ammunition to fight the case in Court. CASA will be able to 'tailor' make their case based upon your complaints. A no win situation; you will just be assisting CASA ..
Beware of government officials bearing gift's; poison chalice !!!

Flaming galah
16th Sep 2019, 01:16
CAsA didn’t just offer the ombudsman out of the blue, it sounds like Glen emailed them and asked for an independent review?

16th Sep 2019, 01:58
You have to wonder if the talk of court cases is making a certain organisation a little nervous, and therefore looking for an out. But Glen it is your money (mostly, our donations wont cover a fraction of the real cost) and you and your families lives that will be impacted either way, so take the time and maybe get some proper advice as to your best course of action.

16th Sep 2019, 05:33
It’s part of the mediation process, where CASA can say to the court that they offered this option but it wasn’t taken. What’s the term?”clean hands”? Coming to court only after following all of your obligations? Puts the person with clean hands at an advantage in the court. Some good legal advice would be wise before further action

16th Sep 2019, 07:05
The Ombudsman is NOT part of “a mediation process “. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS!

Ombudsman investigations are private and details are generally not revealed to people who are not legitimately concerned with the investigation. The Ombudsman's office is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and the Privacy Act 1988.

Following an investigation, the Ombudsman is required to consider whether the actions of the department or agency were unreasonable, unlawful, improperly discriminatory or otherwise wrong.

When the Ombudsman concludes that an agency has erred, the Ombudsman may report that view to the agency and recommend whatever remedial action the Ombudsman thinks is appropriate. If the agency does not implement that action, the Ombudsman can report to the Prime Minister and to the Parliament. The Ombudsman must inform complainants of the action taken by the office in response to their complaints.

.......And if you take the bait your case becomes private and the publicity stops - which is what CASA wants, because sooner or later, the media are going to grab your story. The ombudsman does not have to listen to your technical arguments or go into detail because he is not a court with rules of evidence et., etc. just another toothless tiger.

At best the Ombudsman says “tsk, tsk, naughty CASA”. CASA says “sorry glen, now eff off!”. .....And you have still lost your livelihood and are a year older because the ombudsman can’t make a financial settlement. As for reporting CASA to the PM, big effing deal.

All you get at the end is a letter saying “we now consider this matter closed.” .....and the embuggerance of the industry by CASA gets to continue.

To put that another way, a damning Senate review didn’t stop them, the Ombudsman certainly won’t.

Flaming galah
16th Sep 2019, 07:39
.......And if you take the bait your case becomes private and the publicity stops - which is what CASA wants, because sooner or later, the media are going to grab your story.

There are no restrictions whatsoever in glen disclosing the ombudsman’s decision. These inaccuracies are potentially dangerous in that they might dissuade glen from a course of action he may be considering.

Bend alot
16th Sep 2019, 08:01
The Independent Review/s should be in a court at this stage of the saga in my opinion.

I thought CAsA had said they had stopped talking/correspondence with you and the matter was deemed closed.

So I guess a little heat is in the kitchen, and they want to to be quiet for a while.

$33,191 in under 3 weeks on the GoFundMe, getting close to the home straight.

Flaming galah
16th Sep 2019, 08:15
Only glen knows what is best for him. He asked casa to arrange an independent review. Who knows how he managed to get a response after they said they won’t deal with him any more. But It looks like casa did offer what glen wants. So if that’s what he wants, he should do it

16th Sep 2019, 08:24
I am not a lawyer but I would be deeply suspicious that the Ombudsman wouldn’t be as useless as the AAT and the Senate review process. You need a court in my opinion. A lawyer can put it better than I can, but CASA can totally ignore the Ombudsman’s findings if it wants to, and all the ombudsman can do is report them to ScoMo, big effing deal!

thorn bird
16th Sep 2019, 08:57
Have a look at some of the Podcasts of the Scottish gentleman in action at Senate Estimates and then decide if he's a Scottish Git or not.
From the dictionary:
git | ɡɪt |
noun British informal
an unpleasant or contemptible person.

Then decide if you would have the slightest confidence in his probity.

If it sounds like a setup, smells like a setup and looks like a setup, its more than likely a setup. The Albert Einstein lookalike would be behind it and he's known for finding more loopholes than "Loophole Laurie".

Flaming galah
16th Sep 2019, 09:03
Have a look at some of the Podcasts of the Scottish gentleman in action at Senate Estimates and then decide if he's a Scottish Git or not.
From the dictionary:
git | ɡɪt |
noun British informal
an unpleasant or contemptible person.

Then decide if you would have the slightest confidence in his probity.

If it sounds like a setup, smells like a setup and looks like a setup, its more than likely a setup. The Albert Einstein lookalike would be behind it and he's known for finding more loopholes than "Loophole Laurie".

Glen ASKED for an independent review.

16th Sep 2019, 09:47
The Ombudsman is not independent. I think glen meant a JUDICIAL review. Anything less can’t call on witnesses under oath, rules of evidence and independent expert witnesses.

All you will get from a “review “ without the judicial bit is more of the same that CASA has been successfully dishing out for years - technological jargon followed by the words “and safety” - which trumps every official except, I pray, a high court judge.

Bend alot
16th Sep 2019, 09:48
Glen ASKED for an independent review.
Beg to differ.

Reference your email dated 10 September 2019, where you asked Mr Carmody to facilitate a prompt, independent assessment of CASAs actions.

I feel an assessment is what has happened - a review is was it correct.

16th Sep 2019, 09:49
I worked for CASA for years
My partner worked for the Ombudsman for years
Don't get sucked in.

16th Sep 2019, 09:53
I worked for CASA for years
My partner worked for the Ombudsman for years
Don't get sucked in.

+1 best advice.

16th Sep 2019, 09:56
Suing CASA for monetary damages or taking the ‘complaint’ to the Ombudsman, are not comparable courses of action. Each has its merits and downsides. Glen needs to determine which action is best for him.

Stay true to your cause...

16th Sep 2019, 10:20
All you will get from the ombudsman is platitudes. You won’t get money or your business back. The ombudsman has no teeth. That’s why CASA suggested it.

I wish I had more positive suggestions to make.

Lead Balloon
16th Sep 2019, 10:37
Why do you continue to communicate with CASA, Glen? Why?

You recently said that on Tuesday 27 August 2019 a CASA Regional Manager wrote to the new owner of APTA and said, among other things:Hi (new owner of APTA), I understand that Mr Buckley remains as APTA deputy HOO. This is no longer tenable with the comments that Mr Buckley is making publicly. ...If that’s true, what more do you need to convince you that you are dealing with an organisation that’s a basket case?

What’s the point in further communication between you and them?

You are now preaching mainly to the PPRuNe converted. (Some, like Flaming Galah, are running interference, but that’s to be expected).

Find a good lawyer, ask him or her to advise you on causes of action you may have in the circumstances and the prospects of success, and get on with it. What do you expect will happen if you don’t? A sudden epiphany on CASA’s behalf and the signature of a big cheque in your favour?

If you fancy yourself a chance for a seat in parliament, why don’t you just get on with that? The number of PPRuNers who would be eligible to vote in the seat of Chisholm is negligible.

Bend alot
16th Sep 2019, 11:11
The Independent Review/s should be in a court at this stage of the saga in my opinion.

I thought CAsA had said they had stopped talking/correspondence with you and the matter was deemed closed.

So I guess a little heat is in the kitchen, and they want to to be quiet for a while.

$33,191 in under 3 weeks on the GoFundMe, getting close to the home straight.
$34,291 soon after.

16th Sep 2019, 21:09
You may have difficulties endearing yourself and this case to the general public.

I explained the situation to a family member recently (who had no grounding in aviation) and their response was a pretty simple "well as long as CASA keep planes from falling out of the sky I don't care what they do".

16th Sep 2019, 22:33
I explained the situation to a family member recently (who had no grounding in aviation) and their response was a pretty simple "well as long as CASA keep planes from falling out of the sky I don't care what they do".
Well, with respect, BigPapi, you didn't do a very good job of explaining the situation to the family member! Though, I do understand what you are getting at.
You are correct that your average Joe-Blow won't be interested in hearing the story in its entirety, and would likely side with the regulator, which is unfortunate.
But, if people listened to and understood the whole story, they'd be saddened to hear of the unnecessary demise of a hard-working man's business.

16th Sep 2019, 22:37
Well, with respect, BigPapi, you didn't do a very good job of explaining the situation to the family member! Though, I do understand what you are getting at.
You are correct that your average Joe-Blow won't be interested in hearing the story in its entirety, and would likely side with the regulator, which is unfortunate.
But, if people listened to and understood the whole story, they'd be saddened to hear of the unnecessary demise of a hard-working man's business.

Thanks for that wonderful assumption champ, but I'm fairly sure I explained it well.

As soon as the word "safety" is mentioned as in, "what does CASA stand for?", It can effectively be used as a smokescreen.

"Well, if the SAFETY authority has an issue with Glen, he must be unsafe". That attitude takes a lot to change in someone who has no grounding in the topic.

16th Sep 2019, 23:34
Most people have less than a thirty second attention span. In addition they are bombarded with messages, mostly advertising, all day. You CANNOT get very much through to them unless you can turn it into a twenty second sound bite.

That means changing CASA by patient argument and logic is a waste of time and CASA knows it.

That is why I suggested negative political campaigning as the only way to effect change. AOPA USA does this, or threatens to do it, through its own, but not controlled, public affairs committee.

The reason CASA is worried about Glen is that the media and/or the rest of the public service might get aroused, not the general public.....yet. Can you imagine what a five minute segment on “60 minutes” could do in the lead up to a by election?

AND, there might need to be a by election soon (chisholm) and scomo has a one seat majority, a bunch of pilots yelling “don’t vote for scomo!” might then just make all the difference.

If that was threatened, ScoMo would take a blunt and rusty knife to CASA in seconds.

16th Sep 2019, 23:47
This is the website for AOPAS Political Action Committee. Although the wording talks about helping our friends, it also implies doing over the enemies - those that don’t support sensible regulation.


.....AOPA PAC has been created to identify and contribute money to qualified candidates who weigh the interests of general aviation when considering legislation. In addition to our proven friends in Congress, AOPA PAC works to cultivate new members and candidates who are supportive of the industry.

The AOPA PAC provides members with another collective tool to ensure the needs of general aviation are recognized in Congress. By contributing through AOPA PAC, your dollars are pooled with contributions from other pilots and aircraft owners nationwide. This means that each dollar you give carries far greater weight than if you contributed on your own. By acting through the PAC, you are part of a focused and effective campaign to achieve maximum returns from limited dollars.

By acting through the PAC, AOPA members are part of a focused and effective campaign on behalf of general aviation to achieve maximum returns from limited dollars. The PAC allows us to back our friends in Congress who support us day-to-day in defense of our freedom to fly.

17th Sep 2019, 00:03
The reason CASA is worried about Glen is that the media and/or the rest of the public service might get aroused, not the general public.....yet.

This. The media would jump onto this story.

Small business owner loses his business and house due to incompetent government officers’ decisions.

Bend alot
17th Sep 2019, 07:59
This. The media would jump onto this story.

Small business owner loses his business and house due to incompetent government officers’ decisions.

Yes that grabs the public.

- I see the GFM page is now at $36,318 and seems to have found another audience to donate, judging by the quantity of donors the past few days.

18th Sep 2019, 02:01
Get undertaking from CASA that it will abide by Ombudsman recommendations including any in relation to payment of compensation, assistance in resumption of your business and an apology (if those findings were to eventuate).
Another free option is making a claim under the CDDA scheme against CASA.
Neither of these routes prevent you from pursuing action under the AD(JR) Act in the Federal Court either concurrently or at a later date.

under the radar 55
18th Sep 2019, 04:36
Dear Glen,

May years ago I was a student who earned my wings at Moorabbin, I went to a few different flying schools in the process of gaining my licenses and ratings.

Now I am living my childhood dream of flying a jet. In my career so far in this industry, I have met so many people, some good, some great and some horrible. You were a true gentleman who was honest and professional every time I worked with you.

Reading this forum it makes me sad to see what CASA has done to you and your family. I hope that whatever action you take against CASA, they are held to account for their actions in a court of law. I hope that you received the justice you deserve.

I also hope that this brings change in the future to CASA and they start operating with integrity, honesty & professionalism that Australia deserves and expects from a government body.

I hope that your story is picked up by 60 Minutes, Four Corners, Sunday Night etc.....

Glen you have my support mate, I hope to see you win and hold them to account.

18th Sep 2019, 06:04
I sincerely hope you reach your target, and I hope you have access to lawyers who have aviation knowledge, there are not many good ones around.
With you legal advisers, consider https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2017C00238,.Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977.
Forget the AAT.
Tootle pip!!
I repeat my advice, based on my experience, this is your best avenue.
Tootle pip!!

Bend alot
18th Sep 2019, 09:34
$132 then 75% of the target has been meet.

Then only $12,500 remains.

Put another way if every donor to-date put in an extra $65 - the target is exceeded.

CAsA must certainly be busy at the shredder.

18th Sep 2019, 12:31

Small Business Owner loses his Business and home, due to incompetent Government Officer changing his mind.

Glen Buckley had a vision to build the most professional Flight Training School in Australia and it looked as if it was succeeding, until an individual within the Government agency, CASA changed his mind overnight.

Without any prior notice, CASA then placed several restrictions on his ability to conduct his business, ultimately leading to its collapse. After 15 years of safe, compliant and well-intentioned operations, the effects have been traumatic for Glen, his family, other businesses and associated personnel.

The CASA action has now caused the closure of three businesses, with the associated loss of jobs. Glen has lost his home, his business, his savings, and is now fighting relentlessly to protect his reputation, and minimise the impact on those around him, including not only his own family, but the many businesses, and associated parties affected by this.

No Small Business owner in Australia, should have their business and livelihood destroyed overnight on the whim of a Government employee, and most certainly not under a Government lead by our current PM. Not unless that person within CASA is prepared to publicly justify their decision. No one can possibly invest in Australian aviation, if a 15 year established, well intentioned, safe and compliant business can be destroyed without warning.

To this day, Glen is at a loss as to the reason why his world was turned upside down. CASA have been unwilling to clearly and concisely state what he did wrong, if in fact he doesn’t even know if he did anything wrong? Glen does know that the CASA action was NOT made on matters of safety, and there were no regulatory breaches.

After one year of trying to find out exactly why this happened, CASA still refuse to explain or justify their actions. Some of the personnel within CASA responsible for this matter have “resigned” but those that remain must be held to account.

He has elected to fight back on this matter, gaining a groundswell of opinion and support from the aviation industry and fair-minded people. His complaints have been sent as high as the Prime Minister’s officeand contains substantive ethical allegations against 4 personnel within CASA that impact on the safety of aviation in Australia and go to the very core of good governance in Government Departments. This is quite literally the David V Goliath story, for the future of Australian owned Small Business in the Aviation sector.

A Crowd Funding page has been established on his behalf, which will reach its goal over coming days. Comments from donors indicate the high level of emotion credited to this matter. You are encouraged to view it, and the associated comments. The associated link, follows.

On reaching the goal of $50,000 Glen will be taking this matter on the path of a legal but public determination and hold CASA to account, for the impact caused by CASAs unconscionable conduct.

The matter is gaining significant momentum. More than 250,000 views by industry peers, on a website referred to as Pprune. The associated link follows.

This is a matter that is not going away. It is growing momentum rapidly and gaining wide industry support. Glens wife and children are depending on him, but so are many other businesses that have been bullied and intimidated by CASA in the past.

