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View Full Version : What will make my HB most effective in Prep for my CPL?

10th Oct 2018, 13:12
Just started the first few of my 100 or so hours for Hour Building. What tips would you give when hour building (I'm based at EGLK) to make sure I'm not just flying in circles and making sure I'm not out of my depth when I start my CPL?
Should I rarely use on Skydemon?
Should I record my flights?
Should I certainly go to L2K?
Kind Regards

10th Oct 2018, 16:56
Depends on how much money you've got to spend and over how much time frame.
My hours building was done over 2 years, so unfortunately I spend most of the time doing 1 flight a week when I got paid. Weather permitting, I just hopped around to different airfields for a coffee, I would have liked to have done more with the opportunity.

I (personally) wouldn't recommend using GPS or sky demon, although I'm sure most people do. I only say that because it'll enhance your map skills, your scan and your ability to use navaids for navigation which you'll need in your CPL. Although depending on what aircraft you do your CPL in you may have GPS anyway, but you probably won't be allowed to use it, so don't rely on it. You say you're based at Blackbushe, so if it keeps you out of Class D airspace, it may help. That magenta line can be addictive.

Recording your flights is a good idea for your own learning, and also to possibly record any incidents that may happen which you can use as evidence. I may sound a bit paranoid, but I caught some shocking things on my GoPro.

Should you go to le touquet? Why not? The more experience the better. I'd also recommend the Isle of White, and The Isles of Scilly.

Last bit of advice. Although you should use your time to fly to different airfields (grass, asphalt, small local clubs and also larger intl airports if you're willing to pay the landing and handling fees), save a few hours for your own training brush ups, PFLs, stalls, VOR tracking, circuits etc, just to make sure you don't forget how to do them.

You only get to do your hours building once, most people who end up in the RHS of a jet let their SEP expire and never fly GA again, enjoy it.

10th Oct 2018, 20:45
I may sound a bit paranoid, but I caught some shocking things on my GoPro.Can you expound on that?

11th Oct 2018, 21:18
Can you expound on that?

Had a number of near misses both in the air and on the ground.

Joining a circuit in the overhead and heard two aircraft on the radio at the last minute joining at the same time. I looked over my shoulder and saw 2 x PA28s about 100m from me, same level, coming straight at me. The only time I've ever used full elevator deflection, scared me half to death. Not sure how the others didn't see me.

Another time was coming in to land, westerly runway during sunset, and as I crossed the airfield boundry another aircraft decided to pull onto the runway in front of me without checking the approach or listening on the radio, I went around and estimate I probably missed him by 15ft. He was utterly oblivious.

11th Oct 2018, 21:42
And both of these were on GoPro?

11th Oct 2018, 22:35
And both of these were on GoPro?

Yes thankfully