View Full Version : Hour building Europe

16th Mar 2019, 20:04
Hi all,
I'm really becoming mad in trying to find the best solution for my hour building program. Since few months ago I would have surely chosen USA, but now this solution became not so cheap considering the reduced exchange rate EUR/USD. The Euro lost all it's advantage against USD and considering that for hour building you must also take into account the travel, housing, car rental, food and exc for me it turned impossible.
So I started to look for some good/cheap place in the Europe excluding Italy (where I'm living now) due to Italian high taxes and fuel costs.
I still don't find one good flight school or club so I wonder if there is someone who had recent experience in Europe and could recommend something.

pilot freak
17th Mar 2019, 12:05
I did 50 hour PIC via Brics Aviation in Poland. Used tecnam 2002 glass cockpit and price around 100 euro per hour which include safety pilot. No landing fees and other crap. Summer months in Poland is a lot of flying with many interesting fields.

17th Mar 2019, 22:24
Thanks, Pilot Freak it seems to be a good solution