He is fully committed to making a stand on this matter.Glen is well versed in the facts and looking for to the opportunity to present his allegations to the Australian Public via a media outlet that is prepared to present a sincere balanced story, where CASA is also presented the opportunity to defend their action

Glen can be contacted preferably by email [email protected], or secondary preferred contact 0418772013

Essential relevant attachments

APTA Before CASA action.
APTA after CASA action.
Letter to PM sent 25/08 .
Prime Ministers Speech to IPA 19/08/19

Additional relevant material-links

Crowd funding page https://www.gofundme.com/f/glen-buckley-v-casa.
Pilot chat forum (in excess of 250,000 views) https://www.pprune.org/australia-new…ss-v-casa.html
The PMs address to the Institute of Public Administration 19/08/19 https://www.pm.gov.au/media/speech-institute-public-administration
The Ministers Statement of Expectations https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2017L00288
CASAs Regulatory Philosophy https://www.casa.gov.au/about-us/who-we-are/our-regulatory-philosophy
The PGPA Act https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2013A00123

I presented my media release at the office of Gladys Liu, Member for Chisholm today. That was the location for my "launch".

I provided the accompanying letter; I must mention that I was treated with respect by the personnel in her office.


Glen Buckley
6 Susan Court
Mount Waverley 3149


Ms Gladys Liu
Member- House of Representatives
Chisholm Electorate.

Dear Ms Liu,My name is Glen Buckley, I have lived in Mount Waverley for 54 years, and I am writing to you as my Member of Parliament seeking your assistance.

I have previously sent correspondence to the Prime Minister. That correspondence related to matters of aviation safety in Australia, and substantive allegations of malpractice amongst certain individuals within CASA.

As that correspondence has not been acknowledged or responded to in any manner, I am seeking your assistance.

Can you please forward the following correspondence to the PM for his personal attention.
May I respectfully request confirmation that has been done.

If you can facilitate these two requests, I would be most appreciative.

Thanking you in anticipation of your assistance.

Respectfully, Glen Buckley, E. [email protected] M. 0418772013

The following letter sent to the Prime Minister 25/08/19.
Resubmitted via Ms Gladys Liu (Member for Chisholm) 19/09/19 due no response from PM.

Glen Buckley
6 Susan Court
Mount Waverley 3149


Dear Prime Minister,

My name is Glen Buckley. I write to you with 25 years’ experience in pilot training in various roles, most recently as a CASA approved CEO, and CASA approved Head of Operations (HOO).

Over the last 15 years I have operated my own large flight training business, and CASA records will indicate those operations have delivered industry leading levels of safety and compliance, and they have been well intentioned.

I write to respectfully inform you of substantive allegations that I am making against four personnel within the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).

This correspondence is not vexatious, and the matters are not trivial.

I will have no difficulty in establishing the facts of the matter, and I have well documented evidence readily available to present against every single allegation I make below.

I am making allegations of improper, wrongful and unlawful conduct against four CASA employees.

The four CASA personnel have clearly made decisions and demonstrated conduct that is outside of policy, directions and the law. Specifically, I refer to Requirements of Administrative Law outlined in CASA’s own manuals and procedures and specifically CASA’s Enforcement Manual. The Ministers Statement of Expectations and CASAs own Regulatory Philosophy. ·

The conduct of those four personnel within CASA has measurably and demonstrably reduced aviation safety.

I allege they have demonstrated unconscionable conduct and made decisions that a well-intentioned person would not make, if they were making decisions on the basis of safety and compliance. They have not acted with honesty and integrity, they have not acted with care and diligence, and they have not acted with respect and courtesy.

They have in acted in a bullying and intimidating manner. ·

I allege those personnel have not used public and Commonwealth resources in a proper manner and have made deliberate decisions that have in fact misused substantial public resources.

I allege those four personnel have made calculated decisions that have caused detriment to my business, and other businesses and that they have deliberately avoided attempts to work collaboratively and resolve issues.

I allege that their decisions and actions potentially bring harm to the integrity and good reputation of their fellow Employees and CASA in general, which can only degrade safety.

I allege that one of those four personnel has improperly used inside information.

I have been attempting to resolve this matter with CASA since October 2018.

Three businesses have already closed, with an associated loss of jobs. It is likely that more businesses will be closed in the near future. This matter is also negatively impacting on safety. The matter is also receiving greater industry attention, with an article in Australian Flying magazines recently, which I have attached.

A pilot’s forum on the subject has in excess of 250,000 views. https://www.pprune.org/australia-new-zealand-pacific/620219-glen-buckley-australian-small-business-v-casa.html

A Crowdfunding page has also been created on my behalf. The target is $50,000 in order to initiate a legal investigation. I anticipate that goal being achieved shortly, and the response has been overwhelming. This can be monitored via the following link. https://www.gofundme.com/f/glen-buckley-v-casa

The purpose of this letter: May I respectfully request that you nominate the appropriate person to meet with myself, and Mr Shane Carmody, the CEO of CASA or his nominee/s.

All I ask is that your nominee, is well intentioned and shares your vision for the Public Service.

At that meeting I request the opportunity to present my allegations to Mr Carmody in the presence of your nominee and provide well documented supporting evidence. If at the end of that meeting my claims were found to be vexatious or unsubstantiated, I would expect to be held fully accountable in law.

Thank you for considering my request,

Yours respectfully

Glen Buckley

18th Sep 2019, 12:46
This must be getting somewhat draining folks. It is coming to a head over coming days. The minute that crowd funding reaches its target, an assessment will be made as to whether the CASA conduct was lawful. Once that happens, by necessity I will obviously have to step back. In the interim, I ill be getting as much out on public record as possible.

Cheers. Glen.

You have all been sensational!

18th Sep 2019, 18:35
With donated funds approaching Glen's required $50,000, I wonder whether now may be the time to generate a public Petition to Parliament?

No guarantee it will achieve much political attention, but it should generate much needed waves in both politics and the media?

Rules here on Petitioning Parliament: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Petitions (https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Petitions)

18th Sep 2019, 23:00
With donated funds approaching Glen's required $50,000, I wonder whether now may be the time to generate a public Petition to Parliament?

No guarantee it will achieve much political attention, but it should generate much needed waves in both politics and the media?

Rules here on Petitioning Parliament: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Petitions (https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Petitions)

An e-petition would be the way to go. I reckon the most important thing this petition could do is let the parliament realise the level of discontent within the GA community. Who is going to be the leader in understanding the rules to petitions and setting this up?

Bend alot
19th Sep 2019, 08:40
200 Donors!!!

$38,068 raised.

Bend alot
19th Sep 2019, 09:46
200 Donors!!!

$38,068 raised.


I have zero doubt it will hit the $50k now.

The name is Porter
20th Sep 2019, 10:08
Bend alot, I'm sure your positive posts are of great comfort to Glen, go hard!

Bend alot
20th Sep 2019, 13:59
Bend alot, I'm sure your positive posts are of great comfort to Glen, go hard!
I am committed to regular donations, so the target will be meet.

Yes I wish Glen comfort, if that is from me - great.

20th Sep 2019, 22:05
Blueyonda: An e-petition would be the way to go. I reckon the most important thing this petition could do is let the parliament realise the level of discontent within the GA community. Who is going to be the leader in understanding the rules to petitions and setting this up?

”The level of discontent within the GA community” respectfully BOLLOCKS!!

The only thing that will “fix” aviation regulation is an electoral threat to bums on seats in Parliament!!! Nothing else!!

Has it completely escaped all your fine pilot minds that ScoMo just gave Pauline Hanson her very own Parliamentary inquiry to secure her ONE vote??? THAT is a perfect example of the only sort of motivation that is capable of fixing aviation regulation!!

Rant mode off. Ferchrissake get behind Glen and / or perhaps AOPA and find that ONE member of parliament who can be coaxed or frightened into standing up for you!

Bend alot
21st Sep 2019, 03:41
Someone likes round numbers!


21st Sep 2019, 04:10
Ok this thread is over 400 replies long. Is there an easy way to come up to speed?

Bend alot
21st Sep 2019, 08:08
$41,300 in around 4 hours.

21st Sep 2019, 10:08

”The level of discontent within the GA community” respectfully BOLLOCKS!!

The only thing that will “fix” aviation regulation is an electoral threat to bums on seats in Parliament!!! Nothing else!!

Has it completely escaped all your fine pilot minds that ScoMo just gave Pauline Hanson her very own Parliamentary inquiry to secure her ONE vote??? THAT is a perfect example of the only sort of motivation that is capable of fixing aviation regulation!!

Rant mode off. Ferchrissake get behind Glen and / or perhaps AOPA and find that ONE member of parliament who can be coaxed or frightened into standing up for you!
The voice of realism and experience!!
Tootle pip!!

21st Sep 2019, 12:40
The voice of realism and experience!!
Tootle pip!!
I’ve read posters talking judicial enquiry and royal commission, sunfish is talking Parliamentary enquiry, so which one is it? Who is worth lobbying?

21st Sep 2019, 13:01
Easy answer; lobby no one, just read up on who holds the most marginal seats in the house of reps and announce you are going to campaign for/against the sitting member unless they act like Pauline on your behalf. Don’t you guys get it?

To put it another way #$@# lobbying! My way they come to you and ask what you want in return for not running a perfectly legal campaign to unseat them.

There is no jargon, deep technical argument involved, just a simple appeal to voters that doesn’t even need to be aviation related.

21st Sep 2019, 21:41
My reply got a bit lost since new account but worth the thread being so long, is there a tldr for anyone to catch up or some easy reference to find out what all this is about?

22nd Sep 2019, 00:36
Easy answer; lobby no one, just read up on who holds the most marginal seats in the house of reps and announce you are going to campaign for/against the sitting member unless they act like Pauline on your behalf. Don’t you guys get it?

To put it another way #$@# lobbying! My way they come to you and ask what you want in return for not running a perfectly legal campaign to unseat them.

There is no jargon, deep technical argument involved, just a simple appeal to voters that doesn’t even need to be aviation related.

I wouldn’t be putting my life in the hands of an imbecile such as ‘Pauline’. Can’t string three words together, makes wild and unfounded accusations with no evidence, insults people’s intelligence by seriously floating the idea that all the bad stuff in the investigative report was ‘dubbed’, often nominated backstabbing, people with criminal records as party members then it’s never her fault... remember the moron she nominated that though Islam was a country and that Jews ‘followed Jesus’.
After all her bluster and dodgem car speaking style (if it can be called speaking), she invariably makes a big incoherent noise then votes with the government every time.
Any reliance on ‘Pauline’ would kill any campaign stone dead. At least pick a politician who appears to possess a brain.

22nd Sep 2019, 01:19
Aerial, you are probably quite right. However it counts for nothing. ScoMo needs her vote, that is all that matters. Better brains than me can work out what to ask for, however I would expect a rewrite of the Act including a requirement to foster aviation, a restructuring of aviation responsibilities and associated organisations, the adoption of FAA rules and removal of criminal penalties would be starters.

22nd Sep 2019, 01:23
It has become a very lengthy matter. I am not sure if you come from an aviation background, but can I make a couple of suggestions, Please email [email protected] with Media Pack in the title and I will return a media pack to you.

In Post 548, I am doing an "interview" style approach. It is a work in progress and constantly being updated, as I get time. It will be a good starting point as it gets significantly updated over coming days.

Cheers. Glen.

Bend alot
23rd Sep 2019, 09:03
A few slow days, but to be expected from time to time.

Still $42,200 to date in a pretty short time, another short burst will pretty much hit the target.


23rd Sep 2019, 21:27
In post 590 I published a letter that was sent to the Australian Prime Minister one month ago. It has not been acknowledged or responded to in any manner.

I have also delivered a copy of that letter to the my local member Ms Gladys Liu, the Member for Chisholm, and asked her office to pass that to the PM, and confirm once that has been done. Understandably, she would be "lying low" at the moment, but I am entitled to a response, as a 54 year resident of that electorate.

My allegations are in fact the most substantial allegations that could be bought against a Public Officer. I They cannot continue to be ignored. I am prepared to provide evidence against each and every one of those allegations.

This matter potentially impacts on aviation safety in Australia. It requires a response.

I am open to suggestions. Could this in fact be a topic for a GA petition lead by AOPA?

Horatio Leafblower
24th Sep 2019, 00:08
Most marginal government seats:
Bass (TAS) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_Bass)
Bridget Archer (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridget_Archer) LIB 50.41
Chisholm (VIC) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_Chisholm)
Gladys Liu (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gladys_Liu) LIB 50.57
Wentworth (NSW) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_Wentworth)
Dave Sharma (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Sharma) LIB 51.31
Boothby (SA) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_Boothby)
Nicolle Flint (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolle_Flint) LIB 51.38
Swan (WA) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_Swan)
Steve Irons (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Irons) LIB 52.69
Braddon (TAS) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_Braddon)
Gavin Pearce (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gavin_Pearce) LIB 53.09
Reid (NSW) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_Reid)
Fiona Martin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiona_Martin) LIB 53.18
Longman (QLD) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_Longman)
Terry Young (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Young_(Australian_politician)) LNP 53.28
Higgins (VIC) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_Higgins)
Katie Allen (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katie_Allen_(politician))LIB=center53.88
Leichhardt (QLD) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_Leichhardt)
Warren Entsch (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_Entsch)LNP=center54.17

Global Aviator
24th Sep 2019, 00:55
Most marginal government seats:Bass (TAS) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_Bass)
Bridget Archer (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridget_Archer)LIB=center50.41Chisholm (VIC) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_Chisholm)
Gladys Liu (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gladys_Liu)LIB=center50.57Wentworth (NSW) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_Wentworth)
Dave Sharma (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Sharma)LIB v IND=center51.31Boothby (SA) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_Boothby)
Nicolle Flint (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolle_Flint)LIB=center51.38Swan (WA) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_Swan)
Steve Irons (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Irons)LIB=center52.69Braddon (TAS) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_Braddon)
Gavin Pearce (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gavin_Pearce)LIB=center53.09Reid (NSW) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_Reid)
Fiona Martin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiona_Martin)LIB=center53.18Longman (QLD) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_Longman)
Terry Young (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Young_(Australian_politician))LNP=center53.28Higgins (VIC) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_Higgins)
Katie Allen (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katie_Allen_(politician))LIB=center53.88Leichhardt (QLD) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_Leichhardt)
Warren Entsch (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_Entsch)LNP=center54.17

That would make Chisholm perfect!!!

Lead Balloon
24th Sep 2019, 02:39
I am open to suggestions.1. Listen.

2. Obtain advice from people who know what they are talking about.

3. Despite your long experience in the aviation industry, you have evidently either not been paying attention or have forgotten what’s gone on. All of your tactics have been tried many times and have failed to result in substantial change.

4. You only need to write to two people (in the current Parliamentary balance of power situation): Pauline Hanson and Jacqui Lambie. All else is wasted effort.

5. Listen.

24th Sep 2019, 02:45
1. Listen.

2. Obtain advice from people who know what they are talking about.

3. Despite your long experience in the aviation industry, you have evidently either not been paying attention or have forgotten what’s gone on. All of your tactics have been tried many times and have failed to result in substantial change.

4. You only need to write to two people (in the current Parliamentary balance of power situation): Pauline Hanson and Jacqui Lambie. All else is wasted effort.

5. Listen.

James Ashby, Pauline’s advisor, is an aviator. Get in his ear too.

24th Sep 2019, 02:51
Now you are getting the idea! Apply what little leverage we have where it will do the most good - marginal seats and cross bench members.

24th Sep 2019, 03:53
Aerial, you are probably quite right. However it counts for nothing. ScoMo needs her vote, that is all that matters. Better brains than me can work out what to ask for, however I would expect a rewrite of the Act including a requirement to foster aviation, a restructuring of aviation responsibilities and associated organisations, the adoption of FAA rules and removal of criminal penalties would be starters.

Yeh, true, but my point is that she'll promise everything and then cave into the government anyway. She is only interested in her own self-aggrandizement and feathering her own nest. She only goes anywhere with any item if she thinks it'll increase her populist profile.

24th Sep 2019, 03:54
James Ashby, Pauline’s advisor, is an aviator. Get in his ear too.

Might be hard to get hold of, probably overseas trying to get money from the NRA. Seriously, pick another Senator, this group are a clown show.

25th Sep 2019, 00:18
I have just taken a telephone call from the office of my local member of parliament, Ms Gladys Liu.

I am informed that the presentation of the material caught Ms Lius attention, and she allocated a significant amount of time to my matter. She has expressed an interest to follow and potentially assist with the matter, and has asked for a copy of my material be emailed to her.

