View Full Version : Fly past at High Wycombe

Pax Vobiscum
2nd Aug 2002, 20:39
Hope someone can answer a cheeky question:

Was there some celebration at Strike Command today (2nd August) - 60th anniversary of Bomber Command perhaps? I had a Nimrod doing half a dozen laps over my house (about 1 mile from the base) followed by a pair of fast jets (?Jaguars - not enough of an anorak to be sure).

I think I got some good pics of the Nimrod, so if you're interested please e-mail me.


P.S. I meant to say something at the time (couple of months ago), but we had a great display from the Battle of Britain Flight. We regularly see them flying straight and level, but this time they were really being hurled around the sky. Looked like they were having fun, particularly the Lanc! We enjoyed it anyway - thanks.

2nd Aug 2002, 21:32
What time was that then??

I was away most of the day so I can't help on ID'ing the fast jets unless you got a pickie of them.

Have to agree on the display by the BBMF, absolutely superb. The PMC to a bit of a risk with the weather forecast but it turned out alright on the night.



Pax Vobiscum
4th Aug 2002, 09:30
Around 11:00 (BST). I did snap the jets (as I had mt TP lens already), if it develops OK I'll e-mail a jpg.

4th Aug 2002, 11:29
The only flypast most of us wish to see at High Wycombe (located in the county of Not-In-The-Real-World) is a live bombing run!