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15th Mar 2019, 20:21
Hello All,
I am currently writing a project on alternates and alternate selection and was wondering if you had any stories to share about being given bad alternates! These stories can be about an alternate was positioned badly (like going through a line of thunderstorms to get to it), a paper alternate (like filling CYYZ as your alternate even though you would never actually divert to Pearson), or even alternates which simply do not meet CARs criteria. I appreciate any feedback immensely.
Thanks guys!

16th Mar 2019, 18:18
Outside Canada - Yes many times. I think it's a norm in low cost carriers in Asia :ok:

16th Mar 2019, 22:30
I'm going to ask what the thesis of your project is and what you hope to accomplish by getting these stories.

I have many examples where I've had to contact my dispatcher to change the alternate because of a weather issue, forgotten NOTAM or at previous companies, being asked to come up with some creative options. But I'm not going to throw anyone under the bus - even anonymously - without knowing how these stories will be used to strengthen or weaken an academic paper.

17th Mar 2019, 18:26
Hey, the overall goal of this project is to write a report for a fictional airline, outlining issues with alternate selection (regarding 703, 704, and 705 ops). Then we have to issue our recommendations to how we should fix the issue. Overall, any stories you provide will remain anonymous and will be taken in the context of "our airline". We will also be including fictional stories (based on real ones) so there will be no way to know which are real and false. I hope that helps.