I must say that I have dealt with two personnel from her office. They seem capable, and well intentioned.

I will be seeking a meeting with Ms Liu. At that meeting, primarily I will be presenting my case.

I will however put the following proposition to her.

That her office consider taking a more active role in representing General Aviation, and promoting the growth of GA small business, and particularly in regional areas.

In light of unsubstantiated and politically motivated controversy over her position and allegiances, supporting all those Australian owned small aviation businesses would be a noble cause.

Potentially AOPA may able to establish a relationship with her office, and provide a point of contact.

A number of options could be explored.

Hopefully, any politician, that was prepared to take an active interest in our industry, would receive strong industry support in return.

Interesting, as a 54 year resident of Chisholm, I feel she will represent me diligently, and look forward to updating you.

For those that have not been following. This post, is a follow up to post 590.

Shameless plug follows https://www.gofundme.com/f/glen-buckley-v-casa

Lead Balloon
25th Sep 2019, 00:41
You do realise that the election of Ms Liu is the subject of ongoing Federal Court proceedings, and that her stay in Parliament could be quite short-lived?

25th Sep 2019, 00:57
I am about to sit down and draft a letter to Ms Lambie, which I will post here on completion, cheers. Glen.

In the event that Ms Lius reign is short lived, I can assure you I will be throwing my hat in the ring, and not only because of aviation matters. I am a true Chisholm resident, and active and interested in the community. I am passionate about small business and red tape, and sincerely would like to throw my hat in the ring. That will come at the appropriate time because my immediate battle is my families welfare, and I have no intention of losing that battle.

Once that is out the way, and if the timing is right, I will pop up in Chisholm, and have commenced the process to cancel my dual citizenship. All for a bit further down the track.

25th Sep 2019, 01:31
You do realise that the election of Ms Liu is the subject of ongoing Federal Court proceedings, and that her stay in Parliament could be quite short-lived?

Just as likely to be long lived given the basis of the original complaint. She has survived the allegations of ties to the CCP so a frivolous claim about election day banners written in another language is not going to unseat her. Go for it Glen!

25th Sep 2019, 01:50
Dear Ms Lambie,

My name is Glen Buckley, previously the owner of a well-established flight training school in Melbourne.

In October 2018, CASA took action without prior warning, that lead to the closure of my business.

Other businesses have also closed as a result of this CASA action.

The CASA action was highly inappropriate, and I intend to hold four personnel within CASA ,fully to account against their conduct.

I am a victim of substantial malpractice within CASA, and a lack of good governance.Those personnel are in senior positions within the Organisation and include a
· CASA Group Executive Manager
· CASA Acting Executive Manager
· CASA Region Manager
· CASA Flight Operations Inspector

I must point out the CASA action was not taken based on any safety concerns, it was a “change of opinion” This matter commenced in October 2018 and continues.

I have attached a media pack for your initial consideration.

I respect that Mr Carmody the CEO of CASA has close allegiances with the Liberal party and feel that may be a contributing factor to my difficulties in getting my complaints independently assessed.

I have previously written to the PM, but my correspondence has not been responded to. That correspondence is contained in the media pack.

A pilot’s chats forum, mentioned in the media pack has over 250,000 views.

The purpose of this correspondence.

Shortly, I will be calling for a Royal Commission/Judicial Inquiry into CASA. I am confident I will receive widespread industry support. At that stage I will be sending more substantive correspondence to all Cross-Bench Senators. If you require any further information or a more detailed package, I can be contacted via the details in the media pack

Thankyou for consiuderation, respectfully, Glen Buckley

Respectfully, Glen Buckley

25th Sep 2019, 04:01
Why do customers have to have an "exciting digital experience" when dealing with CAsA.
Like navigating your way through an terminal building as SLF is supposed to be an "exciting experience".

If I want an "exciting digital experience" I go to my Urologist .

So much bloat on websites these days. If a pilot can read a NOTAM or Weather report it indicates they are

1) Intelligent enough to read concise information without the bloat.
2)Just want to facts without the bloat.

What is far more important than "excitement" is being able to present complex information concisely and clearly, that is arranged logically, that can be searched and cross referenced easily.

To do this the fundamental rules have to constructed in a clear, logical and self consistent manner.

As a software developer, too much information these days is just "patching". Something needs to be updated. So patch it. You can only do this so many times before what was orginally a simple idea becomes mind numbingly complex and obtuse. However, the process of patching has gone on for so long the task of 'refactoring' it terrifies the managment. They know it will take a lot of time and money, and produce nothing more than what was originally there. It will "only" be easier to maintain and use.

The "excitement" proposal is just another patch. Take this mess and dress it up so that it looks like we have made a serious attempt to make everything workable again. Much cheaper, looks pretty when you show it in a five minute presentation to management and politicians, but in practice no better than what you started off with.

25th Sep 2019, 05:27
The first thing any retained lawyers will say is stop posting stuff on the internet

I'm not sure posting the content of letters and actions taken here is wise, or helpful to the cause - except perhaps to the wrong parties.

Bend alot
25th Sep 2019, 08:25
I happy to see your shameless plug Glen.

Almost 2 days since my last total GFM update - almost $1,100 extra since then sitting at $43,294.

If 200 of the 220 donors to date dug in for only another $35 each - you are over the $50K.

Bend alot
27th Sep 2019, 08:07
Hi Glen,

May have missed it, but do we have a link to the Media Pack?

I recall the start and the length being discussed but not your end result (I do not normally go back thru past history of threads - only read whats new).

28th Sep 2019, 20:15
Well since this process has started some of the "main players" seem to have "departed" CASA.

First to depart was the Regional Manager. Then another senior executive left who was heavily involved, and I hear on the grapevine that the CMT leader, who lead the initial action has resigned to join another company in a "safety role".

Mr Crawford, as I said to you before. Good ethics will prevail, and you will be left standing alone!!!!!

28th Sep 2019, 20:41
Dear Bendalot, for someone I haven't met before, your support has been very much appreciated. Having spoken to you, and many others on the phone, I appreciate that you are someone else impacted by the small but toxic element within CASA that causes so much damage to so many people, and their livelihoods.

Regarding the media packs, I am somewhat varying the contents.

In all media packs I have included.

The single page media release cover page as per post 590.

I have attached the two articles written by Australian Flying. The first written shortly after we got our CASA approval, and the second and more recent article after I had the change of CMT to CMT 3, and they began pulling it apart.

I provide a link to this chat forum, to indicate the level of support, and associated discussion.

I provide a link to the GoFundMe page, and draw their attention to the supportive comments.

I attach my letter to the PM that remains unresponded to after more than one month, and two submissions.

In all correspondence I do name the people that I am bringing the substantive allegations against. I feel it is important, because my accusations are not against the CASA personnel generally, and I want to minimise any damage to their credibility. I do genuinely feel that such malpractice within CASA by those personnel, demonstrably and measurably compromises the safety of air navigation.

The matters are substantive, and despite Mr Carmodys and the Boards best efforts, they are not going to go away.

As I am convinced that Mr Carmodys alleged links to the Liberal Party may be a contributing factor, on Monday I will be sending an amended package that I will publish on here. That will be going to every cross bench Senator.

At this stage, I have only distributed the Media Pack to supporters, and please email [email protected] if you would like me to send one through to you.

With some assistance, I have obtained some exceptional contacts in the media. My preference is to ensure I have exhausted all processes through my local Member Ms Gladys Liu before launching a more public campaign to highlight the dangerous malpractice that exists within our own Civil Aviation Safety Authority.

Bend alot
30th Sep 2019, 07:24
Donations paused

Our team has contacted the organizer with a solution, and donations will resume once the issue is resolved.

? any ideas - legal intervention by CAsA??

I assume the goal is adjusted due the cost per donation $1,101 not so bad IMO.

Bend alot
30th Sep 2019, 07:32
Donations pausedOur team has contacted the organizer with a solution, and donations will resume once the issue is resolved.How can I help?Please reach out to the organizer and ask them to sign in to GoFundMe and check their account to resolve the issue

30th Sep 2019, 09:39
What is that nonsense?

Bend alot
30th Sep 2019, 10:05
What is that nonsense?
Try donate and you get that message.

I think Glen and co are aware and sorted soon.

The Bullwinkle
30th Sep 2019, 23:03
The gofundme page is still paused! :confused:

1st Oct 2019, 04:48
Our team has contacted the organizer with a solution
A solution? Does that imply that there's a problem? What could go possibly wrong with a crowdfunding page?

1st Oct 2019, 05:13
Donations paused

Our team has contacted the organizer with a solution, and donations will resume once the issue is resolved.

? any ideas - legal intervention by CAsA??

I assume the goal is adjusted due the cost per donation $1,101 not so bad IMO.
are they taking the $1101 as the cost for each donation/

Bend alot
1st Oct 2019, 06:16
are they taking the $1101 as the cost for each donation/
There is a transaction fee for each donation of 2.2% + 30 cents.

So 2.2% is $957.66
220 donations @ $0.30 is $66.00

That totals $1,023.66 in transaction costs to-date - that seems reasonable to me.

1st Oct 2019, 11:23
Just confirmed with my sources that donations will continue to be accepted only after Oct 9. This is the message they received from GoFundMe:

“Hi there,

It looks like donations to your campaign have been temporarily paused because your beneficiary hasn't withdrawn the funds you’ve raised so far. Setting this up takes just a few minutes, then you’ll be able to accept donations once again.

Due to financial regulations, our payment partner cannot hold on to your funds for extended periods of time.”

Bend alot
1st Oct 2019, 11:40
I did hear a similar thing, that current funds need to be transferred and that was in progress.

The name is Porter
2nd Oct 2019, 09:27
Glen, FFS, get the money sorted!

This will be a movie one day brah, like Erin Brokivitch (however you spell her name!)

2nd Oct 2019, 20:18
Hi all.
First. My Go Fund Me page has taken a pause from donations. That is my fault. A condition of the fund is that some money must be transferred out after a certain period. I believe 30 days. They are funds entrusted to me to pursue a specific objective, and I do not want them in my personal account under any circumstances, and particularly at a time where I am fighting for the survival of my business.

Once I move funds out, I will be able to accept further support from industry.


Dear Ben Morgan (AOPA)

You may be aware that I have a crowd funding page assisting me to hold certain personnel in CASA to account for their conduct. A condition of that fund is that a component of the funds be transferred to an account bearing the name Glen Buckley.

My query. Would AOPA have the ability to promptly establish an account with the name Glen Buckley on it. I propose to transfer the funds to that account and request that an AOPA nominee be a joint signatory to me. Those funds are to be disbursed to a nominated legal firm to pursue the validity of Glen Buckley's claim against the conduct of the nominated CASA personnel.

In the event that the funds were not required, AOPA would assist in disbursing those funds to the donors in cases where that was their preference. Any unused funds or undisbursed funds after 30/06/20 would be retained by AOPA and used specifically for safety education.

I am trying to achieve something that is "simple, accountable, and effective". I am not in a position to fund expensive complicated legal procedures. I hope that out mutual good intentions and transparency will suffice.

Respectfully and thanking you in anticipation of your assistance, cheers. Glen Buckley

2nd Oct 2019, 20:33
Any person wanting a media pack is able to email me

[email protected]

It will provide an easy to understand overview of this matter and will make following it from the start on pprune clearer.

I am not asking for an expensive complicated process. I am simply asking the PM to nominate one person completely of his own choosing, who is not on the CASA payroll.

I am asking that his nominee sit in a room with me and Mr Carmody the CEO of CASA.

Mr Carmody would be encouraged to bring as many attendees as he wants. That could include the four personnel that I have allegations about.

I only want to bring my Dad.

The PMs nominee can sit in a room for 3 hours, and listen to both sides of the argument.

If at the end of that meeting that nominee looks me in the eye and says. "Those personnel have nothing to answer for".

Well! I promise im never voting Liberal again!

Mr PM. It a solution that is fair and importantly. It is Simple, Accountable, and Effective, and that's important!!!

Horatio Leafblower
2nd Oct 2019, 21:57
Someone with your power of attorney has to go to a Bank and set up an account as "Joe Bloggs as Trustee For Glen Buckley"

Best of luck mate

4th Oct 2019, 21:50
Bump. .......

6th Oct 2019, 19:13
Talk to ALAEA and Professionals Australia about a regulator and overseas maintenance approvals.

7th Oct 2019, 08:12
Donation has resumed! Come'on boys lets get Glen over the line :D

Bend alot
7th Oct 2019, 08:57
$43,661 raised.
$7,440 more needed.


7th Oct 2019, 21:11
$43,661 raised.
$7,440 more needed.


Mini-challenge a.k.a. Bend_alot vs. the rest of us: whoever here posts first that Glen passed $50k (for real), wins 😜

Bend alot
8th Oct 2019, 08:33
Mini-challenge a.k.a. Bend_alot vs. the rest of us: whoever here posts first that Glen passed $50k (for real), wins 😜
But after $51,101 there is the real winner.

Still a few days to go unless we have another pause.

Sitting at $44,361 - $831 since the restart about 24 hours ago.

8th Oct 2019, 09:56
Popping my head up again.

The GoFundMe is up and running again, after an administrative delay that was a result of my reluctance to move any funds into my own account. With some exceptional support from GoFundMe, we are up and running.Thanks again for the support.

The background work has begun, and immediately on achieving the goal I will move to stage one and see if I have a valid basis for a claim. Ultimately it is the CASA Board that is accountable for the conduct of the personnel within CASA and that is clearly stated on their website;

“CASA Board The CASA Board is appointed by the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport. The Board is responsible for deciding the objectives, strategies and policies to be followed by CASA and for ensuring that CASA performs its functions in a proper, efficient and effective manner.”

I have met with the Chair of the CASA Board, and there can be no doubt that they have been fully briefed by me on the topic. The Chair has enough information to determine if the Board will stand behind the

· Aviation Group-Executive Manager
· Executive Manager- Regulatory Services and Surveillance
· Regional Manager
· Flight Operations Inspector

The Board has obviously elected to support the four personnel against

· The Ministers Statement of Expectations.
· CASAs Regulatory Philosophy
· Administrative Law
· The PGPA Act
· decency and ethics
· My allegations of unlawful conduct i.e. Regional Manager directing my Employer to cease my employment based on my public comments which have been restricted to Prune.

Well, that time is coming. We will find out if im just some little pain in the arse, or am I the victim of gross malpractice. The opportunity approaches for those four CASA personnel to defend their conduct, and for the Minister and Board to stand behind those personnel.

I cannot wait for the opportunity for both sides to present their case.

Bend alot
8th Oct 2019, 10:26
Glen just remember at any time you can opt out.

Many of us wish you do not - even if you never peruse the second stage.

It is clear that I support you and the GFM page and for the record I could have made one large donation, but did not only a few to get it rolling.

I have made (it looks like) 9 donations since the start, I do not think many have made that amount of donations and most only a single donation.

My many donations is a total of $852 and that gives GFM around $3.

Your average donation is still (with me dragging it down) nearly $200, that says a lot.

You will hit your target mate,take care and be strong.


8th Oct 2019, 21:28
I think you need a “plan B” to protect your sanity and your family.

I’m serious. I have a friend that we are now trying to support who was found with the rope already over the beam as a result of a marriage break up and unpleasantness. This stuff can do your head in.

9th Oct 2019, 02:02
I think you need a “plan B” to protect your sanity and your family.

I’m serious. I have a friend that we are now trying to support who was found with the rope already over the beam as a result of a marriage break up and unpleasantness. This stuff can do your head in.

Thats very good advice. CASA neither care or are likely to engage with you. You run a very big risk here, you are now at a point where it is no longer about right or wrong. Take the plan B advice, family and sanity are worth far more than fighting corruption

The name is Porter
9th Oct 2019, 04:19

I wish you the strength and courage required to see this process through. I have a 'friend' that was continually warned about the financial cost of seeing a recent legal action through.

