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View Full Version : Second hand FNPT price and certification

25th Dec 2018, 18:36
Can an ATO buy a second hand FNPT and make it certified in order to use it for the flight training (log hours). If so, what would be the price range and what is the best source for such equipment?

25th Dec 2018, 20:40
Yes, certainly can. Prices vary depending upon what you want (glass/analogue and fit) so no real point in giving you ball park figures. The additional things to consider is the infrastructure to support and house and the approvals process. Often not as cheap as you’d think.

26th Dec 2018, 08:28
At least £20K assuming no ewuipment changes, Even if it ha been previously certified. Are you talking about a Eurosim?

26th Dec 2018, 12:47
Yes, Eurosim. What are requirements for a simulator to be certified? I can see one can buy an FAA-Certified X-Plane. I wonder could one make DIY simulator and have it certified by the authority or the Certified company is needed?
Where can second-had sims be found?

26th Dec 2018, 13:15
You have to pass quality checks and minimum display requirements, updatebility, etc. for which the Eurosim can be a real pain in the neck. Some of them still use XP which, while being OK in and of itself does not allow for the updated drivers you need if you change motherboards. You will have to budget in the cost of X-plane (the professional version) which is now the software of choice. Both MS and Prepar3d have limitations that are limiting development of new aircraft and scenery. Also, the original Eurosims used very obscure Panasonic projectors and you will also need new potentiometers. These can be bought for a couple of Euros but the manufacturer will charge a fortune.

The Flyit is certified for FAA use. I know of a secondhand eurosim if you want to PM me.


26th Dec 2018, 19:52
The certification specifications are to found in CS-FSTD (A) or (H) as appropriate.

FSTDs are qualified not certified (other than BATDs under FAA regulations where the certifying responsibility is on the manufacturer, not the operator).

28th Dec 2018, 08:58
To clarify things, I'm looking for an airplane sim of any brand that can be certified for EASA. Also, interested in a home made sim that can not be certified but is good for training purposes.

28th Dec 2018, 10:50
There's this one on fleabay....

https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Professional-Level-Flight-Simulator/264100231470?hash=item3d7d99b92e:g:NlsAAOSwRF1b9CQ6:rk:8:pf: 0

ending soon but you should still be able to get the user name
