View Full Version : Looks to me like an accident in the making

18th Feb 2019, 09:19
Air Wagner Jerry and Russ Battle the weather and a missed approach in Cessna 414 N8134Q on Feb 15 20https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIvjaq1rc44

He appears to believe that you can have "personal minimums" which are lower than the published ones, especially in a twin.

Air Wagner personal minimums and crosswind landing in Cessna 414 N8134Q on Dec 31 2018 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtXFCKMRrZg&feature=youtu.be&t=380 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtXFCKMRrZg&feature=youtu.be&t=380)

It worries me that so many new pilots are watching his videos and learning from him.

18th Feb 2019, 10:39
Unless there are two Jerry Wagners in Auburn, CA (which is possible, I suppose), these appear to be about the same guy:

Jerry W shows what's under his hood (https://www.reddit.com/user/n3318Q/)

Yosemite, threading the clouds (by Jerry W) (https://www.reddit.com/r/flying/comments/3yeqrh/a_must_watch_yosemite_threading_the_clouds_by/)

18th Feb 2019, 15:33
I watched and was thinking it was mainly ok. Then I got to the two approaches.

He flew both approaches at Cat C speeds. There is no Cat C authorised at that airport.
He incorrectly briefed the Cat A circling minima. The aircraft is Cat B and cannot use a lower minima.
He bust the Cat A circling minima anyway on the basis of 'proceeding to secondary minimums'.
He bust the LPV Cat A/B "secondary" minimums anyway by 50' before deciding to go missed. "I got the airport" does not authorise descent below straight-in minimums.
The second approach was too high and too fast the whole way. Predictably enough he popped out way steep and made a dirty dive for the 3500' wet runway before floating halfway along as he bled off the 25kts (!) excess speed over the threshold.

19th Feb 2019, 12:16
Wow, thanks for sharing. This seems something to use as a bad example for briefing.