'Cut your losses'
'it'll cost more than it's worth'
'it's not worth the mental anguish'
'it's not worth the affect it has on you and your family'

My 'friend' weighed up all of the above and decided to continue. It was extremely tough, it cost money (justice is only available in Australia if you pay for it), but the end result was worth the action. The lawyers said at the time, you won't necessarily be happy with the end result but it has to be something you can live with.

None of the people posting on here, advising you to give in knows what you have been through. None of them know truly what you have lost. I dare say very few of them have had the cohunas to see something like this through.

Stay the course, there will be many opportunities through out the process to re-assess the course of action.

In the end, it's you who will decide at what stage this action ends. And I dare say it, there may be a day of reckoning coming that will change this industry forever, let us see!

Thumbs up Glen.

Bend alot
9th Oct 2019, 12:08
All fair comments guys, each can handle stuff in different ways.

My comment was just at any time Glen can change his mind and not think I will be wronged in any way. I think others feel the same.

9th Oct 2019, 18:26
Glen, just understand that no one will think the less of you if you walk away. You already have our admiration for taking things this far. I know that the toll of your action on yourself could perhaps be more than anyone should have to bear. Please make sure you have some sort of parachute.

Porter, PM.

The name is Porter
9th Oct 2019, 19:03
Yes of course, if I could elaborate, Glen, I think it's clear that at any time should you decide enough is enough that everyone would think no less.

And I wouldn't want my contributions back!!

9th Oct 2019, 21:27
True thing. You've already made it, raised almost $50k at the time of writing: you've proved your point. You're already a legend mate.

(Now go get'em, Tiger!)

9th Oct 2019, 23:19
Good morning all, and yet again thanks for the support.

Let me be very clear.

The inappropriate conduct of the four personnel in CASA has cost me everything. I worked with CASA for years building APTA and getting it approved. I attended to every new legislative requirement that they placed on me.

The complete policy backflip has left me without a home, and my life savings gone. At 55, no bank is going to give me a home loan. I cannot walk awy from this, because I will be subjecting my wife to abject poverty until her last day.


Mr Graeme Crawford, Mr Craig Martin, Mr Jason McHeyzer, and Mr Brad Lacy will have the opportunity to defend their conduct, as will the CASA board.

The day of reckoning approaches.

Every cent that everybody has so generously donated will be used to provide the opportunity for them to defend their conduct.

Global Aviator
10th Oct 2019, 01:01
I’m still following this thread.

So if the 50k review says yes go for it.

Where will the million plus come from to fight the gubment? I’m not scare mongering just pointing out the reality of what a drawn out case could cost.

I am certainly behind you and hope you defeat the evil empire.

Lastly why wait for 50k? Surely the near 50k is enough to engage the review? Which law firm have you selected?

10th Oct 2019, 02:10
Global Aviator, I have commenced the process in anticipation of reaching the goal.

If that assessment comes back with a high probability of a win, I have arranged access to litigation funding. That is in place, and will proceed.

There is nothing to stop the four personnel from CASA having the opportunity to fully justify there conduct.

The claim will potentially be a class action with a number of other businesses that have been affected by the malpractice of the named personnel.

I wont reveal the name of the law firm at this stage. Once revealed I think CASA will find they are dealing with someone more substantial than they could possibly have imagined.

Whether it is I that is found wanting or the CASA personnel will be determined by someone not on the CASA payroll.

There may well be two cases because I will also be pursuing an unfair dismissal claim based on the direction that Mr Mc Heyzer sent my employer to terminate my employment.

After 12 months of unbearable trauma, I can see light at the end of the tunnel.

I feel a big broom will go through CASA at the end of this, and hopefully a board change wqill accompany that.

Global Aviator
10th Oct 2019, 02:58
Fantastic! Thanks for clearing it up.

Good luck!

What your doing is so vital, hats off to you.

Lead Balloon
10th Oct 2019, 07:56
After 12 months of unbearable trauma, I can see light at the end of the tunnel.

I feel a big broom will go through CASA at the end of this, and hopefully a board change wqill accompany that.Oh dear.

Good luck.

10th Oct 2019, 09:55
The very best of luck, and I trust your legal advisors have adequate experience in the aviation field.
Tootle pip!!

Bend alot
10th Oct 2019, 10:08
Oh dear.

Good luck.
But I expect more than the standard name change - with the crowd funding CAsA are getting a sort of "Class Action".

Should Glen win CAsA have lost massive face and many had many options to step forward before this was all public - they chose not to!

10th Oct 2019, 22:19
The very best of luck, and I trust your legal advisors have adequate experience in the aviation field.
Tootle pip!!

‘If such a case were tried, CASA would be extremely unwise to rely on technical jargon. Judges see through it and have the option of appointing judges associates to help them. I have an acquaintance who assisted this way in a scientific matter in such a case and found the task quite enjoyable, sitting so to speak, at the judges elbow.

10th Oct 2019, 22:39
I can’t wait to see Rome burn.

I wish we could just work under the FAA and adopt the FARs. The FAA actually have a good relationship with industry and GA in the states is everywhere and affordable.

11th Oct 2019, 00:35
I can’t wait to see Rome burn.

I wish we could just work under the FAA and adopt the FARs. The FAA actually have a good relationship with industry and GA in the states is everywhere and affordable.
Thats not right, i have worked there and know a few maintainers in the US, the relationship is different, the FAA will fine you or shut you down very quickly where with our mob a fine is just a threat rarely happens. Problem here is the current CASA appear to be in bed with the majors, from what i hear internally people cant get out quick enough rumour is its falling apart inside

Office Update
11th Oct 2019, 02:44
Far from true, flight and engineering have great difficulties with FAA at the best of times.
What makes the USA system easy is the plain language the rules are written in, compared to Australia.
If you read AOPA, the real one (USA) magazine they have specialist contributors who offer advice on everything from medical, insurance, handling the FAA, hidden agenda in the regs, flight tests, maintenance.
New Zealand regs would be worthy of consideration..

11th Oct 2019, 03:05
Far from true, flight and engineering have great difficulties with FAA at the best of times.
What makes the USA system easy is the plain language the rules are written in, compared to Australia.
If you read AOPA, the real one (USA) magazine they have specialist contributors who offer advice on everything from medical, insurance, handling the FAA, hidden agenda in the regs, flight tests, maintenance.
New Zealand regs would be worthy of consideration..
Yeh, from that angle yes agreed

11th Oct 2019, 12:19
Far from true, flight and engineering have great difficulties with FAA at the best of times.
What makes the USA system easy is the plain language the rules are written in, compared to Australia.
If you read AOPA, the real one (USA) magazine they have specialist contributors who offer advice on everything from medical, insurance, handling the FAA, hidden agenda in the regs, flight tests, maintenance.
New Zealand regs would be worthy of consideration..
Blueskymine et al,
It doesn't matter a damn what the regulations are, if the culture of the "authority" is rotten, CASA with the FARs would be no different to that, which we have.

Re. NZ regulations, they are largely the FARs cleaned up, with a bit of EASA (JAR era) --- but CASA would make mincemeat of them with the present culture.

Most of you seem to have forgotten ---- or never knew or realised ----- but in 1998 we put in place CASR 21 ---- more straightforward and less restrictive than FAR 21, and our CASR 23-35 are fundamentally FAR 23-35 by reference.

And just look what CASA has managed to do with it!!

Tootle pip!!

Bend alot
11th Oct 2019, 13:25
Blueskymine et al,

And just look what CASA has managed to do with it!!

Tootle pip!!
Are STILL doing with it.

11th Oct 2019, 13:45
Blueskymine et al,
It doesn't matter a damn what the regulations are, if the culture of the "authority" is rotten, CASA with the FARs would be no different to what we have.

Re. NZ regulations, they are largely the FARs cleaned up, with a bit of EASA (JAR era) --- but CASA would make mincemeat of them with the present culture.

Most of you seem to have forgotten ---- or never knew or realised ----- but in 1998 we put in place CASR 21 ---- more straightforward and less restrictive than FAR 21, and our CASR 23-35 are fundamentally FAR 23-35 by reference.

And just look what CASA has managed to do with it!!

Tootle pip!!
Definitely sounds like a certain authority is in a mess, word is it is in disarray. Just try getting anything approved in a reasonable, turned into a complete joke

11th Oct 2019, 21:17
By way of example, a little bird told me last week that CASA is making life really difficult for Gippsland Aeronautics, again, to the point where they may have to move to India. I believe it may be Nomad development that’s the problem but I don’t know.

‘I believe they employ about 160 people in the Latrobe valley and with an economic multiplier of about 8, that’s about 1200 jobs in the valley, but of course CASA couldn’t care less. The founders told me that they made life so difficult for the original airvan that they added at least two years of expensive development time which stuffed their market entry strategy.

P.S. ....and at no time have I ever had to ask about Gippsland Aeronautics, once people know you have an interest in Aviation, they just tell you.

Bend alot
12th Oct 2019, 05:05
Only $5,600 left to go.


$45,501 raised to date.

Can you enlighten us on a (GFM) fees update Glen?

12th Oct 2019, 09:47
Only $5,600 left to go.


$45,501 raised to date.

Can you enlighten us on a (GFM) fees update Glen?
The GA8 only ever got a C.of A was because John Anderson finally went off his trolley about the 'unexplained delays" --- certain CASA persons have had it in for them ever since.
The CASA treatment of Gippsland Aero, back in the day, left them virtually broke, hence the sale to Mahindra.
Much of the development work has already shifted to US (not India, DGCA could give CASA lessons in general buggery and terminal delay --- I have worked there as well) ,
I have no inside information, but I would expect a big shift to US, its never going to happen, let alone be a success, here in Oz.
Tootle pip!!

12th Oct 2019, 20:23
Of the thousands of CASA approved organisations out there we only hear in here from those who are disgruntled. This post casts itself as judge and jury but note from the hundreds of comments, they are mostly repeats from a very small group of people, almost all simply have an axe to grind with CASA so it hardly represents industry opinion.

Is it possible GB that you may be to blame for your own predicament, or harsh though it may sound, is everything everyone else's fault. You talk about being treated badly, yet you name CASA people like they have committed a crime, you have judged them and tried them publicly like you have a right to do that. That method is not only wrong, it almost always has the revesrse effect. You choose to publish documents in here yet you choose not to publish anything that might suggest there are two sides to this little fairytale.

Im not intended to defend our regulator but to be clear that not everyone agrees with you and where you suggest you are representing the broader aviation community you are not. Fight your battle definately and have your day but if you lose you will simply provide the regulator with a very public endorsement of their role that the best public relations company in the world couldnt achieve.

13th Oct 2019, 02:03
Whlist I do very much respect your opinion, I suggest that with that attitude, you may well be employed in the industry but you most likely do not own a business or have a significant investment in aviation in Australia.

The entire argument that I put forward is to actually have the conduct of the personnel independently assessed. I will fully respect an independent determination.

You do need to appreciate that I made a multi million dollar investment in meeting the requirements placed on all of Australias 350 flight training organisations.

May I further suggest that you have probably had a fairly cursory glance, and not fully aware of the circumstances. Neverheless, your post is as important on here, as the many that support me, thankyou. Cheers. Glen

13th Oct 2019, 02:09
Kmaviation, I suggest you read the Forsyth review final report in its entirety. You will then understand how wrong your opinion is.

ramble on
13th Oct 2019, 02:43
Kmaviation.......you must work in a very sheltered environment.

Where do we start, outrageously embarrassing poor state of Australian civil aviation regulations, the public infrastructure in private hands, the costs of compliance turning the industry into a desert, individual CASA employees with no will power to make a decision (let alone, heavens forbid, to make a stand on our behalf), or individual gestapo on a personal power kick.

What GB is standing up against reflects just a small part of all of these.

Are you still concentrating?

Dont you understand how much we are all hating the system, how it’s killing us?

13th Oct 2019, 04:12
Of the thousands of CASA approved organisations out there we only hear in here from those who are disgruntled.
Im not intended to defend our regulator but to be clear that not everyone agrees with you and where you suggest you are representing the broader aviation community you are not. .
To the first point ---- there are no longer "thousands" of approved, the number have reduced dramatically in recent years, last time I saw the numbers for maintenance orgs., it was well well below 1000. You do recall, do you, the previous DAS/CEO of CASA, who publicly stated his intention to reduce approved orgs. to the number that CASA would " be comfortable to surveille", or words to that effect.

That is, if CASA believed it didn't have the "resources", it would reduce the industry to suit CASA.

As to the "broader aviation community", maybe not 100% all, but a damned large percentage, including 100% who has ever had an aggressive CASA audit.

As somebody else mentioned, read the Forsyth Report, bearing in mind the bulk of unpublished submissions, including airlines, were as equally critical of CASA as the published submissions, but they declined publication because of feared (an all too reasonable position) retaliation by CASA (remember Tiger Airlines).

Perhaps you would like to give us some indication of where you fit into the aviation scene --- an employee of CASA, perhaps?? Indeed, are you even part of the day to day aviation community.

Tootle pip!!

PS: You do understand, do you, that neither Buckley nor his company have been accused of breaches of the law. He has "just" been put out of business by a change of CASA "policy" --- a bureaucratic decision.
PS2: You really should acquaint yourself with the Rule of Law Institute of Australia and some of the papers by Robin Speed, AO, and others of legal eminence. https://www.ruleoflaw.org.au (https://www.ruleoflaw.org.au/)

Bend alot
13th Oct 2019, 04:20

There are a large number of persons that would love to make comment here about the wrongs of CAsA.

But to do so exposes them to the Beast with the power, and they have families to feed.

I have my own experience and direct knowledge of 4 other cases (companies & individuals) that have had to fight the CAsA dictator. I also know of many others issues but not direct knowledge of other CAsA power trips.

Glen said he will make the findings public (on here), I hope you return when that happens and make an appropriate comment.

Flaming galah
13th Oct 2019, 04:24
You do recall, do you.....

PS: You do understand, do you,

LS your capacity to patronise and condescend brings joy to my cold cynical heart.

13th Oct 2019, 07:08
Fight your battle definately and have your day but if you lose you will simply provide the regulator with a very public endorsement of their role that the best public relations company in the world couldnt achieve.


Even ‘the best’ PR company couldn’t paint CASA in a positive light! :rolleyes:

Lead Balloon
13th Oct 2019, 08:52
kmaviation1 (and Flaming galah)

For those of us who’ve been on PPRuNe for a while, lots of patterns of posting become evident. One pattern is the frequency with which posts defending CASA are submitted by first-time and low-time posters who quickly fade into history.

There is, of course, nothing wrong with posts defending CASA. And maybe the reason there are so few long-term posters defending CASA is that the vast majority (the ‘quiet Australians’ or the ‘silent majority’) in aviation in Australia are very happy with CASA and have better things to do with their time than post glowing references for CASA on PPRuNe.

What are your theories?

Pinky the pilot
13th Oct 2019, 09:37
What are your theories?

I know that you weren't asking me, Leadie or indeed implying that you were asking for opinions from other than the two individuals mentioned, but my opinion FWIW;

The only posters here who appear to defend CASA (ie kmaviation and Flaming galah) are IMHO most likely CASA Employees.:eek:

Suspicious???? Who......me?????:ooh:

13th Oct 2019, 10:56
KM, you claim that if I fail, CASA will have achieved a great PR opportunity.

I strongly disagree. I think that a strong message has been sent to the very few within CASA that choose to operate outside of CASA policies and procedures.

They now know, that if they choose to operate outside of those policies and procedures, and they take action that cannot be justified on safety or regulatory grounds. They will be held to account. Not by CASA, but by the recipients of that malpractice, and that will be done in the appropriate forum.

KM, go back to post 590, read my letter to the PM. The allegations against the personnel are probably the most substantive that could be levelled at someone. In any other organisation, and most certainly in the private sector, any Board would probably place the personnel on some sort of leave, eiher paid or not paid pending a sincere and genuine attempt to get to the bottom of the matter. You will recall, that if I am found to be incorrect, I would expect to be held fully accountable for any damage that I have unfairly bought to anyone's reputation.

Of the people that chose to get involved in this situation, 3 have already departed CASA, and I have taken them off my radar. I think you will see more leave the organisation prior to this getting to Court. As I said to Mr Crawford. I feel he will be left standing alone.

