View Full Version : GC self justification. Resign.

Apple Tree Yard
7th Feb 2019, 16:03
After the vote, most of the GC wisely stayed quiet. Now, a few of them are starting to stick their heads back up and are providing rather nauseous self-justifications as to "why" they did what they did. Let's point out one simple fact: most "politicians" who have any integrity at all usually have enough sense to resign when their main platform is so soundly rejected by the voters. In case it isn't blatantly obvious, a very large percentage of your membership loudly and insistently informed you that you are not fit for purpose. You all need to resign. You have no mandate or credibility anymore to do anything on behalf of the membership. Once you have all resigned, we can have fresh elections and hopefully install a GC that "gets it". The entire direction and motives of this present GC are no longer acceptable. Centuries ago, Oliver Cromwell stated to the "Long Parliament" of the day: "You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go." Those words equally apply to the GC, and in particular the president and the NC. Do the right thing, RESIGN. Only then can we install a group that understands the sentiment, mood and resolve of this membership. You are now an impediment to progress. GO.

7th Feb 2019, 16:35

Air Profit
7th Feb 2019, 16:36
Superfrozo, i'm guessing you are one of the GC, who voted to recommend.

Roy De Kantzow
7th Feb 2019, 18:00
I'm just waiting for the inevitable response to such posts, which is 'well if you can do better then put yourself forward to be on the GC'.....

10th Feb 2019, 05:12
DS, the GC and NC are the laughing stock of the airline. With absolutely no credibility behind them their honour has been lost too by not resigning immediately the vote went against them.
If you still don't get it " you are not fit for purpose". RESIGN.