View Full Version : Cheap ISP's in Paris?

29th Jul 2002, 03:03
I'm going to be in Paris for a couple of months or so, I was wondering if anyone knew of some reasonably priced ISP dial-up connections there?

29th Jul 2002, 05:11
I would be happy to help you, but......... what is a ISP?

29th Jul 2002, 08:11
Internet Service Provider.
Might have some other name in other parts of the world.
Something like AOL, etc, but I really want to avoid AOL if possible.

29th Jul 2002, 17:06
Amazingly, AOL is one of the cheapest !
I pay 15 Euros months, illimited connection time & phone call.

29th Jul 2002, 20:48
That's true, AOL is one of the cheapest, but beware, the ISP sometimes want you to sign 1 year contract, so if you stay just a couple of months, check this too

29th Jul 2002, 21:30
Thanks, guys - Unless something better comes up I'll have to go AOL then ... :(