When this all comes out you will see how many hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars have been squandered trying to protect and cover up that malpractice.

The lack of accountability is something that I really didn't think could exist in a nations aviation safety regulator. To say I am shocked and in disbelief would be a significant understatement. Unfortunately we either have a CASA Board that has its head in the sand, or it is complicit. I fear the latter.

There can be no doubt that the vast majority of people within CASA are exceptional, but that small element causes so much damage to business and in fact compromises safety.

I do remind you that although it is I leading the charge. The CASA actions have resulted in two associated businesses closing, with the impact on those persons families as well.

So KM, please take that message back as you walk into work Monday morning wherever that may be, at whichever CASA office that is (perhaps)

13th Oct 2019, 21:11
It may be helpful to look at the CASA Board's charter:

The Board is responsible for deciding the objectives, strategies and policies to be followed by CASA and for ensuring that CASA performs its functions in a proper, efficient and effective manner

I doubt that the board was even aware of what was happening - CASA (the organisation) operates in a management environment where it's difficult for rogue administrators or faulty processes to be bought to account quickly. When they are, and the board does become aware of events, probably due to external factors, the damage has been done, and businesses can fail.

So, in the context of this case, technically, the Board may have failed in it's duties. At board level, ignorance is not a defence, and the expertise on the board should identify processes that lead to dysfunction. However, they would reasonably be entitled to rely on senior management for advice. In reality, it's a joint responsibility.

Just as in the industry as a whole, CASA is employing people who, relatively speaking, have less real world experience than counterparts generations ago. Personal relationships between regulator representatives and industry just don't exist at the same level as in times past, where many issues would have been sorted out away from the spotlight and never got to the level that we now see with Glen Buckley.

CASA's silo management processes, where individual regions make autonomous decisions, beggars belief. As an example, identical applications sent to separate capital city CASA offices receiving opposite decisions. Go figure.

This is an agency in crisis, understaffed, with a few personnel who should not be in the roles they hold, with structures that allegedly provide protection to the end user (Peer review and AAT etc) , but in reality have the opposite effect, where business can fold before restorative justice can take place.

The concern with any individual case is that there may well be adverse findings against CASA, but that will be countered with the very tired and worn argument that most of the individuals concerned have left the organisation.... etc etc. The overriding argument should be that CASA itself has no capacity for effective self monitoring and that internal review processes lack robustness, independence and fairness.

Where CASA is found to be at fault, financial penalties must apply to the regulator.

Cost recovery needs to work in both directions.

13th Oct 2019, 21:55
Letter from CASA 28/05/19

"Hello Mr BuckleyFollowing your previous correspondence, the Chair of the CASA Board, Tony Mathews, asked me to assure you the Board has been kept abreast of what has been done by CASA so far to address your concerns and has advised management they need to be kept informed going forward.Best regards"

13th Oct 2019, 22:05

Dear Mr Anthony Matthews, Chairman of the Board, CASA.

I am writing to you in my role as the CEO of the Australian Pilot Training Alliance.

As you will be aware, I have made multiple requests to meet with the Board, none have been responded to by the Board..

Mr Graeme Crawford in his role as the Manager of the Aviation Group intervened and wrote to me advising he would not permit the meeting with the Board.

As the complaints were against his department, I feel that displayed inappropriate conduct on his behalf, and I have been denied procedural fairness, hence I am making one final appeal to the Board of CASA.

As you are aware, I advised the Board of my loss of trust and confidence in CASA, some time ago and I asked for direction. The Board chose not to respond to me. I did point out to the Board that my allegations were of a substantive nature and I drew the Boards attention to my expectation on them to ensure good governance. In my opinion that has not occurred, and hence this correspondence.

I am going public with this correspondence in order to compel you to respond.

For perfect clarity;

CASA has failed to achieve clear and concise aviation safety standards as is required of CASA in the Civil Aviation Act. The General Aviation sector (Charter and Flying Training), will concur wholeheartedly with that statement. That failure to achieve that negatively impacts on safety and negatively impacts on business, and most particularly in regional areas.

Combine that with an environment where some personnel in CASA decide to act outside the requirements and obligations placed on them by The PGPA Act, CASAs own Regulatory Philosophy, The Ministers Statement of Expectations, CASAs enforcement manual, The requirements of Administrative Law and you have a “perfect storm”.

I am on the receiving end of that storm and it compromises flight safety to such an extent that I am compelled to act. Therefore, as I have requested on multiple occasions previously, may I meet with at least any two members of the Board, at any location within Australia within the next 7 days.

As this is a matter of Aviation Safety it is essential that timelines are not unnecessarily protracted.

Failing the Boards ability to facilitate that request, I will make an appeal to the Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Mc Cormack, although multiple requests to him have previously been completely ignored,

I will try again, and give him 7 days to facilitate my request. Failing the Deputy Prime Ministers’ ability to facilitate a meeting, I will be forced to significantly escalate this matter, and will draw on the wider industry for guidance.

My matters are not only related to me, and the compromise to safety affects the GA industry at both the Charter and Flying training levels. The issues are critical, and they must be addressed. My businesses experience provides a perfect example of how CASA actions can negatively impact safety and I am well prepared to fully prosecute my case. I look forward to receiving a prompt response, safe skies for all, respectfully, Glen.

13th Oct 2019, 22:25
Dear Mr Anthony Mathews,

Thank you for providing the opportunity to meet with you, in your role as the Chair of the CASA Board, and for facilitating the attendance of the Regional Manager, Mr Jason McHeyzer, in his role as the Regional Manager for the Southern Region, at Melbourne Airport from approximately 4PM to 6PM on Friday 19/07/19.

I attended with my father Derek Buckley, in his role, purely as my father, someone who has supported me throughout this experience, and is after all. My father.

As you are aware, I have made numerous requests over the last 8 months to meet with the Board of CASA. Those repeated requests were not responded to, or acknowledged, and this is a contributing factor to the delays in our meeting. I note that you are relatively new in the role, irrespective the delays in facilitating the meeting have had a significant impact, and due to the passage of time, unavoidably, the nature of the meeting has changed.

I asked you if you had the opportunity to view the final report from the Industry Complaints Commissioner, and you responded that you had viewed that, approximately one month prior to our meeting, which was approximately one month prior to its release to me.

My opinion of the ICC report is that it has been carefully written and it avoids most of the complaints. I will attend to that in separate correspondence.

During the meeting,

I had the opportunity to very clearly identify to you that CASA has not at any time made any allegations of anything related to safety. In fact, CASA actions can be demonstrated to have negatively impacted on safety.

I also had the opportunity to clearly identify to you that CASA has not at any time made any allegations of any regulatory breach.Very early in the meeting I asked if you aware of the commercial impact of the actions that CASA had taken, and I appreciate that in your role, you could not be expected to have a detailed knowledge of my issue.

I then asked the Regional Manager, Mr Mc Heyzer if he could perhaps outline the impact. As he has had been closely involved in this process since it began, he was better able to encapsulate the situation, as would be my expectation.

To recap, CASA;

• Placed a limited date of approval on my business that has been as short as, a minute by minute approval, but no longer than three months. That action alone would have an enormous and destabilising effect on any organisation, and the staff and suppliers associated with that organisation. That action has continued for a staggering 9 months and is still not resolved.

• CASA actions prevented me from marketing my product.

• CASA actions prevented me from taking on customers.

• CASA actions prevented me from adding courses and capabilities that I am fully entitled to.

• CASA actions prevented me from renewing capabilities as they came up for renewal.

When CASA initiated that action in October 2018, I clearly identified to CASA that the impact on my business would be significant, and conservatively it would cause my business to lose $10,000 per week. This matter has now dragged on for over 9 months, and lead to a situation where the business was no longer able to sustain itself. In fact, no business in Australia could sustain those restrictions to its trade.

I outlined to you that the APTA model required 10 members contributing $80,000 each, as the cost of operating APTA was $800,000 per annum. By preventing me signing up new members, you will appreciate my problem. I outlined that APTA was purpose built over many years, and is a significant investment.

With CASA actions placing such insecurity on the business, it had no value and was sold for a price of 5% its actual value. The business was sold under duress for no other reason than to protect the members and staff who depend on it for their livelihood.

Quite truthfully, I explained how I could no longer sustain the business and pay the staff salaries. If APTA were to discontinue operations at any time on CASA actions, it would directly impact on other operators depending on our continuing approval. I was carrying a significant burden as you will appreciate.

The associated impact on my own business, Melbourne Flight Training has been catastrophic, as it has been supporting the ongoing costs of running APTA. Its own certainty, now hangs in the balance.

My own flying school, Melbourne Flight Training is currently in a state of financial duress that is quite likely to be irreparable. The Company has incurred unacceptable debt levels as it has attempted to ensure continuity of operations for APTA and the members that have depended on it.

I identified two other business that have ceased operations as result of the CASA decisions made in relation to APTA. By restricting my revenue streams for 9 months, I could not be expected to survive. No business in any industry, could sustain that.

Personally, the process since CASA implemented Part 61/141 and 142, has also been catastrophic. I clearly identified that in fact I couldn’t even muster up the money for the car park fees if the meeting extended for one more than one hour. That is the truth. I have been left destitute and that includes the loss of my family home. That is the fact. There are no hidden accounts or trust funds. I have exhausted every fund I have available to me to defend the APTA model. I resolutely stand by the fact that it

o Was well intentioned.

o Improved safety.

o Improved regulatory compliance.

o Created jobs.

o Protected regional aviation and most particularly regional aero clubs.

o Protected the fast dwindling Australian Owned sector of the industry.

Importantly, it was a multi million dollar investment. It was designed with CASA. It was approved by CASA. It was audited by CASA. The fact is that Mr Crawford and four other CASA personnel operating under his direct operational control, and I include;

initiated a process in October 2018. That process was a complete reversal of previous CASA policy. It came instantly, and with absolutely no warning. The entire process could have been avoided had CASA decided to inform me or meet with me. The associated impact on my business and the gross waste of taxpayer funds achieving that objective, has been truly disgraceful and unacceptable.

My experiences may be shared by others in Industry, and if so, it requires a Royal Commission, it really does.

Those actions and decisions

• Were in clear breach of almost every element of CASAs own Regulatory Philosophy.
• In breach of the PGPA Act which requires these personnel to use public funds and resources responsibly.
• Breach the requirements of Administrative Law, Procedural Fairness, and Natural Justice.
• Were quite simply. Not well intentioned, and certainly not based on safety considerations.
• Bullying and Intimidating in their nature.
• Cannot be supported by any clear or concise legislation, and that is a requirement placed on CASA.

I offered up to 20 examples of the negligent conduct of those personnel, and their associated decisions.

The examples I used were;
Example One
The inappropriateness of the use of the Aviation Ruling as the basis of the initial action in October 2018. As;

• On its release in 2006, CASA advised flying schools that it did not apply to them, it was intended for charter operators, and CASA has in fact facilitated “shared AOCs” in flying schools since my initial involvement in the industry in the early 1980s.

• It applies to “commercial purposes”. CASA removed flying training from “commercial purposes” in September 2014. How can it apply. Flying Training is not a “Commercial purpose.”

• It has no Head of Power.

• It refers to Key Personnel i.e. Chief Pilot that do not exist in flying training.

• CASA themselves acknowledged it was the incorrect document after 2 months.

• It is 13 years old, and written for an entirely different regulatory environment.

Example Two

CASA also initiated the action in October 2018 based on our Temporary locations’ procedure. Embarrassingly it was only later realised by CASA that it was in fact their own procedure, and that they had recommended it to us, approved it for our use, approved bases under that exact procedure, audited it, and even recommended it to flying schools. How can this happen? I simply cannot understand it, I really cant!

Example Three

The “contract issue”

CASA never required contracts of us. I had a contract with my members. I had provided copies of the contract to CASA on multiple occasions. CASA seemed disinterested. October 2018 was a complete change of policy application and CASA insisted on provision of contracts within 7 days. CASA was embarrassed when I demonstrated that contracts had previously been provided, including a copy to Mr Graeme Crawford more than 12 months prior. In fact, had CASA realised they already held the contract, they may not have made the decision to take action on a perceived “lack of contracts”.

CASA provided guidance material on the contracts which I fully adopted. CASA rejected that.

CASA provided a second lot of guidance material. Again, I fully adopted the guidance material. CASA provided written notification the new version was acceptable, and I could proceed.

Hours later, CASA reversed that decision and advised it was no longer acceptable.

After many months. CASA engaged legal advice external to CASA and came back with a third set of guidance material. CASA advised that I should not use it “word for word”. So, I didn’t. I am satisfied that my contracts and associated Exposition are industry leading and meet all CASA requirements. I have not heard the outcome.

I pointed out to you, that this requirement being placed on APTA is unique to APTA, and CASA is not applying it to other operators. I cannot understand how this issue can still be continuing on after 9 months.

Example Four
The impact of the CASA delay. I pointed out that the new CASA regulations i.e. Part 61/141 and 142 were implemented over a decade behind schedule, and they were underpinned by a grossly negligent Regulation Impact Statement (RIS). I advised I would provide a copy of that document and it is attached. I draw your attention to the effect on Businesses, identified on page 15 of the RIS.

I discussed how CASA placed a Transition Date of September 1st of 2018 for all of Australia’s 350 flying training organisations. After that date, if they had not completed the re-approval process under the new rules, they would not be permitted to continue operating. My Company made an enormous investment in time and money over a two-year period to achieve the deadline referred to as the Transition Date i.e. September 1st, 2017.

As the date approached it appeared to me that CASA was not ready for the Transition date. CASA assure me they were. I “flicked the switch” and Transitioned. That process resulted in a very substantial increase in operating costs.

Weeks later, as only a staggeringly low 5% of Industry had achieved Part 142 status, CASA was forced into reversing its decision, and postponed the Transition date by 12 months. CASA forced me to operate under the new regulatory structure while other operators remained in the far more cost effective “Civil Aviation Regulation 5” (CAR 5) for a further 12 months. That delay alone, cost me many hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Example Five
I talked to you about the commercially unviable turnaround times of CASA processing tasks, which are essential to running the business. I used the example of the addition of one of our “Temporary locations”. It was quoted by CASA as a five-hour task and took 10 months to complete. In fact, those timelines are indicative of my businesses experience. i.e. CASA process tasks at the rate of 30 minutes per month i.e. a 2-hour task will take 4 hours, a 5 hour task will take 10 months.

In fact, this was the subject of a formal complaint to the Industry Complaints Commissioner, but was not attended to in his final report, only just released 7 months later.

My point being, that these unacceptable timelines impact significantly on Industry and particularly so when industry is paying commercial rates for CASA services. The effects have been substantial on my business, and the members.

Example Six
The blatant and total disregard for CASAs own Regulatory Philosophy in its dealings with me since the change to CMT 3 headed up by Mr XXXXX which coincided with the commencement of the action initiated by CASA without any prior indication in October 2018.

Example Seven
I clearly outlined my frustration that as a Part 141 and 142 Organisation I have authorisation to conduct a number of courses including low level, Multi Crew courses, Type ratings etc. CASA applied an “Administrative Freeze” on those tasks, and that had a significant implication on one of my members, leading to the closure of his business. CASA should have substantial grounds for refusing to process those tasks, as they were within my Authorisation and not related to any other issue, including bases.

Due to time constraints I did not get to touch on the other feedback that I can offer, including;

the root cause of this entire issue being CASAs failure to achieve clear and concise aviation safety standards as is required of it in the Civil Aviation Act, technical incompetence on behalf of some personnel i.e. the Regional Manager stating “Im new to the role, and not all over it. I will need to organise a meeting with my staff, yet his signature sits on the initial correspondence that he sent a day earlier.

Why sign it, if you’re not “all over it”! I did briefly touch on CASA consistently ignoring my requests for assistance in resolving CASA allegations of regulatory breaches, and how well over 30 emails have been completely ignored, clear breaches of CASAs Enforcement Manual, breaches etc.

