View Full Version : Accident or incident

28th Oct 2018, 18:57
Hello dear friends ,

Recently i passed an interview for a major airline and i was offered and employment as a first officer , they asked for so many original papers that i managed to get , but one of the papers they asked for

Is a reference letter mentioning " No accident or incident statement " + my flight records !

now just to shed some light on my past training experience ! , i studied in a non EASA state where i obtained my ICAO license , then i decided to convert my license to European license so i had to do the CPL / IR + ATPL Subjects all over again + 30 more hours pilot in command since i had only 70 and in order to obtain EASA license you need to have 100 hrs pilot in command

in an EASA approved training Organization in Europe . please note that the airlines that i was offered employment with accepts only pilots with EASA licenses , i managed to get a reference letter with a no accident or incident statement from my EASA ATO , but i couldn't get it from my previous school since i had an incident there , my question : are they gonna accept the statement i provided from my EASA ATO only ?

Or is it bad not to have both ?

Banana Joe
29th Oct 2018, 18:30
That comes from the CAA.

30th Oct 2018, 11:40
I know of several students who trained for a Part-FCL licence outside of Member States who lost undercarriage legs, bent props, bent wings, ruptured fuel-tanks, economic write-offs etc. - the usual stuff, during early solo landing consolidation. Anecdotally, as they were operating non-EU registered airplanes under non-EU jurisdiction, far from the EU, these events were not disclosed to the NAA under which the school held it's EU approval in an attempt to ensure the individuals concerned were not disadvantaged during selection.

How those candidates answered the 'any incident/accident' question on an application I cant say but I'm certain that without exception, each now works for an EU Airbus or Boeing operator.

Banana Joe
30th Oct 2018, 12:13
There are also authorities in Europe that don't hold incident/accident records and are unable to provide one.

31st Oct 2018, 08:35
but i couldn't get it from my previous school since i had an incident there
Define "incident". :confused:

The sorts of accidents and incidents that employers are generally concerned with are ones that have been officially reported to the local regulatory body (ie. CAA, DGCA, CASA, FAA etc).