6th Nov 2018, 20:40
On this day fifty years ago the news was announced by a notice on the notice board that British Eagle was to cease operation at midnight. Where has all the time gone? Many got work else where in the industry, some took other employment out of the industry and later came back into the industry. Others gave up on aviation and found work in other areas of life. Sadly there are many who are no longer with us.
I am reminded of the phrase 'those were the days my friend I thought they would never end'!! However people all over the world still remember and hold Eagle with much affection from all the correspondence I receive at the Eagle Archive desk

7th Nov 2018, 00:44
On this day fifty years ago the news was announced by a notice on the notice board that British Eagle was to cease operation at midnight. Where has all the time gone? Many got work else where in the industry, some took other employment out of the industry and later came back into the industry. Others gave up on aviation and found work in other areas of life. Sadly there are many who are no longer with us.
I am reminded of the phrase 'those were the days my friend I thought they would never end'!! However people all over the world still remember and hold Eagle with much affection from all the correspondence I receive at the Eagle Archive desk

A lifetime ago but remember the day like yesterday. Still nothing but fond memories of my time at British Eagle.