We closed the meeting with me asking that I be provided with a final CASA position on this matter by 5PM on Friday August 2nd. I appreciate you currently have obligations that require you to be outside of Australia, and I respect that. I did reply to you that it only needed one well intentioned person, to make well considered and well-intentioned decision. That person did not have to be you, but I needed to know by August 2nd.

The impact of CASAs actions has been significant, they really have. That impact has extended to me, my wife, and my children, it will impact on their education, I have lost my home, other businesses have closed as a result of this, safety has been compromised, staff will lose employment, and the APTA model has been completely decimated by CASA. Businesses will be affected, and the entire process was so completely and totally unnecessary. It really could have been entirely avoided had CASA acted in a well-intentioned manner, in the interests of safety, and in accordance with the regulatory philosophy. Those personnel I have named decided that APTA would not be permitted to operate, and they worked diligently to achiever that outcome.

As a pilot with 25 years training experience, I cannot see how a less than ideal relationship between industry and CASA can possibly optimise safety outcomes. A relationship of confidence and trust is essential to achieve those optimal safety outcomes. In my opinion and drawing on my experience dealing with those five named individuals I sincerely believe they have demonstrated unconscionable conduct in their respective roles within CASA, and that is my only experience with those people. I can make no comment outside of my own perceived experience. Their actions and decisions have compromised safety. I can demonstrate that and am prepared to.

You are a Pilot, as I am. Our job is about nothing else than “good and sound decision making”. I call on CASA to deal with me in a fair and reasonable manner promptly. I do not want to involve lawyers. Two Parties acting in a well-intentioned and respectful manner and dealing only in the complete truth, can resolve anything. That has been my experience over the last 54 years, and I am hoping that common sense can prevail in this situation.

By meeting with you, I have truly exhausted EVERY option for an internal resolution with CASA, and I will need to seek legal support and guidance if we cannot resolve this matter. I am mentally, emotionally, and financially drained and exhausted after this 9 month and more, I am only wanting to get some closure on this unnecessarily traumatic period. I really am at the cusp. Please!

Irrespective of the outcome, I sincerely thank you for your time. I felt you genuinely did provide “a good ear”, and I respect that.
Yours respectfully
Glen Buckley

13th Oct 2019, 23:00
the Board has been kept abreast of what has been done by CASA so far to address your concerns......

Which really begs the question - How much of the truth has actually got through to the board from CASA senior management?

13th Oct 2019, 23:10
I can assure you that I have documented many other requests to the Board. All have been totally ignored. There is no doubt at all however that the Chair of the Board spent a good two hours with me, and I clearly and concisely outlined my concerns. I can only speak to the Chair, but I am fully satisfied that he is fully abreast of the situation. There can be no legitimate argument that he at least, is not fully aware of the circumstances.

I feel very much that the Board has elected to stand by the conduct of the named personnel.

My vote is strongly for complicit and not "head in the sand"

Cheers. Glen

14th Oct 2019, 02:12
Glen, you are asking the wrong questions of the Board. Their responsibilities are for the OVERALL running of CASA. To that end they are responsible for ensuring that CASA meets the statutory responsibilities under the Act and that the organization is following a coherent and achievable strategic plan.

Your question to the Board, in my opinion, should be : “in view of the serious allegations made by me against CASA and CASAs response to them to date, do you maintain confidence in the DAS and by implication, the ability of CASA senior management to resolve this situation?” That question goes to the heart of the Boards duties and puts them on record. If everything blows up, then they are going down with the DAS.

The Board doesn’t get involved in these cases. Their job is to have a DAS who can resolve these matters........or find a new DAS.

When I was a CEO, my Board used to get agitated at me when people tried to bypass channels and get at the Board. It’s not the Boards job to understand the regulations, it’s to make sure there is a DAS who does. People think that the Board can help them if they could only explain things to them in person. It doesn’t work that way. If the Board listens to you and intervenes it does two things 1. White ants the DAS. 2. Sets a dangerous precedent such that no good DAS will work there if they have to put up with an interfering micro managing Board.

Questions the Board can legitimately ask the DAS: “how did this situation arise, what do you propose to do about it now and how do you propose to prevent such situations in future? If the answers aren’t satisfactory to the Board (and by implication Department and Minister) then go looking for a new DAS.

Bend alot
14th Oct 2019, 08:09
$46,000 even ladies and gents.

Anyone want to double up with a small second donation?

Des Dimona
14th Oct 2019, 21:12
My vote is strongly for complicit and not "head in the sand"

In CASA's case, I would vote for conspiracy.

Either the Board has failed to act on executive advice (unlikely) or the Board has not received the full story from the executive (more likely), despite this statement:

"Hello Mr Buckley Following your previous correspondence, the Chair of the CASA Board, Tony Mathews, asked me to assure you the Board has been kept abreast of what has been done by CASA so far to address your concerns and has advised management they need to be kept informed going forward.Best regards"

One or both of these entities is telling porkies.

Hopefully, it will all come out in an open forum.

15th Oct 2019, 02:07
$46,000 even ladies and gents.

Anyone want to double up with a small second donation?

Made a donation in the last day and wondering why the total has gone back to $46400 from $46600???

16th Oct 2019, 10:11
In posts 460,461,and 462 you can review the direction by the Regional Manager to my employer that my position was untenable. My employment ceased as a result of that email, and I lodged a complaint to the ICC. The report is attached. You will need to be a Member to open it. Membership is a straightforward process.

16th Oct 2019, 10:14
Refer attached. Membership is straightforward.

16th Oct 2019, 10:37
Glen, is there any way you can post the body of the two responses as text?

Both attachments still "pending approval".

16th Oct 2019, 10:40
Sorry folks, as best I can. Not very good with technology

16 October 2019
Mr Glen Buckley
[email protected]

Dear Glen

Complaint — direction to APTA’s new owner

I refer to your complaint about the email sent by CASA Regional Manager Jason McHeyzer’s email to
APTA’s new owner at 2:14PM on 27 August 2019 (’the email’).

In particular, you are concerned at Mr McHeyzer’s comment that your status as APTA’s Deputy Head
of Operations was untenable given the statements you were making publicly. You state that as a
result of this email, APTA terminated your employment.

In resolution of your complaint, you initially advised you were seeking a public apology from CASA to
protect your professional reputation; and a statement as to whether the email breached any
stipulated procedures.

You’ve later clarified you want ‘…CASA to clearly outline the reason this action
was taken’ and that you only seek a view on the appropriateness of the email.

Because it’s not my role to apologise on behalf of CASA or outline its reasons for taking particular
actions, in this preliminary outcome I have only reviewed the reasonableness and appropriateness of
CASA’s email.

At this stage, I propose to conclude CASA’s email was unreasonable and inappropriate.

That’s because the email’s most natural meaning draws a correlation between the statements you may
have made publicly (presumably about CASA and in your capacity as an APTA office holder) and the
tenability of your employment when no such connection exists.

CASA has no proper role in censoring public debate or comment on its operations as the email may have inferred.

Mr McHeyzer states that the email was poorly worded and did not convey what he was attempting
to say to APTA’s new owner. Given the limited scope of my review imposed by your requests1 I don’t
consider it’s possible to continue my review any further than a finding of its appropriateness or

1. You declined my request to corroborate with APTA its understanding of CASA’s interactions, or its response. In addition,
you’ve stipulated that only the email of 2:14 on 27 August be reviewed. You believe that subsequent interactions, such as a
call later that day between Mr McHeyzer and APTA, and subsequent emails between APTA and Mr McHeyzer and Craig
Martin were ‘carefully crafted’ with input from CASA’s Legal Branch. On that basis you didn’t believe they were relevant to
your complaint.

That’s because I’m unable to make an assessment about the email in its broader context or test your claim it led to APTA terminating your employment. And as a result, I don’t believe I can make any assessment of CASA’s actions in all the circumstances.

Referral rights

When you submitted this complaint you noted: ‘I will provide CASA the “first right of refusal”. If the CASA ICC chooses not to deal with it, I will go to the Commonwealth Ombudsman.’ In my reply of 4 September, I set out my opinion that given your concerns about my integrity and the ICC’s investigative processes ‘the best forum for (this complaint) to be considered is the Commonwealth Ombudsman’.

On 9 September I set out that it was my hope you’d already contacted the Ombudsman on this matter. But if you haven’t, information about how to make a complaint can be found at Home - Commonwealth Ombudsman (http://www.ombudsman.gov.au). Alternatively, you can contact the Ombudsman on 1300 362 072.
Yours sincerely
Jonathan Hanton
Industry Complaints Commissioner

16th Oct 2019, 10:45
Having trouble with that one sorry, may have to wait till its approved, which shouldn't take long hopefully

16th Oct 2019, 11:44
Read the letter the CASA manager in Melbourne sent to your employer, since when does CASA have that right, mcheyzer should be sacked. That type of conduct beckons belief, so if we upset CASA now they can have us sacked. I never had any issues with them, talked them up mostly, always understood the important role they play, this bloke should go, it's bloody wrong. I hope you are pursuing it big time.

16th Oct 2019, 11:58
In posts 460,461,and 462 you can review the direction by the Regional Manager to my employer that my position was untenable. My employment ceased as a result of that email, and I lodged a complaint to the ICC. The report is attached. You will need to be a Member to open it. Membership is a straightforward process.
Who is this bloke, out of control

16th Oct 2019, 20:13
For complete clarity.

I urged this person not to get involved, in fact I pleaded to him. Previously he had portrayed himself as someone out to help me. He adopted a three stage process.

Initially he was instrumental in the destruction of APTA, That business was sold under duress at 5% of its estimated value. It was valued at $4,000,000. With the CASA overnight change of CASA approval, and continuing uncertainty over its future, its value after 8 months was virtually nothing.

I retained MFT, my school, and that was my last remaining opportunity to derive an income, but soon afterwards, Mc Heyzer came up with a new term "direct operational control". He then required that all my MFT students and employers be transferred to APTA, which effectively resulted in me giving away my business of 15 years. I have made many requests to have :direct operational control defined.

After having APTA trashed and then being forced to transfer my remaining business, MFT to APTA, I negotiated a position as an employee, which as you saw, MR Mc Heyzer then decided to intervene.

So for clarity. CASA have chased after my three potential revenue streams, APTA first. They them homed in on destroying MFT. Once that was achieved, they targeted my last revenue stream being to remain as an employee.

After 15 years as an employee with 30 weeks of annual leave owing, and 3 months long service leave, it all came to an end with all entitlements forfeited.

I viewed this as an unrelated matter to my main case, and approached an Employment lawyer, and they were amazed that he assumed he had that authority. The case is apparently an open and shut one.

The difficulty being that the claim must be made against the Employer, which does not appear fair if they acted under duress. Nevertheless, I will pursue a separate claim for unfair dismissal.

That decision cannot possibly be justified as I have done nothing wrong. I have never compromised safety and I have not broken ANY rules.

My crime. I vigorously defended myself against misconduct by certain CASA personnel.

I will use this opportunity to send a message to all 900 personnel that work in CASA. THe vast majority of you are highly professional, and I have a high level of respect for them.

Every CASA employee has the right to say.

"Im sorry but I choose not to get involved in this matter, for professional reasons".

If they choose to get involved, I will hold them fully to account.

It is time for each and every person within CASA to reassess their involvement, because they will soon have to justify their decision making.

16th Oct 2019, 21:29
Glen, you may wish to consider a complaint to the ACCC because some CASA activity sounds like maybe, possibly, perhaps....... engaging in anti competitive behavior. Your allegations sound like a subset of that called restraint of trade. It is, AFAIK, illegal to prevent someone from plying their trade (ie offering their services in the marketplace) if they have the qualifications and licenses to legally do so. It is a form of anti competitive behavior. I don’t think the ACCC can investigate without a reference from either Government or the public, but if they got their teeth into CASA it might be enough. What’s the old mantra? Follow the money.

Similarly there is the issue of barriers to entry into markets - preventing new entrants into the market place is wrong if the barriers are created by CASA and can be shown to not be in the public interest. The difference in instructing between the U.S. and Australia may be an example, like wise the whole, expensive AOC process and perhaps the behavior of CASA in “liking” certain operators and “unfriendliness” others which may be anti competitive behavior.

‘The complaint to ACCC would be that CASA is engaging in anti competitive behavior which is not in the public interest. CASA would argue, but.......safety. There would need to be examples of restrictions/cancellations/ etc that can be shown to have a little or no impact on safety but a big, disproportionate negative economic effect. The use of criminal law, the AOC system including charging by the hour to “assess” an application, CAR 206?, the treatment of instructors, CVD and other medical issues, maintenance regulations, airport/ALA rules and your and similar personal issues MIGHT be of interest to the ACCC.

There is plenty there for a bright young economist to get their teeth into and make their name. After all, the two airline policy was scuppered by Robin Hocking, a Melbourne economist who tragically died far too young.

Such a finding by the ACCC might be of interest to the real powers in Government - the treasury and perhaps PM&C.

tail wheel
16th Oct 2019, 21:37
"......if they have the qualifications and licenses to legally do so."

You've just taken it out of the ACCC's mandate and back into CASA's jurisdiction.

16th Oct 2019, 21:53
There appears to be the thought Glen's handling of his matter is not causing concern and turmoil in CASA. I seriously doubt that is the case.

The Iron Ring has closed around the CASA staff involved as CASA will never admit wrong or mistake. Regardless of cost, morals, Regulations or The Act, CASA will progressively take all players out of the game, the "reticent" operator, the operators senior and management staff and the CASA staff involved. That is exactly what occurred in my case, in a previous life, previous century.

In my case, it ended up with return of the AOC in a very remote place and the comment from a DAS that "The matter should have been handled differently". It was a long time later that I found out "the matter" was probably related to an unrelated event a decade earlier.

17th Oct 2019, 03:09
Glen, for the Board to ‘acknowledge’ your complaints, in writing, that would make them complicit, in ‘their’ opinion. Hence putting anything in writing will almost serve no purpose or cause any gain for you whatsoever. Government is a system, and under the Westminster system western Governments have had over a century to craft a system where the Government and/or its employees remain unaccountable, free from recourse and totally absolved from being responsible for any adverse outcome. That power in the hands of sociopaths and psychopaths is frightening, but very real. It’s like having ‘an open cheque book’. Under the Public service act CASA officers do hold many delegations, all to which one would be held accountable against if one wasn’t a Government Department.

CASA, an arm of Government operates with such impunity. An endless bucket of money to fight you with, the ability to destroy your reputation, drive you broke with stall tactics, delays, obsfucation, denial, and even the good old ‘Friday afternoon 16:59 pm fax’ as they issue you a show cause and make sure you never recover. It’s a game to them. A game that has power hungry sociopaths jerking off in excitement as their perverse lusts are satisfied.

To add to this; CASA, it’s Board, it’s DAS and the Minister will never allow a bug (and I mean that with no disrespect, but in the context of how they all view you) to bring any of them to justice. It won’t happen mate. Too big and too powerful.

Do I feel for you and support you? Totally and unequivocally. But the reality is that they have you by the balls mate. The harder you push, by way of public exposure, the harder the hammer is going to finally hit you. It’s not morally right. It’s not ethical. It’s downright disgusting. But that is how this Country’s citizens have and will always be treated. You can’t win Glen, sorry. This course you are taking will only burn you more. You win against this behemoth mate, sorry.

Many a dragon slayer has stood before the CASA dragon and attempted to slay it, and failed in their attempt. Regardless, best of luck Glen, you deserve justice.

17th Oct 2019, 07:03
It’s probably time we broke the wheel then.

The government works for us, and we pay taxes to fund it.

If it stops working for us, it’s time to correct that one way or another. Either through democratic process, or through such things as royal commissions.

Nick Xenophon was always a sympathetic ear for anything CASA. Perhaps it’s time for you to seek him out? He may be able to point you in the right direction.

