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5th Jan 2019, 13:28
Interesting that the Iranian Navy are thinking of deploying afar afield to the Atlantic....



5th Jan 2019, 13:31
They get up to any nonsense in the wrong pond and they will wind up the same place the Libyan Navy did.....with Mr. Jones.

air pig
5th Jan 2019, 13:48
Interesting that the Iranian Navy are thinking of deploying afar afield to the Atlantic....



With one fleet replenishment vessel, could be interesting.

5th Jan 2019, 14:28
Only launched the "stealth" vessel in December - more grandstanding - they must have learn't it from the West

Pontius Navigator
5th Jan 2019, 17:38
Oh good, more targets.

6th Jan 2019, 11:25
Maybe the Brits could ask them to help out in the Channel?????

6th Jan 2019, 12:58
Maybe the Brits could ask them to help out in the Channel?????
Perhaps that's where they are really going?
Much more comfortable on a nice warm destroyer than walking, hitchiking and stealing a rubber dinghy!

6th Jan 2019, 13:03
Perhaps the true situation is they will hide the Stealth Ship....and claim it is on patrol in the Atlantic thinking we do not know where it really is located.

Or we can take the opposite approach....send an Attack Sub out for some live fire training and make it invisible for sure.

6th Jan 2019, 16:47
The old Shah bought some pretty good equipment as I remember - and they've kept the F-14 running for longer than the USN...... been using them to escort Russian bombers over Syria apparently...................

6th Jan 2019, 17:23
ping ... ping ... ping ... thud

6th Jan 2019, 17:28
We could always send some of our low level attack/anti ship aircraft, actually do we have any.

Union Jack
6th Jan 2019, 18:37
Maybe the Brits could ask them to help out in the Channel?????

I appreciate that it is perhaps not quite what he intended, but Asturias could well be on to something here, namely that the group could assist in returning Iranian citizens to their country of origin....


7th Jan 2019, 11:25
I appreciate that it is perhaps not quite what he intended, but Asturias could well be on to something here, namely that the group could assist in returning Iranian citizens to their country of origin....

Methinks that would merely result in a lot of well-fed Biscay crabs.

7th Jan 2019, 13:14
One has to wonder what the Object of the Exercise is?
There is nowhere like enough capability to represent any sort of Force Projection and the costs will be significant. Is the intent to visit places like Venezuela or Cuba in order to get a few headlines?
Sailing around in the Gulf of Mexico would surely do the trick!

Pontius Navigator
7th Jan 2019, 13:25
I wonder what route they will take. The Suez route is not exactly through friendly territory. I hope they can also get the charts and software for the trip.

7th Jan 2019, 14:48
Folks....if the Iranians show up in the Gulf of Mexico....it will be a real big deal...NOT!

Remember we sank German U-Boats there and all along our Atlantic Coast...lots of them and they were intent upon doing real harm and not just showing their Flag.

If they do show up in our waters....you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be an Attack Sub and Air/Space assets monitoring their activities.

If they get out of line....remember we also have a President that takes protecting the American National Security interests as Job One unlike his predecessor..

Quite a few of them are enjoyed by recreational Scuba Divers these days.

Another artificial reef will not hurt us a bit.

7th Jan 2019, 15:00
Of course you are not proposing to sink any ship that stays on the High Seas and doesn't interfere with rights of passage etc etc? You wouldn't want to set a precedent that could be applied elsewhere (perhaps in another Gulf) either......

Better check they have a copy of airline schedules out of Houston just in case tho'.

TBH I suspect it's all grandstanding by someone in the Iranian Hierarchy who is trying to push his name forward - rather like the rent-a-quote guy currently running the UK Ministry of Defense

7th Jan 2019, 15:17
If I understand it right....the Iranian ship was launched in December was it?

How long does it take to commission the ship, man it, train the crew, work out all the snags in the ship's systems....then detail the support ships and other vessels in the flotilla....arrange for logistical support....undertake some flotilla training ops....and finally get underway?

Then there is that tricky question of safe havens for the flotilla should maintenance issues arise.

I am not suggesting we sink them....as that would create more problems than just letting them go about their business under the "Freedom of Navigation" rules that we use for our cruising about places that don't want us there.

That being said....if they were to commit an act that constitutes armed aggression I am sure it would be dealt with rapidly without much hand wringing and hesitation.

7th Jan 2019, 17:52
Be interesting to see how one of their 45 year old mini-Type 21s copes with an Atlantic storm

7th Jan 2019, 17:54
.... and the lead ship would presumably take longer.

The type 26 frigates for the RN are said to take 18 months from acceptance to being operational:


7th Jan 2019, 18:15
If I understand it right....the Iranian ship was launched in December was it?

How long does it take to commission the ship, man it, train the crew, work out all the snags in the ship's systems....then detail the support ships and other vessels in the flotilla....arrange for logistical support....undertake some flotilla training ops....and finally get underway?

Then there is that tricky question of safe havens for the flotilla should maintenance issues arise.

I am not suggesting we sink them....as that would create more problems than just letting them go about their business under the "Freedom of Navigation" rules that we use for our cruising about places that don't want us there.

That being said....if they were to commit an act that constitutes armed aggression I am sure it would be dealt with rapidly without much hand wringing and hesitation.

if I not mistake it's sister ship ran agound and sank last year.so they may need pass FOST like training to be more strict applied