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10th Dec 2018, 10:08

I wonder if any fellow ppruners can assist me?

I have paid almost 500 USD to a company called logbookwiz to convert my old paper logbooks into an excel spreadsheet so I can make various applications and adopt a new electronic logbook.

Sadly after months of chasing them, with an occasional reply I have now missed out on an application that I really wanted. Furthermore when I challenged Logbookwizz they said that my logbook was almost ready.

4 weeks later and not even an email to explain the further delay, I have no choice but to pursue them to recover my money.

Truly appalling service, if not a scam.

May I ask if anyone here has ever used them and if so did they give you what they promised?

Secondly, I wish to take this company to court to recover my fees and pursue the owner for the funds, it appears were taken dishonestly. It makes me sad to think that a company pertaining to understand the importance of a pilots logbook would behave in this manner.

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated and in the meantime, please DO NOT consider using Logbookwiz, based in Florida until they can either provide the service I have paid for, or a superb explanation and apology for their pathetic service.



10th Dec 2018, 14:47
I wouldn't do that job for $500 if your logbooks were TYPED. OCR is hit and miss with handwriting.
Hope you recover your funds!

11th Dec 2018, 01:04
Hi climber314,

Agreed its a laborious job but that's why there's a niche in the market for it I suppose.

Thank you for your kind words, I am hoping that I can write back in a few days/weeks that either the company has finally come good on its promise albeit massively late and provides me with the information or that I manage to recover my money through various means.

It could be a great company with great service....but at the moment its just wasting my time, and who knows how many others.


15th Dec 2018, 03:30
I'm in the middle of converting my logbooks to an electronic format. I have 35 years & nearly 9000hrs of them - with many. many sub-1hr flights during my flying instructor days. I'm doing it myself though. I've thought about those services but I don't trust sending my logbooks away, and I would still have to closely examine the results for accuracy once returned. It also doesn't help that electronic logs typically don't use the exact layout/records split as a paper log so there's some converting & interpretation needed.

I'm using 'myflightbook.com' for the logbook. It's free (but accepts donations), has lots of options for different region's logbook requirements + Android & Apple apps, and, most importantly, allow you to download your record as a simple .csv file. That .csv format avoids future incompatibilities should the service go tits up or if I ever want to import it into something. They even have a spreadsheet template you can download to add your individual flights to, and then upload. Or you can start with a certain number of hours. I decided I'd rather have a complete record of each flight so I started from my first flight.

So far I've done 14 years and a couple of thousand hours. All done in the last week or two, one spreadsheet per year at a time, and then uploaded. Using a spreadsheet enables lots of copying to multiple cells and the use of cell formula to semi-automate cross-filling. Doing it myself also means I have the original spreadsheets for future use (Although I plan to combine them to make a single spreadsheet when I finish). Myflightbook support has been outstandingly responsive to my questions & issues eg aircraft rego's that are now assigned to another type (they use a common aircraft pool with account specific variations).

Porto Pete
15th Dec 2018, 09:41
There's a website called "Upwork". It's an intermediary where they can pair you up with all sorts of IT freelancers, with the added benefit of being an escrow agent and a referee in case something goes wrong. You can find people in India for example who will do really good work for low hourly rates. If I was looking to convert paper records into electronic ones I'd use them. I had a few question banks put into quiz software like that.

21st Dec 2018, 10:49
There's a website called "Upwork". It's an intermediary where they can pair you up with all sorts of IT freelancers, with the added benefit of being an escrow agent and a referee in case something goes wrong. You can find people in India for example who will do really good work for low hourly rates. If I was looking to convert paper records into electronic ones I'd use them. I had a few question banks put into quiz software like that.

i concur, have used upwork for years to find people to do random jobs, alternatively checkout Fiverr.com