17th Oct 2019, 09:21
That’s the issue - we are not a democracy!! People need to wake up and realise that. And if people can’t see it, then they are blind or ignorant, or both.
Australian example only; Speed cameras, facial recognition, oil Barron’s ripping us off, employers ripping us off, Coles/Woolies duopoly gouging us, taxes upon taxes, Government computer algorithm’s, phone and television software spying on us and reporting data to Government agencies, having to report transactions over $10k, the Government attempting to make cash transactions over $10k illegal, freedom of speech being eroded and in some cases becoming a jailing offence, police forces being militarised, CASA being a fully sanctioned, funded and legal Government entity bullying, destroying, and breaking innocent businesses, then there is red tape, regulations, increases in rules and laws with no repealing of old ones, being told where, how and when we can take a ****, and that’s just for starters.

What ‘freedom’? What rights? Bulldust. Why is it that CASA has particularly gotten away with so much crap over its past failed 30 years? How many inquiries, senate estimates, investigations, ombudsmen complaints, evidence against them proven yet always the same outcome - NOTHING CHANGES!! Nobody fired, nobody locked up, nobody apologising, nothing! That’s your ‘democracy’ in action

17th Oct 2019, 11:21
Glen has a compelling case in my opinion. Justice can be gained through a number of mechanisms. However, financial justice can only be sought through legal avenues.

There are a number of aspects to this case that may, to put it plainly, lead to adverse findings upon the regulator. And that's witnout even involving the media. I'm reluctant to go into further detail, as it will simply provide further Friday reading material for CASA officers...

Australia's public services are erroding more quickly than even I thought possible. Senior staff retiring or leaving, experts moving into consulting (charging back to government), well-intentioned but unempowered staff choosing other careers. What are you left with? The aspiring under-achievers who cling onto a (relatively) well-paying job, but are deficient in technical expertise (they can often be found googling industry information - I kid you not!). It's little wonder that government agencies require external reference groups to do their work - they have very little internal expertise left!

I commend you Glen, for fighting for your rights.

17th Oct 2019, 19:45
In approximately one week, it will be 12 unacceptable months that this saga has dragged on. Throughout that period there were never any safety allegations of any sort raised. There were never any allegations of a regulatory breach.

Quite simply a "decision maker" within CASA changed his mind. It wasn't a committee, and it wasn't a panel. It was a man, and I simply want that man to stand up and say. "I am that man within CASA that made that decision!"

Its that simple. I want that man to put his name to this situation. Its time!

That man is, Mr Graeme Crawford OR Mr Craig Martin OR Mr Jason Mc Heyzer OR Mr Shane Carmody OR Mr Anthony Mathews OR Dr Alek

One of those 6 men. Is the decision maker.

It is essential that Australia's aviation safety regulator is accountable and can explain their decisions. Quite simply, I want that man to be a man, and step forward, and explain. For example.

My name is Mr Graeme Crawford, the Executive in charge of the Aviation Group of CASA.

I am the ultimate decision maker, and ultimately I accept responsibility. I stand by the manner in which my personnel have conducted themselves, and my advice to the Board is that we should defend the CASA position. I understand that will be an expensive process in terms of resources, nevertheless, that is my advice.

I have reviewed CASAs regulatory philosophy, and I have an understanding of Glens allegations. I have no concerns, and no raised eyebrows. Glen claims that he has been destitute by this process. Glen has asked repeatedly to sit down and talk about fair and reasonable compensation for the parties affected, but we have repeatedly denied him that opportunity.

Our preferred course of action is to rigorously defend the CASA position, let us now proceed down that path. I am confident that more than 99% of CASA employees are 100% behind me. They will staunchly support my conduct , and walk more proudly throughout the GA industry because of this. They understand that we are the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, and we are determined to improve safety, despite Glens best efforts"

Seriously, Im not taking the piss. SOMEBOBY accept responsibility. Put a signature to this. Someone.

Mr Prime Minister, I urge you. Just ask for that name!

As soon as that name is put forward, this entire issue will be more efficiently resolved. There can be no doubt. I don't know who that person is. It may not be Mr Crawford. The Organisational structure suggests it is, but I do not know.

. https://www.casa.gov.au/about-us/who-we-are/our-regulatory-philosophy

17th Oct 2019, 20:07
In approximately one week, it will be 12 unacceptable months that this saga has dragged on. Throughout that period there were never any safety allegations of any sort raised. There were never any allegations of a regulatory breach.

Quite simply a "decision maker" within CASA changed his mind. It wasn't a committee, and it wasn't a panel. It was a man, and I simply want that man to stand up and say. "I am that man within CASA that made that decision!"

Its that simple. I want that man to put his name to this situation. Its time!

That man is, Mr Graeme Crawford OR Mr Craig Martin OR Mr Jason Mc Heyzer OR Mr Shane Carmody OR Mr Anthony Mathews OR Dr Alek

One of those 6 men. Is the decision maker.

It is essential that Australia's aviation safety regulator is accountable and can explain their decisions. Quite simply, I want that man to be a man, and step forward, and explain. For example.

My name is Mr Graeme Crawford, the Executive in charge of the Aviation Group of CASA.

I am the ultimate decision maker, and ultimately I accept responsibility. I stand by the manner in which my personnel have conducted themselves, and my advice to the Board is that we should defend the CASA position. I understand that will be an expensive process in terms of resources, nevertheless, that is my advice.

I have reviewed CASAs regulatory philosophy, and I have an understanding of Glens allegations. I have no concerns, and no raised eyebrows. Glen claims that he has been destitute by this process. Glen has asked repeatedly to sit down and talk about fair and reasonable compensation for the parties affected, but we have repeatedly denied him that opportunity.

Our preferred course of action is to rigorously defend the CASA position, let us now proceed down that path. I am confident that more than 99% of CASA employees are 100% behind me. They will staunchly support my conduct , and walk more proudly throughout the GA industry because of this. They understand that we are the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, and we are determined to improve safety, despite Glens best efforts"

Seriously, Im not taking the piss. SOMEBOBY accept responsibility. Put a signature to this. Someone.

Mr Prime Minister, I urge you. Just ask for that name!

As soon as that name is put forward, this entire issue will be more efficiently resolved. There can be no doubt. I don't know who that person is. It may not be Mr Crawford. The Organisational structure suggests it is, but I do not know.

. https://www.casa.gov.au/about-us/who-we-are/our-regulatory-philosophy

Glen, they’re trying to call your bluff. Stick with it.

18th Oct 2019, 06:46
Glen. Have the trial. Win and bank your settlement. Then release all details to the media to shame the bastards. F#ck CASA!

18th Oct 2019, 08:56
Glen. Have the trial. Win and bank your settlement. Then release all details to the media to shame the bastards. F#ck CASA!

I once had a major disagreement with someone. I tried to negotiate but was continually ignored. I had to get my lawyer to sue him, which resulted in a court date. Only then did he negotiate. Unless you actually sue, you are not in a negotiation!

Good luck

The name is Porter
18th Oct 2019, 10:51
Do I feel for you and support you? Totally and unequivocally. But the reality is that they have you by the balls mate. The harder you push, by way of public exposure, the harder the hammer is going to finally hit you. It’s not morally right. It’s not ethical. It’s downright disgusting. But that is how this Country’s citizens have and will always be treated. You can’t win Glen, sorry. This course you are taking will only burn you more. You win against this behemoth mate, sorry.

Respectfully.......... how does CASA have Glen by the balls? He has lost EVERYTHING, he has lost a million dollar home, his 2 businesses, his Super, EVERYTHING. Except his family (I envy the support you have on this front mate).

You want to beware of someone who has nothing left to lose.

Glen, my respect for you grows every day.

22nd Oct 2019, 09:46
The campaign has been stagnant for last few weeks. Anyone in here with ideas to revive it? I’m pretty keen to see it reach its target by this week. Any inputs is highly appreciated!

Bend alot
22nd Oct 2019, 11:56
The campaign has been stagnant for last few weeks. Anyone in here with ideas to revive it? I’m pretty keen to see it reach its target by this week. Any inputs is highly appreciated!
14 October till now has been $911 increase - so only about $1,000 in the last 7 days.

So $46,911 is the current.

If all that follow chip in $20 per pay, it would be sorted in no time - that or some media coverage, but they are running their own campaign at this time.

24th Oct 2019, 04:31
Good to see it’s at 47k+! Just sharing my suggestion with you gents: if we all could share this campaign simultaneously on our Facebook/Twitter accounts on Saturday (26 Oct) at 00:00UTC, I reckon we can help Glen reach his campaign goal amount over the weekend.

24th Oct 2019, 06:37
Respectfully.......... how does CASA have Glen by the balls? He has lost EVERYTHING, he has lost a million dollar home, his 2 businesses, his Super, EVERYTHING. Except his family (I envy the support you have on this front mate).

You want to beware of someone who has nothing left to lose.

Glen, my respect for you grows every day.

You said it yourself - CASA has taken everything from him. In my book, that means, they have him by the balls. No amount of money will stop the CASA steamroller from levelling him. Sorry. Not fiction, fact. As I said, Glen has a large set on him, great bloke and best of luck to him, but CASA cannot be beaten. Anyone who has fought them and lost against them will testify to that.

Here is a challenge - if anyone has fought CASA at the same degree that Glen has, and then won and been reimbursed all of those expenses and won a payout against them, please post details here.

Global Aviator
24th Oct 2019, 06:41
You said it yourself - CASA has taken everything from him. In my book, that means, they have him by the balls. No amount of money will stop the CASA steamroller from levelling him. Sorry. Not fiction, fact. As I said, Glen has a large set on him, great bloke and best of luck to him, but CASA cannot be beaten. Anyone who has fought them and lost against them will testify to that.

Here is a challenge - if anyone has fought CASA at the same degree that Glen has, and then won and been reimbursed all of those expenses and won a payout against them, please post details here.

There is a first time for everything! Glen certainly has a battle ahead, however if the i’s are dotted the t’s crossed and the evidence is there then... Industry support will be a huge key.

Taking on the empire yes - balls of steel. They have gotten away with this ****e for to long.

This has the potential to stop the rot.

24th Oct 2019, 06:57
I am sure Glen has one big thing against him. Lesser men (or women) probably took money in settlement together with a binding gag order, Glen would never be silenced and they know it so he has a hard road to fight

24th Oct 2019, 08:13
Regarding a successful action against CASA. It has been done before, and somene did establish contact with me to refer me to the person. As you can imagine this has been a very substantial battle, and I am unable to recall who that was, and am unable to find the details, Could I ask that person to re-establish contact with me, as i would like to talk to that person.

If your dealing with the truth, pound the truth.
If your dealing with the law, pound the law.
If its not the truth, or the law, pound the table.

I intend to deal with truth and the law and pound those.

Quite simply if the conduct isn't lawful, as I am advised.Those people will be held to account.

Consider the Regional Managers direction to my employer to terminate my employment, on the basis of me defending myself on Pprune. How can that possibly be lawful.

On release of the law firms report, we will know.

Should I fail, the matters are on public record, and I will be forced to head off and start again, irrespective, CASA personnel that choose to bully and intimidate imdustry, will have a strong message sent to them.

Craig Martin has written to me, and he has nominated himself as the accountable person in CASA. Craig Martin has a "history" that has been well documented by Bruce Rhoades prior to his passing. By me also documenting his inappropriate behaviour, surely a pattern must be building.

Eventually someone in CASA must decide that they can sit idle no longer, and take action to remove personnel that decide to act inappropriately, and tarnish the good work of the vast majority in CASA that choose to act in a professional manner

24th Oct 2019, 12:44
Glen, unfortunately it’s not about CASA. The best way to describe CASA is that they are a ‘front’. It’s about the Government at the highest levels. The only reasonably high level person in CASA is Carmody, and even he has his wings clipped to a degree. The rest of the managers - Martin, that numpty Crawford and many before him along with other regional managers and the Board are minions when placed in the pecking order besides the Infrastructure Secretary, the Minister and the PMC. The Government, and numerous ones before it, are the ones who empower CASA and give it the finances, muscle, protection, authority and power to do as it pleases. Politicians are dumb, and there main concern is about where the next vote, campaign donation or taxpayer funded freebie is coming from. They are bamboozled by CASA spin doctors and frightened into submission. Any one of them that does have a brain, raises a poignant question or sniffs out a scent is quickly scared back into the protective cocoon of their Canberra cave.

You can’t beat them on a level playing field, with an honest fight. To be honest, you simply can’t win. But you can play by your own ruleset. Your need good solid evidence on any CASA malfeasance or shenanigans that you can find and dump it everywhere in the media, and make sure the media understand it is a matter for the Minister to address CASA as he/she is the top of the food chain. Ministers and top Bureaucrats don’t like spotlights on them. Watch them scurry.

24th Oct 2019, 21:00
The same organisation that granted English language assessment approval ‘over the phone’ (to a 30 years of experience instructor) with zero guidance given when requested(in total disregard for ICAO requirements) then removed ALL his flight test approvals when it claimed( also with no guidelines) the ‘test recording length’ was insufficient. Loss of confidence in him being a fit and proper person!!!
A lawsuit followed and they caved. Gutless group of arrogant aggressive individuals hiding behind a public tax funded organisation operating outside International
protocol ( pelair ditching a perfect example) and causing more harm than good in a country with a pretty darn good record of flying safety.

24th Oct 2019, 22:13
In the public service where I worked for a few years, any action taken by the Government involving an individual or company required simply reams of paperwork - documentation in detail of every action taken in a timeline with supporting evidence, an entire spotless, consistent paper trail leading logically and truthfully to the action proposed, be it prosecution or the awarding of a contract. There was absolutely no room for the weasel words “appropriate”, “acceptable” or “discretion” those words were reserved for the Minister alone to use. As public servants we were expected and required to follow exact rules to the letter.

I checked with a Police officer relative the other day, their instructions are identical, for defence lawyers are capable of destroying a case purely on a single error in page numbering in a hundred page document (the Catholic Church are apparently masters at this).

One wonders if CASAs standards are the same?

25th Oct 2019, 14:35
I have been chased out of the industry by the conduct of Mr Brad Lacy, Jason Mc Heyzer, Mr Craig Martin, and Mr Graeme Crawford. Their conduct has left me on the cusp of being declared bankrupt. My actions improved safety, theirs have reduced safety. That is measurable and demonstrable.

Soon i will initiate a legal action to have their conduct tested. That is a fact.

Soon Mr Mathews as Chair of the Board, and Mr Carmody as the CEO will have to make an important decision. Will they continue to stand behind these personnel. If they are aware of their own CASA Regulatory Philosophy, they will not be able to stand behind them. Its that simple. They will lose all credibility. Mr Mathews will tarnish a distinguished career, and Mr Carmodys credibility as the Head of a Government Department will be tarnished at least.

I am here with my laptop on the roof of my borrowed car, and I am parked at Essendon Airport. Drawing on happy memories, and trying desperately to re-energise myself, and my mind drifted to all the wonderful people that work within CASA. Right back to Robyn Maleki, Phil Betts, Nishi, John Costa, the entire CLARC team over the years, the people in licencing, to the Mathew Fords, and the Peter Finches, to Owen Richards, Peter White, Graeme Taberner, Ben Cook, Tim Baker,John Lindsay, Mr John Hanton, Derek Fox, Grant Howard, David Gobbitt, Gavin Secombe, Teoh, Bill Cox, Tim Penney, Michael White,Michelle Massey, Harold Bankien, Colin Mc Lachlan,and many others.

I apologise because I know I have missed many, but that is not the point of this post. There are probably well over 800 well intentioned people in that organisation, people that genuinely want to work with industry and conduct themselves in accordance with CASAs own Regulatory Philiosophy. They really want to go into work, and play their part in improving aviation safety, they really do.

There are others, that I have named above that choose not to.

Is that defamation. Absolutely not. I write it to protect all the good people that work within CASA. If I bitch and moan about “CASA” then I only bring harm to them, and that is not my intention.

Mr Carmody simply cannot allocate any more public funds to this "project", it is a clear breech of his obligations under the PGPA Act. As individuals they are welcome to initiate action against me. I relish the opportunity to tell the truth, and will demonstrate that it is in the public interest. I am actually protecting the reputations of the vast majority of CASA personnel.

In fact if all of those named people stepped aside, and others within CASA stepped up, that would be a measurable and demonstrable increase in aviation safety in Australia, and 100% og the General Aviation industry will concur with that statement. I repeat 100%. Every business owner, every regional aero club, every charter business, flying school, engineer, and pilot will concur.

So where to from now. As my legal process begins, I know my legal team will tell me to stop posting, and I will. So what will I be doing.

I will be working diligently in the background, on my well prepared, and well documented case.

I will be seeking employment outside of aviation.,

I will commence an active campaign commencing at the end of next week, to promote myself as an independent candidate for the seat of Chisolm, and I will topple Gladys Liu, at the next opportunity.

One thing I will not be doing. Once this process commences within the next 21 days, I will not back down. A condition of engaging my legal firm, is that there must be no compromises. This must absolutely, go ALL the way to a determination. A settlement is a bribe. This will go to a determination, so we actually know who is right or wrong.

I encourage Mr Carmody to make the right decisions over the next 21 days, or an irreversible path will commence.

The time has arrived. Any person within CASA that is involved in this process, must now display ethics. You must choose to step aside, or be complicit.

Those of you with ethics will say. ""Sorry, but im not comfortable being involved in this process". Its that simple. You will be fully protected by your union, but more importantly, you will be displaying ethics.

I can assure CASA, that if they choose not to sit down with me in the next 21 days. I am going all the way. You cannot bring so much totally unnecessary harm to me and my family, and not be held fully to account. I mean it, I really do.

The only thing that will stop it, is me having a stress induced heart attack. My wife said the other day. "If you have a heart attack, im going inmto CASA, and im going to slap Brad Lacey" You have been warned.

26th Oct 2019, 02:46
Why wouldn't you place Mr Crawford, Mr Martin, Mr Mc Heyzer, and Mr Lacey on temporary relief from their respective positions. On full pay, and maintaining full entitlements. Only until they have had the opportunity to demonstrate those personnel have not displayed unconscionable conduct, and that they have acted lawfully, and in the interests of aviation safety.

THis would temporarily remove them from an obviously stressful work environment, protect the good work and reputation, of the other personnel within CASA, decompress the situation, demonstrate at least a "professional" level of support for those personnel, expediate an outcome, and maintain or improve safety levels. My allegations are substantial, surely in Australia's safety authority that would be the most suitable course of action.

26th Oct 2019, 04:27
Glen, the biggest stumbling block to CASA reform, the biggest stumbling block to CASA leaving the dark ages, the biggest stumbling block to the aviation Regulator becoming a modern, just, safety focused Regulator is Dr Aleck. There is where the heart of the CASA machine lays. He has had 26 years to craft his trade and mold CASA into his own personal play thing. Every organisation has its ‘faceless men’. Remove Aleck and you will finally see CASA and it’s culture change.

Glen, you mention that you want to see names, names of the decision makers, names of those who have vilified you and made the decisions against you that have been made. I can guarantee you that Alecks name is hidden in there left, right and center. Nothing escapes the legal department. No decision is made without the legal department. No individual in industry is prosecuted, persecuted, vilified or sent to the wall without the full knowledge of the legal department.

26th Oct 2019, 06:50
A legal person has told me that they would love to see CASA define “safety” in a court.

26th Oct 2019, 07:35
I am personally aware of details of two cases where CASA was beaten, and made substantial payouts, both case involved major legal efforts, but the aggrieved had that support --- but they were not self financed.
In one of the cases, an improperly cancelled CAR 30 approval, the confidential settlement was a seven figure sum plus indemnity costs.
Sadly, I know of proportionately more where seven figure sums in legals have been accumulated, and CASA won ---- but these were at the AAT, not a real court.
My subjective memory tells me that CASA often does not fare will in a proper court, with fixed and known rules of evidence.
It also tells me that, with one exception, the individuals never worked in the aviation industry again.
Tootle pip!!

26th Oct 2019, 07:56
Mr Brad Lacy, Jason Mc Heyzer, Mr Craig Martin, and Mr Graeme Crawford

Where do they live?

Bend alot
26th Oct 2019, 08:24
Mr Brad Lacy, Jason Mc Heyzer, Mr Craig Martin, and Mr Graeme Crawford

Where do they live?
Asgard I believe.

Flaming galah
26th Oct 2019, 08:37
Mr Brad Lacy, Jason Mc Heyzer, Mr Craig Martin, and Mr Graeme Crawford

Where do they live?

I’m sure even Glen who has gone through so much with these men will be as horrified as us all at the sinister connotation in your post.

26th Oct 2019, 08:48
I must jump in. I would rather not know where they live. Those CASA personnel have bought so much havoc and destruction into my own home, and I am acutely aware of the damage that has caused. I have no desire to impact on their families, as they have on mine.

The correct venue for this, can only be a courtroom, and I cannot do anything that would compromise that.

Best to stay calm and professional, and stay the course. That will achieve the desired outcome.

Bend alot
26th Oct 2019, 09:31
As a side Glen, Harry is doing his best to be professional and certainly trying to look after his wife and family as you are.

Harry has chosen the court and seems family are not happy, but he wishes to protect his family at all costs.

Charles will want this a closed hearing I expect!

Harry is putting a very lot on the line.

The pressures on people in your case and Harry's will have parallels - so have truths to tell others, have agendas to follow.

Keep a level head mate, it is a multi dimensional fight you have.

Stand by your wife (seems you have a good one),

Regards Bendy with parts of Harry's DNA!

Lead Balloon
26th Oct 2019, 09:35
Glen, the biggest stumbling block to CASA reform, the biggest stumbling block to CASA leaving the dark ages, the biggest stumbling block to the aviation Regulator becoming a modern, just, safety focused Regulator is Dr Aleck. There is where the heart of the CASA machine lays. He has had 26 years to craft his trade and mold CASA into his own personal play thing. Every organisation has its ‘faceless men’. Remove Aleck and you will finally see CASA and it’s culture change.

Glen, you mention that you want to see names, names of the decision makers, names of those who have vilified you and made the decisions against you that have been made. I can guarantee you that Alecks name is hidden in there left, right and center. Nothing escapes the legal department. No decision is made without the legal department. No individual in industry is prosecuted, persecuted, vilified or sent to the wall without the full knowledge of the legal department.

From the Senate Committee report on the "Performance of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, and in particular its report on the June 2017 crash of a flight conducted on behalf of Angel Flight Australia":1.42 Dr Jonathan Aleck, Executive Manager of Legal and Regulatory Affairs at CASA, laid out the objective of CASA's approach to this issue:Our objective here is not to specifically address what caused those two accidents; it's to address what kinds of things can cause incidents and accidents of this kind. We're being prospective. If we were to wait for sufficiently robust data to support an evidence based decision for every individual decision we took in this space, we would have to wait for a dozen or more accidents to occur.That seems to me to be the kind of approach that resulted in, for example, the delays in black people and women being 'allowed' to fly. If we were to wait around to get enough data to prove that black people and women can't fly, there'd be so many fatalities. Best to stop them now.

It's been back to the dark ages on CVD for a while, and now with CSRs.

Well done, CASA. Keep up the good work.

ramble on
26th Oct 2019, 10:42
I reckon thats just have to gonna be another $100 to GOFUNDME - for Mrs GB.....;)

26th Oct 2019, 12:04
1.42 Dr Jonathan Aleck, Executive Manager of Legal and Regulatory Affairs at CASA, laid out the objective of CASA's approach to this issue:
Our objective here is not to specifically address what caused those two accidents; it's to address what kinds of things can cause incidents and accidents of this kind. We're being prospective. If we were to wait for sufficiently robust data to support an evidence based decision for every individual decision we took in this space, we would have to wait for a dozen or more accidents to occur.]

If he really said that, then this is lunacy! The entire body of statistics including probability exists to stamp out this rubbish.

To put that another way, unless you have detailed knowledge of the population, you cannot make such sweeping statements. You don’t know if your apparent “cluster” of events is purely coincidental and that is even assuming there is a common cause, without knowing the baseline accident rate and the standard deviation.

Given what is called “infant mortality” in maintenance, CASAs new rules on Angel Flight may even increase the accident rate.

26th Oct 2019, 12:10
There is no doubt in my mind that Dr Aleck is very involved in this matter. He is the Executive Manager of Legal and Regulatory Affairs, and very entrenched in the Iron Ring.

At this stage, he is off my radar, because he is the one who will be drawn into this as the matter escalates. He will be the one leading the defence of the indefensible, his time in the light is approaching. Trust me, he is not off the hook. Like The Chair of the Board, and the CEO, he will be a decision maker.

He will be instrumental in determining whether CASA support these staff. As a key member of the "iron ring" he is integral.

He has deliberately, laid very low on this, and attempts to involve him, after carefully deflected. Ive experienced it.

He is in a difficult situation, and will have to decide to "show his hand". If he chooses to be complicit, as I believe he will, he will also be held to account. Ill let him, shoot himself in the foot, totally unassisted.

The iron ring will rust and collapse. Professional integrity, will prevail.

My work is almost done. The paticipants malpractice is on public record. Personally, I would havev resigned, but I obviously maintain a higher moral compass than Mr Crawford, Mr Martin, Mr Lacey, Mr Mc Heyzer, and indeed Dr Aleck.

All, will be revealed.

26th Oct 2019, 12:18
Some time ago I stumbled upon a link to a post that Mr Bruce Rhoades made regarding his experience with Mr Martin. Whilst that link has been removed, I do recall that the claims Bruce made about Mr Martin were.


I would use those exact 4 words to describe my experience with him. Those exact words.

Nevertheless, it is he that has chosen to step up again, and be CASAs "hatchet" man.

I dont think he will get away with it a second time, I really don't. There is too much of a pattern developing.

He must be very proud of the good and important work that he does. A great role model to industry, and his family.

Hold your head high Mr Martin. Aviation in Australia is safer because of your good work.

26th Oct 2019, 12:30
Letter of apology – inappropriate remarks

Dear Glen

On 26 August 2019, I had a telephone conversation with APTA’s new CEO, Mr XXXXX. In the course of that conversation, Mr XXXXX advised that statements you make in relation to matters concerning your personal experience with the Civil Aviation Safety Authority should not be regarded as communications reflecting the view or position of APTA.

On the following day, 27 August 2019, I was provided with a copy of an email from you addressed to the Prime Minister, among others, which included remarks of the kind mentioned above, under your signature as APTA’s Deputy Head of Operations (HOO) in an APTA signature block.

Later that day, 27 August 2019, I sent an email to Mr XXXXXXX, seeking his confirmation as to whether you were employed by APTA as Deputy HOO, as your signature block indicated, and whether you were or were not authorised to speak on behalf of APTA in that capacity. In the circumstances, I found the designation of your status in the email you sent to the Prime Minister to be inconsistent with the assurances Mr Qushair had previously provided.

In querying the situation with Mr XXXXXX I wrote:

I understand that Mr Buckley remains as APTA deputy HOO. This is no longer tenable with the comments that Mr Buckley is making publicly. Please confirm APTA's intentions in relation to Mr Buckley as deputy HOO and whether Mr Buckley is authorised to speak on behalf of APTA.

My reference to the untenability of the situation was intended as a reflection of what I considered to be the impropriety of your remarks appearing to have been made on APTA’s behalf, without the apparent knowledge or endorsement of the APTA CEO.

On reflection, I can certainly see how my statement could have been construed as raising a question about the tenability of your employment in the position of APTA’s Deputy HOO.

I contacted Mr XXXXXX by phone on the afternoon of 27 August 2019 to minimise any potential misunderstanding.

My choice of the word ‘untenable’ and the way in which I phrased my query was inappropriate, and I unreservedly apologise for any apprehension this may have caused you.
Yours sincerely

thorn bird
26th Oct 2019, 14:41
Remarkable Glen,

How to pedal a bike backwards methinks.

Flaming galah
26th Oct 2019, 19:50
To quote old mate LB, that ‘apology’ is a study in sophistry.

26th Oct 2019, 20:28
CASA deal in words. That is their trade. The apology is insincere and in this case merely confirms the original intention of the writer.

What was the purpose of CASA uttering that letter except to get you fired?

‘’Furthermore, the writer is in contempt of Parliament because NOTHING is allowed to prevent a member of the public writing to an MP or Senator, nothing, least of all the admonition of a public service employee.

Lead Balloon
26th Oct 2019, 20:53
Indeed. One wonders who drafted such an exquisitely precise piece of sophistry in an attempt to make the reasonable implications of Mr McHeyzer's original words, in context, go away. (Actually, I don't wonder.) It's not about GlenB's apprehension. It's about what any reasonable person would have inferred from the words used, in context.

Flaming galah
26th Oct 2019, 21:03
‘’Furthermore, the writer is in contempt of Parliament

No, the writer isn’t in contempt.

Lead Balloon
26th Oct 2019, 21:04
If he really said that, then this is lunacy! The entire body of statistics including probability exists to stamp out this rubbish.

To put that another way, unless you have detailed knowledge of the population, you cannot make such sweeping statements. You don’t know if your apparent “cluster” of events is purely coincidental and that is even assuming there is a common cause, without knowing the baseline accident rate and the standard deviation.

Given what is called “infant mortality” in maintenance, CASAs new rules on Angel Flight may even increase the accident rate.He really said that (if we assume - as is reasonable - that the Committee is quoting from evidence given by Dr Aleck to the Committee).

They can - and do - "make such sweeping statements" and go forth and make regulations on the basis of what may be a purely coincidental cluster. And in the case of the imposition of more maintenance requirements upon aircraft involved in Community Service Flights, there is no evidence of any causal connection between a lack of maintenance and either of the Angel Flight accidents but plenty of evidence to show that more time-based mandatory meddling increases the risk of 'infant mortality'.

The ghastly irony is that CASA has probably made CSFs more risky. Fortunately, for those exposed to the increased risks, the risks remain remote.

Why does CASA regulate in this way to achieve these outcomes? In the interests of "safety" of course.

Lead Balloon
26th Oct 2019, 21:08
I think Flaming Galah is correct. The corro has nothing to do with contempt of Parliament.

26th Oct 2019, 23:53
I think having contempt of Parliament is our right and well justified. It is not an offence. Most of the citizens of this country would likely agree that politicians are useless.
However this is irrelevant to Glen's matter.

27th Oct 2019, 04:58
Much of this has been about the effect on me, but perhaps its worth recapping on the effect on some of the other businesses. Obviously, I would have to take legal advice, but my intention will be to involve all parties effected by the action undertaken by Mr Crawford, Mr Martin, and Mr Mc Heyzer.

APTA had a number of members and these included MFT, AVIA, LTF, ARC, BLT Aero Club, LTV aero club, Sim jet, Chartair, White star, and had another two members about to join.

By joining APTA these organisations came under the one authorisation. Systems were standardised and centralised. The systems were robust.

As these members have been forced into breaking away from APTA, they have lost significant capability. Lets look at the BLT and LTV aero clubs.

As a member of APTA they had access to

A robust and well funded safety department, able to gather and act on group statistics.
Registered Training Organisation approval to deliver a Diploma in Aviation.
The ability to enrol international students
Ability to deliver the integrated 150 hour CPL as opposed to the 200 course with GST.
Ability to deliver contracted check and training to charter operators
High levels of redundancy through 3 X CASA approved HOOs, 2 X CASA approved Safety Managers, and 2 x CASA approved CEOs.

By Brad Lacey initiating a complete reversal of the previous CASA approval, the aero clubs are substantially effected,

The aero clubs will be "cut loose" and have to find their own way as Part 141 only, with the loss of capability that comes along with that.

All so totally unnecessary, and avoidable had my FOI, Mr Lacey acted with a modicum of good intent. Could be done. Far more satisfying obviously for him to act in a more clandestine manner, and bring harm.

Seriously, Mr Carmody, where do you find these people, seriously. Horrible people, how can they hold their head high as they skulk around the industry wreaking havoc. Hang your heads in shame

Office Update
27th Oct 2019, 05:28

In regards to "crash Lacey" were you still at GFS when "crash" pranged the bosses C-90 King Air?